Saving Lives, One Mother and Baby at a Time
Imagine saving the lives of 25,000 mothers and babies — that’s the heart of The Fight for First, a lifesaving initiative from Compassion International. By funding 500 survival centers, this campaign aims to provide families living in extreme poverty with:
- Crucial prenatal support.
- Nutrition.
- Medical care.
- Spiritual guidance.
For too many, the first year of life is marked by devastating loss. Every year, 2.6 million babies in poverty don’t survive the first 28 days, and nearly 830 women die each day from pregnancy complications. This isn’t just a statistic — these are mothers and babies in desperate need of help.
The Fight for First’s mission is one of hope, fueled by passionate advocates, including professional athletes using their platforms to make a difference. Let’s explore how their efforts are driving change and inspiring others to join the fight for mothers and babies.
Jaccob and Kylie Slavin: Fighting for Firsts That Truly Matter
Professional ice hockey player Jaccob Slavin and his wife, Kylie, are champions of The Fight for First. As parents, they cherish their children’s milestones — the first smile, the first steps, the first birthday. But for many families in poverty, those “firsts” feel heartbreakingly out of reach.
“Mothers and babies are literally in the fight for their lives,” said Jaccob.
“Athletes know how important firsts are. You fight for your first NHL game, your first NHL goal, your first Stanley Cup. So do moms. They fight for their baby’s first smile, first steps and first birthday. We’re in a great position to help fight for those firsts.”
For Kylie, this cause hits close to home. “Like so many parents, I’ve experienced worry caring for our children when they’re seriously sick or injured,” shared Kylie.
“But I always knew that we’d be able to rely on a team of medical professionals who would guide us through how to care for them. Sadly, that’s not the experience of many mothers and their babies around the world living in extreme poverty. When their baby gets sick or injured — often with an illness that’s considered preventable for most of us — they often have nowhere to turn for medical care.”
The Slavins are backing their words with action by pledging to match donations, calling on others to join their lifesaving mission. Together they’re proving that the most meaningful victories happen when we uplift one another.
Pro Punters Turn Precision Into Purpose
Professional football punters are teaming up for a cause bigger than football. Led by professional punter Bradley Pinion and his wife, Kayleigh, along with Tress Way and others, Punts for Purpose is transforming on-field precision into real-world impact.
“Dedicating my punts this season to Punts for Purpose allows me to be part of something bigger than myself,” shared Tress.
“We might be opponents on the field, but this week, we’re on the same team, doing what we can on the field to help 25,000 babies and their moms make it to their first birthday.”
Through their dedication, these punters are showing how even small actions — like a small punt — can create lasting change for families in need.
Football Players Champion Compassion Through “My Cause My Cleats”
This season, Professional football players Hunter Henry, Bradley Pinion, Tress Way and Case Keenum are lacing up for more than just football. Through My Cause My Cleats, each player’s custom cleats highlight their commitment to Compassion and the fight to help moms and babies not just survive but thrive.
“Living past your first birthday seems commonplace to us in America, but in many places around the world, there are infants fighting for their lives every day,” said pro athlete Bradley Pinion.
By stepping onto the field with cleats that share a powerful story, these athletes are raising awareness and encouraging fans to join in. Their message is clear: The greatest victories aren’t on the scoreboard but in the lives forever changed by compassion.
Champion Hope for Moms and Babies
Every mom deserves hope, and every baby deserves a chance. Through Compassion’s Baby and Mom Survival program, you can help provide crucial prenatal care, medical attention and education to give mothers and babies the chance to thrive.