Do You See Jesus in the Face of Others?

A baby lay dying in his mother’s arms as she frantically rushed him into the hotel lobby where Bolivia sponsor tour members gathered after the day’s development center visits.

She had no money for a doctor and hoped someone would help. We quickly collected funds, and a Compassion staff member rushed the mother and her child to a doctor.

The situation turned out to be very serious, but the baby received medication and improved by morning.

No one thought twice about joining together to get the job done. It was effortless to help a child in need because we know how much God values children.

Working at Compassion, I’ve learned to value children as God does. But do I remember that God values each person I come into contact with as much as He values me?

In the midst of high volumes of work, meetings, and personal burdens, showing value to those I work with can lose priority. It’s easy to forget that each coworker, vendor, and volunteer was designed by God as a specific piece of the puzzle in His perfect plan.

Years ago we used the unofficial tag line “for the kids, for the kingdom.” That tag line reminded us that in everything we do we are to be united in Christ and part of His kingdom. There can be no unity in our ministry without respect for God’s plan and purpose for each person.

Mother Teresa said she saw Jesus in every face she saw. Do you see Jesus in the faces of those around you?

close up of young boy in yellow shirt

When you do, you will desire to be like-minded with Him — having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.

Now, may God enable you to truly value others as we labor in unity for God’s children and His kingdom. To Him be honor and glory forever.

“Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. In humility value others above yourselves.” Philippians 2:2-3, NIV

Prayer: Father, you gave us value on the cross by redeeming us. You have graciously blessed our lives with a purpose and a plan. Help us to encourage others in their God-given purpose as we unite to accomplish your plan for Compassion. Amen!

Philippians chapter 2 verse 2 banner

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Desiree Bustamante is a Prospect Researcher in Constituent Development – USA Division. She works directly with our donor relationship managers, identifying and researching potential donors who will support the Leadership Development, Child Survival and other Compassion programs.

Read all the One in Spirit devotionals. 

11 Comments |Add a comment

  1. Irene kituku June 29, 2020

    Thank God for the power of cross

  2. Etienne Muhoza Mugema May 8, 2020

    Thank you Lord for the power from Cross.

  3. Catherine Wamiti May 7, 2020

    Yes, i choose to see Jesus in the face of others

  4. Sheila O May 5, 2020

    Timely post for me today. If I can see the face of Jesus in the faces of people who cross my path, day to day I can be much kinder. Everyone is on a journey. Everyone has deep longings and personal needs. There is great wisdom in the secular phrase to not judge another person until you have walked a mile in theirs shoes. I don’t know the full extent of what anyone else is facing. Jesus help me.

  5. Becca July 13, 2012

    I feel blessed seeing someone always happy as if no problem going through.

  6. Rebecca April 23, 2011

    I try to do this, to see Jesus in all the people I meet. With children it is usually pretty easy, but sometimes with others it is a bit harder.

    For example, it is easy to see Jesus in the abandoned or beaten child, bit it is not as easy to see Jesus in the absent or abusive father. But Jesus talks about this too…if he told us just to love our friends, thats easy, but he also and more importantly says to love our enemies.

    Thank you for this beautiful post and reminder that God values every person, and he desires for all to be saved. In the words of Max Lucado, I pray I may build bridges to Christ rather than walls.

  7. Michelle Jimenez April 22, 2011

    “Mother Teresa said she saw Jesus in every face she saw. Do you see Jesus in the faces of those around you?”

    Thank you for helping me remember that we are all–every one of us–created in His image and loved by Him no matter what.

  8. Debbie Beghetto April 19, 2011

    Yes I do see the face of Jesus of others. When I first saw my sponsor in mexico, is like going to see Jesus in his hometown. Gosh I was thrilled.Seeing other children there, seeing them so happy and they have witness seeing the face of Jesus in me. Love is what you see in the heart. Mother Teresa did truly sees the face of Jesus in the heart of a child.

  9. Mike Stephens April 18, 2011


    In one of the most profound ways in my life, as I was cleaning windows I saw a young lady and felt as if I was looking at Jesus or maybe she was just that beautiful! hahahahha!

  10. Vicki Small April 17, 2011

    The first time I was in Colorado Springs–too long ago!–I was standing in the chapel/assembly room at Compassion’s Global Ministry Center. Large photographs of children hang on the walls, and one in particular struck me with such power; I could hardly move my eyes from it. And as I looked at it, I felt that I was looking into the very face of God.

    Sadly, no, I don’t often remember that I ought to be seeing Jesus in every face I see. And the question comes to mind, do many people see the face of Jesus in me?

  11. Carol April 16, 2011

    What a great reminder of how we are to look at those around us! Desiree, you did a great job of reminding us. And, yes I remember that tag line, ‘for the kids, for the kingdom’. I just wrote my sponsored children this week, infact, one of them today. He reminded me of how much he loved receiving my letters and also that there are children who don’t receive letters from their sponsors. So, I pray that every one who reads this blog today, will take time to write their child/children.

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