Delivering Hope

Sponsored children receive letters from their sponsors. Unsponsored children do not.

Andrea, one of the Compassion workers and our translator, told me that the only time there is a true distinction between a child who is unsponsored and a child who is sponsored is when letters are handed out. It’s a little bit like the unsponsored children are wearing scarlet letters.

This Christmas things are different. We came to Ecuador to hand deliver the Christmas cards you created for the unsponsored children.

two young girls holding photos

To date your Christmas Cards have been delivered to the Embajadores de Dios Student Center and the Nuevo Amanecer Student Center! Some of the facilitators at other centers have already gone to the Compassion Ecuador office to pick up cards for their centers as well!

Now, I’m going to be honest: handing out the cards has been a little awkward for me. It seems that the children don’t quite know what to make of them, at first. They examine them carefully, watching as I hand cards out to the other children, and then quietly compare their cards with the other kids in the room.

But then there’s a change. I start hearing their little voices mumbling and I look around to see that they’re reading their cards. Each face wearing a very intent and serious look as they grasp their cards and read them aloud.

Enter celebration!

group of children holding cards and letters

After the children read their cards they walk around, waving them in the air, excited to have received a letter!

I can’t express what truly beautiful moments these have been. You’ve caused such great joy and excitement and I believe the cards caused such a stirring in their little hearts. I never saw one card abandoned or laid down. They clung to them, they waved them in the air, and they read them over and over.

Thank you for making this possible.

Watch delivering hope and subscribe to Compassion YouTube for more stories.

7 Comments |Add a comment

  1. Kees Boer February 2, 2013

    This is really cool…. I have a little girl in that center. I kept looking for her….



  2. Sarah April 23, 2011

    I never keep Christmas cards, but just after Christmas 2010, I felt the “need” to keep all of our cards for some reason. I thought of paper slicing the front of each card off, and using them as toppers for home-made cards this year. I became a Compassion sponsor earlier this month, and after reading about being able to send Christmas cards to unsponsored children yesterday I went to fetch the bag of Christmas 2010’s kept cards. I’ve counted 9and sliced!) 41 card toppers to make home-made ones. I’m getting busy! I am also going to invite my church to send a card, two per person if they can manage. I’m going to challenge our church, and including 41 homemade cards … 200 cards will be the target! Roll on September when I get them all started! Ha! Thank you for this video, it’s such a blessing to see a little one blessed by a lovely card at Christmastime.

  3. Maria December 20, 2010

    I made a card and am SO glad that this helped brighten an unsponsored child’s day!!

  4. Rachel December 16, 2010

    Thank you for sharing this! The little girl in the video is reading one of the cards that I made! It was such a special blessing to be able to see her on a video and hear her voice.

  5. Debbie Beghetto December 16, 2010

    I have never found the card on display which I ‘ve made yet I do hope it was printed and was given to a very special unsponsor child in Ecuador.

  6. Lisa December 14, 2010

    p.s. And thank you to all of the people behind the scenes who made this happen. I know there are a lot of wonderful folks who work hard to put these things together. I don’ t know your names, but I am thanking God for you today!

  7. Lisa December 14, 2010

    Oh wow, this just absolutely made my day. Thank you Brianne, thank you DaySpring, (you’re my new fav company!) 🙂

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