At the beginning of the year, we asked you what you wanted to know about writing letters to the children you sponsor. And for today’s Compassion Letter Club, we’re going to answer a question on Instagram that many sponsors wanted to know.
“Are sponsored children truly happy to receive letters?” — @agrant302
We are here to say, “Yes!” But we wanted you to hear straight from some of the people who know them well. They are people who are praying for the students and walking alongside them just as you are — the pastor at their child development center!

Oscar Torres, 21, went from being sponsored in our program to being the pastor of one of our church partners in Nicaragua. He gets to help more children just like him.
We heard from the pastors of our local church partners about what it is like when the child you sponsor receives your letters and the impact you have on their lives … and their answers blew us away!
“The children are always excited when they receive a letter from their sponsor. They dance around and show the letter to their friends and teachers. The letters make the world a little smaller for them as it brings their sponsor close to them. Sponsor letters can make a lifelong impact on the life of a child. The letters encourage the children to work harder at the center and inspire them to reach their dreams.” — Pastor Kwasi Edudzi Aziakpati, Togo

“Every letter received represents a glimmer of hope and balms our children’s hearts.” — Pastor Pascal Bonkoungou, Burkina Faso
“Every kid is special and unique, and each one of them is looking forward to getting a letter from their sponsor. Last year, we had a Sponsor Visit, and it changed the lives of the children. They always ask about their sponsors, but what was more astonishing for our center was that sponsors came from far away and cried when they saw their children. They cried for love!” — Pastor Fredy Romero, Ecuador

“A child is always glad to get a letter from their sponsor. They feel that they are not alone in the battle of life.” — Pastor Joseph Negot Formela, Haiti
“I have heard [from the children] that a handwritten letter contains in itself the love that slipped through the tips of the fingers of the sponsor and dripped words on the paper. A letter has the strength of unspoken words; it strengthens ties as well as surprises. And it is one of the simplest ways to demonstrate the value we give to someone.” — Pastor Ailton José Alves, Brazil

“For our children to receive a letter from their sponsor is an experience of affection and great appreciation. We see this in their expressions when receiving them. On the contrary, when a sponsor has not written to them for a long time, they become sad and many lose motivation. The letters from you are so important. I can tell you this myself, as I was once a sponsored child, too. The words from sponsors make so much impact on each child.” — Pastor Wellington Argenis Tavarez Tejeda, Dominican Republic
What you are writing is so important! We know it can be intimidating to communicate by writing, especially when those words cross cultures and borders. The words you write, no matter how often, consistently have a huge impact on the child receiving them.
Never forget that when they hear “I believe in you” or “I am praying for you” from you they are overwhelmed with joy to know that a person so far away has taken the time to care for them and love them.
Send a glimmer of hope and make a child smile today!
For more letter inspiration, be sure to join our Compassion Letter Club collaborative board on Pinterest to share and get more ideas for your letter-writing relationship with that special kiddo!

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I would like to email the pastor of my two girls in Tanzania; I have written asking for his email but
you keep sending me endless emails that have no interest to me…I want to know more about the girls
please send his email..I am away from my desk to send his name again…look at my request in May 2018
Ann, I am deeply sorry for any concern or frustration caused by not receiving a clear answer from us in the past regarding communication with your girl’s pastor. I hear your heart for this ministry and your desire to build a meaningful relationship with Rahel and Joyce. We are so grateful for the love and care you have for your precious girls! Regrettably, due to privacy, security, and capacity reasons, we are not able to facilitate direct communication between sponsors and pastors of the churches we partner with. However, if you would like to leave a small note for your children’s pastor in your letters to your girls, your message may be relayed to the pastor through either your girls or their tutor. Please know that our heart for the ability to correspond with your children is to foster relationships. If you would like to learn more about your kiddos, I encourage you to ask questions in your letters :). If you don’t receive an answer right away, please don’t feel discouraged. Children will typically take their letters home and keep them in a safe place, but they sometimes forget to bring them back on letter writing day. Therefore, you may have to ask the same question a couple of times for them to remember to answer you. I also encourage you to highlight, underline, or list out your questions to make them stand out in your letters. This usually helps a lot! 🙂 Your letters of love and support give your girls the message that they have value, worth, and are loved. They confirm that someone far away in the United States thinks they are valuable enough to write to and care for. Your letters and cards will make a major difference in their lives! If you have any additional questions or concerns, we would be happy to help you via email at [email protected]. Have a blessed day!