Meet a Family Making the Most of What God Has Given

Scott, Cyndi and their four young boys love good matches of all kinds. They enjoy sports matches, especially those broadcast by Scott’s employer, ESPN. They love matching the birthdays of their sponsored Compassion children to their own young sons’ birthdays. And they love the benefit of matching gifts through Scott’s parent company, Disney, to the family’s Compassion donations.
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David Choi has been sponsoring a child through Compassion since he was a teenager growing up in Australia. When he moved to the U.S. for work in 2014, he began sponsoring a boy from Uganda who was the same age as his eldest son. Now, with two active boys and a career in product marketing for a Fortune 100 technology company, David stays busy, but there are two annual reminders on his calendar that are very important to him.
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Maximizing the Match: Two Families Share How
Matching gift programs are an amazing way to ensure your donations have the biggest impact possible. Learn from two families how to maximize your match!

Inspiring Millennials: How This 25-Year-Old Built a School for Children in Poverty
A “God Drop” is how Laura Hoke describes the salary offer she received her senior year in college from a large FORTUNE 500 corporation where she had worked as a marketing intern the prior summer. “I knew right away that God was entrusting me with those resources to do something special,” says Laura.