Grow in the Lord With a Good Book: The Hobbit

Black and white poster titled Hobbit with mountains and a sunset in the backgroundntains and a sunset titled Hobbit

Whether J.R.R. Tolkien’s story of Bilbo Baggins’ adventure is familiar or foreign, few can question the genuine pleasure reading it imparts.

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Grow in the Lord With a Good Book: The Armageddon Factor

a book titled the Armageddon Factor

How would better understanding non-Christians’ fears about Christianity change how you live out your faith, if at all?

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recommended reading just do something

Grow in the Lord With a Good Book: Just Do Something

This book offers the kind of practical help that frees us from being stuck in endless cycles of worry and indecision and allows us to better “seek first the kingdom of God.” It’s so uncomplicated and maybe even a little liberating.

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stained glass ceiling

Grow in the Lord With a Good Book: Church History in Plain Language

Because we don’t know what God has done in the past, we have difficulty understanding and appreciating what’s happening in the present and future.

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a book with a bent over page sitting on a rough wood shelf

Grow in the Lord With a Good Book: Knowing God

Over the next few weeks we want to encourage you to read a few good books that will benefit your walk with the Lord in 2013.

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