Who Are the Diamonds in Your Community?

The House of Diamonds Student Center in El Guanabano, Honduras, serves people whose livelihood is found in garbage. But that doesn’t mean they’re garbage themselves.

You can also view the The Diamonds of El Guanabano Honduras video on YouTube.


5 Comments |Add a comment

  1. Maynor November 5, 2011

    hello! Is there any way we can be in contact with this organization? I’m from Honduras and there is an upcoming project and I think they could be interested. I will appreciate a response!

  2. Amber Sweigart October 29, 2011

    I have been to that dump. It was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever experienced. They need Jesus and all the help they can get. If I ever got to go back, I would in a heartbeat.

  3. William October 29, 2011

    I couldn’t agree more with you, Tania.

  4. Katie Axelson October 29, 2011

    This absolutely beautiful! I love the final line, “No queremos simplemente sacarlo del crematorio; queremos el crematorio salga de su corazón” because it spans the world. It’s something we all need: to get the dumpsite out of our hearts. On the other hand, this video put the dumpsite ON my heart.


  5. Barb October 26, 2011

    Beautifully stated…thank you Tania and the House of Diamonds Student Center for all that you do!!

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