Why We Should Care About Honduras

Honduras crisis This is the byline on a recent op-ed piece in The Miami Herald:
“Edouard Lassegue is the Vice President of the Latin America and Caribbean Region at Compassion International, the world’s largest Christian child development organization.”

And this is why Edouard says we should care about what is happening in Honduras:

Poverty in Central American countries is the foundation for all other social justice issues. Honduras maintains an unemployment rate of 28 percent, and two-thirds of its citizens live below the poverty line. The instability the country is currently experiencing is not rooted in politics — it is social. It is hopelessness and destitution.

When Central American economies fail to produce opportunities and jobs — and if governments cannot protect citizens — populist demagogues promising reform but continuing the status quo are elected.

Where poverty flourishes, crime and corruption flourish. This is what we are currently witnessing in Honduras.

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  1. Elise July 29, 2009

    In addition to Lassegue’s point, I’d add that the poor are probably the most hurt in the current situation because of their vulnerability to slight changes in the Honduran economy and political climate. I’ve found this website to be helpful in making sense of what’s going on in Honduras: http://www.ajs-us.org/honduras_political_crisis.htm. It’s run by the Association for a More Just Society, an organization that works in Honduras advocating for the poor and marginalized. I got to know their work a little while I was studying in Honduras and have found their coverage balanced and easy to follow.

  2. Amy Wallace July 29, 2009

    Honduras is in my prayers, along with all the Compassion children there, including my Alessandro.

  3. Chuck Guth July 29, 2009

    Having visited Honduras twice and sponsoring 4 children there it is close to my heart. I totally understand what he is saying. I have seen it! Honduras is in my prayers….

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