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Complacent Christianity Never Achieves Anything

What do you think is the greatest threat facing our world today? Is it the danger of terrorist attacks, possible environmental disasters, collapse of global economies, or the rise of immoral lifestyles? What if it’s none of the above? What if the real threat is a complacent Church?

The Church is made up of you and me ― the Body, the Bride of Christ. The “enemy” already has the world: the unbelievers and all those who follow false religions. Now, he’s going after the one true prize that could foil his plans for ultimate destruction ― the Church.

As our ministry works to build on a culture of trust, oneness, empowerment and a pursuit of excellence in everything we do, who do you think is working against us? That’s why it’s so important that we do not fall into complacent Christianity. Instead, we need to be cognizant Christians.

The cognizant Christian life happens when you read the Bible because you want to; you’re hungry for God’s Word ― not because you have to for a prayer group you might be leading.

It happens when you’re honest before God about a struggle you’re dealing with instead of reciting nice, but empty words that make you sound more like a pageant contestant than a repentant follower of Christ.

Basically, the cognizant Christian life happens when you remember why you are serving God in the first place ― because you love Him.

So, if you’re experiencing a conflict at work or at home, a doubt or pain that just won’t go away, how do you fight it?

You fight it by putting aside the deeds of darkness or complacency, and putting on the armor of light.

Complacent religion never achieves anything. Continuous and courageous prayers do.

“And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. … So, let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” ― Romans 13:11-12 (NIV)

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