These Joyful Stories Will Fill You With Wonder

This month in our “Totally Worth It” series, we’re spotlighting stories that fill us with wonder. They really put the wind in our sails and encourage us to push forward in addressing the many facets of poverty.
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In this month’s “Totally Worth It,” we’re highlighting some technologies and stories that will remind you that young hearts and minds have the power to change the future of poverty in the world.
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What Does Healthy Child Development Look Like in Poverty?
In this month’s “Totally Worth It,” learn what’s new in the field of child development and how Compassion implements holistic child development in developing countries.

The Day of Recognizing World Days of Recognition
There are days recognizing almost everything — puppies, storms, doughnuts, etc. For March’s edition of “Totally Worth It,” we’re highlighting a few world days of recognition we think deserve a little extra attention. We’re declaring today as Totally Worth It Day!

Receive Love. Give Love. Repeat.
Around here, we believe Valentine’s Day is every day. It’s the second greatest commandment from Jesus that inspires our work: to love your neighbor as yourself. So for February’s installment of “Totally Worth It,” our series designed to ignite compassion through inspiring stories and news, we’re focusing on people in the Compassion family who are spreading that crazy little thing called love.

Who Is Making History in the World of Poverty?
We believe the solution to making poverty history in our world begins with our children. Invest in their development, give them the right tools, and empower them to become history makers and world changers themselves. What better way to start off 2017 than by taking a look at some stories that highlight the people and developments that are are making history in the world of poverty? From new technology, to thousands of new sponsors, to Compassion Alumni fighting corruption, here is what we think is “Totally Worth It” this month.

Totally Worth It: What in the World Happened in 2016?
If you’re like me, you are welcoming 2017 with open arms. Forget you, 2016. You were hard! Bring it in for a hug, 2017. I will be walking boldly away from a year where our world faced hurt, hate and heartache. But if you’re really like me, you also don’t want to head into the new year without looking back and seeing, really seeing and celebrating, the joy amongst the trials. What happened in 2016 – in the world, the Compassion world, your world?

Totally Worth It: Reflecting on What’s Good
This month for our Totally Worth It series, we’re asking you to reflect. It’s easy to concentrate on what’s been hard in your life — to focus on everything that’s bad. Our hope is that this month’s news and stories will reflect God’s goodness and truth. And we hope you’ll be inspired to reflect on what’s good in your life, too … because you are totally worth it.

Totally Worth It: Some Peace for Our World
As your friend, we want to help ignite your compassion for kids, God’s church and those struggling under the weight of poverty around the world. So here in our second, monthly installment of Totally Worth It, we’ve got the happenings with Hurricane Matthew in Haiti and other noteworthy things that we hope will inspire you and fill your head and heart. We’re taking our cue from Nobel Peace Prize announcement today. With all the weight of the world’s hurt pushing down on us, we think we could all use more peace to lift us up.

Totally Worth It: Curated News and Stories to Ignite Compassion
We’re keenly aware that you don’t need more clutter in your digital lives. That’s where this new series comes in. “Totally Worth It” is our latest Compassion Blog series that is jam packed with stuff we think is totally worth knowing about … .news, events, pictures, stories, sponsors, you name it!