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A Little Can Mean a Lot

Our SpotLINK guest contributor today is A. She currently serves as a worship leader and choir director. She blogs at Be Thou My Vision and co-maintains Women in Worship, a site connecting Christian women who are passionate about worshiping and serving God through music and the arts.

I remember when I first felt God leading me to sponsor a child through Compassion. I was reading Extravagant Worship by worship leader Darlene Zschech and discovered Compassion’s information waiting for me on the book’s final pages.

I began sponsoring a girl in Honduras, wanting to do something to make a difference in her life. How humbling it was when I received a letter she sent after a gift received during the holidays enabled her family to buy items that we often take for granted, such as a pair of shoes and three pairs of socks. This letter brought tears to my eyes and makes me ache to do even more to help those in need!

As a blogger myself, I caught on to what Anne Jackson is doing at and have begun featuring at least one child on my blog weekly, particularly those who have been waiting to be sponsored for six months or more. It excites me when I find each week’s featured child has been sponsored!

Compassion also has many wonderful widgets that can help you make a difference by featuring children in need on your Web site, blog and even Facebook. Also, don’t forget to venture to where bloggers share their stories about Compassion and even join in on a trip to visit Compassion and the children whose lives are being changed.

Though it may seem miniscule, bloggers have a great advantage in reaching out just by bringing needy children to the attention of others who God may lead to sponsor them.

What about you? Do you sponsor a child? If you already do, could you help further by blogging about other children in need?

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