Citizens of the Kingdom of God

Growing up, I always wondered why I never felt patriotic about my citizenry, why ticking the “White-British” box on forms didn’t excite me, and why I always felt there must be more to my identity.

Giving my life to Christ was the first step I took toward exploring what that “something more” might be. Joining Compassion International was the second step.

Over the past two and a half years, God has opened my eyes to the bigger picture of which we are all a part. Our commission is to make disciples of all nations, acting as Jesus’ hands and feet during our time on earth, seeing children, families, and communities released from spiritual and physical poverty in His name.

children playing in schoolyard

God further revealed the reality of this to me when I spent some time in Rwanda last year. During a discussion with some friends I’d made there, I was struck by how much I loved these brothers and sisters, with whom I am united in Christ.

And even more so in that moment I was bowled over by the certainty of where we are heading as a family. As it says in Philippians 3:20, “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

What spurs me on is that although we may never meet the people we work with throughout the Compassion family while here on earth, we know that “as surely as the sun rises, [Jesus] will appear” (Hosea: 6:3), and our entire family will come together, praising our heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ together, forever and ever.

But our citizenship is in heaven. — Philippians 3:20a, NIV

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your love that covers this earth and for your Holy Spirit that lives within each one of us. God, may we live each day with an eternal perspective, eagerly seeking and serving you until you call us home. Amen.

Philippians chapter 2 verse 2 banner

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joanna Loynes works in Sponsor Donor Ministry for Compassion UK.

Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.

2 Comments |Add a comment

  1. FEBC November 1, 2012

    Great article. I was struck by your comment of never meeting the people you work with, until we see them in heaven. I feel the same way in my workplace. I work with a Christian missions organization called FEBC, and similarly, I interact through email with people overseas who I may never meet, who are ministering to people in their own country, whom I will never meet. It’s encouraging to know we are all part of the same citizenship, but at the same time very challenging to have the disconnect. Thanks for your post!

  2. Tondja Woods October 30, 2012

    Great thought. Thanks for sharing

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