
yellow photos Yellow is the color of sunshine. It’s associated with joy, happiness, intellect and energy. It’s an optimistic color, one that communicates a brighter future for children in poverty.

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157624515212857″]

5 Comments |Add a comment

  1. julie August 11, 2010

    [quote comment=”18611″] How about making some calendars with some of these photos?[/quote]

    Lindy, I second that idea! It’s brilliant! Why not, Compassion? We already have the photos!

    1. Chris Giovagnoni August 11, 2010

      It’s a great idea. I agree. So do many of our employees. The calendars we’ve made in the past have been popular among employees and sponsors. However, getting print calendars together is quite the costly project, from a time, effort and money standpoint. To get around that, we tried making calendars available for individuals to order online, but that became cost prohibitive too. So the decision was made to stop and direct our energy in other more programmatic directions. But the idea is always in the back of our minds. I can assure you of that. Maybe if an opportunity presents itself …

  2. Lindy August 7, 2010

    I can’t remember if I’ve commented on any of these “color blogs” in the past. Each group has been so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them with us, and I hope you can keep finding new color themes for a very long time! How about making some calendars with some of these photos?

  3. Sherry W. August 7, 2010

    This is the bright spot of my week! Love this series; thanks.

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