What Is My Calling?

Eleven years after graduating from college, I started to question God about my life: “Have I done enough?” “Have I been good enough?” I hoped to have more and to be more than what I had and what I was then.

I started saying to myself: “I wish I were him,” or “I wish I were her.” All these thoughts led me to feel dissatisfied.

As a believer, I have been taught that God calls us to be His servants and that He has called us for His special purposes. Some friends claim they are working on their calling, while some claim they are still looking for their calling.

I humbly questioned God about what my calling was. Reflecting on the past years, I see how God has been working in my life. Through periods of time, He has been shaping me.

I see my life is my calling. In every work and in every moment, He calls me to serve Him — not to do something great, but to do something right and kind with whatever He has given me, no matter the size.

Three women pray with a young boy

Ministry staff serving on the field in Indonesia.

I realize the main problem is not what I have or what I do not have. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are merely in my heart. When I start grumbling about my dissatisfaction or start craving someone else’s position, I am just denying my true calling.

Our leaders in this ministry have set many big goals for the coming years. Let us remember that whatever our talents are and whatever positions we hold, God has equipped us well and has called us to be exactly where we are. Let us support each other; let us be one in Spirit.

“. . . as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” —Matthew 20:28, NIV

Prayer Father, in the name of Jesus, please make us see the big things through the little things you have entrusted to us. May we keep pure hearts to be good servants, bringing your glory all over the world through our ministry.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lina Sukmawidjaja serves as the Country Director Assistant for Compassion Indonesia.

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