Life Expectancy Rates

Life expectancy rates

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  1. Chris Giovagnoni March 9, 2009

    The answer is:

    True. Life expectancy in the least developed countries averages 55 years, as compared with 79 years in industrialized countries.

    In fact, in most of Africa, average life expectancy is only 50 years.

    At any given time, close to half of all people in developing countries suffer from a health problem caused by water and sanitation deficits.

    For people in the the developing world, illness, job loss, drought or even pregnancy can mean the difference between life and death.

    (Sources:;, November 2008)

  2. Juli Jarvis February 27, 2009

    Oh, and I meant to say — this is one of the best photos I’ve ever seen! Love it! I would join those kids for a cuddle in the straw any day (even if it makes me sneeze! — I’m allergic to hay rides too).

  3. Juli Jarvis February 27, 2009

    False, it’s half that

  4. Becky Bazett-Jones February 27, 2009

    False- It is not 1/3

  5. Jill Foley February 27, 2009

    false….life expectency is HALF of the high-income world

  6. Kelly @ Love Well February 27, 2009

    I’ve heard that statistic before, but it’s still startling. Here in the U.S., many of us see our lives just hitting their stride at 40. Friends are still having babies, careers are being fine-tuned, life is starting to settle in.

  7. Sara Benson February 27, 2009

    False, It is half the expectancy of the high-income world.

  8. Jo February 27, 2009

    It is false

  9. Judith Tremblay February 27, 2009

    False; it’s about half.

  10. Chuck Guth February 27, 2009

    False- it is half of the high income world…avg life expectancy is 40 years in poor countries as contrasted to 80 years otherwise

  11. Brittany February 27, 2009

    False…it’s 1/2 that in the high-income world.

    On average, people in poorest countries only live to be about 40, whereas people in the high-income world live to be about 80.

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