Sharing a Moment in Time

In his book Just a Minute, Wess Stafford asks the question,

“How long does it take to change a child’s life?”

And he answers that question with,

“It takes just a minute.”

a moment in time

Just. One. Minute.

a moment in time

Time is something valuable to all of us. We need time to care for ourselves and our loved ones … to go to work, to clean our homes.

moment in time

And we need time to do things like worship, play and rest.

moment in time a moment in time

However we choose to use them, the minutes of our day matter. Whether it’s taking a minute to share a fun photo for a book giveaway or the minutes taken to encourage a sponsored child through letter writing, our time is precious.

So thank you to all who shared a precious moment in time with us by posting your clock photos on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. And what’s more — thank you for every moment you take to honor the lives of children living in poverty through sponsorship.

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