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4 Ways Letter Writing Benefits You and the Child You Sponsor

Young woman wearing a white shirt and a blue and white checkered apron. She is sitting at a table outside and is reading letters from her sponsor.

OK, so I need to make a confession … I’m not as good as I should be at writing letters to my sponsored child. And I make all sorts of reasonable excuses for it, too:

“My life is already so busy with my work and kids that it’s hard to find the time.” “I feel like I just wrote a letter a couple months ago.” (It was 10 months ago.) “I need to wait until I have more to say.” “My letters don’t really matter anyway.”

I don’t know if you can relate to any of these. If you can, you’re definitely not alone. And you’re not a bad sponsor. Even if you never wrote a single letter to your sponsored child but you remained committed to their support while they worked with their church leaders and staff at their Compassion center to grasp the vision that God has planned for their future, you’d be making a profound difference in your sponsored child’s life.

That said, writing letters does some have amazing benefits, not only to your sponsored child but to you! And, yes, I am writing this blog to remind myself of that as I hope to encourage anyone else who struggles with writing.

So let’s take a look at four benefits of writing letters to your sponsored child:

1. It deepens empathy …

Without writing letters to correspond with your sponsored child, it’s hard to know what is actually going on in his or her life beyond the basics. You’ll receive regular updates on how they are progressing, but you may not feel involved. Through exchanging letters, you can ask questions and share about yourself. That may make your sponsored child more comfortable sharing the details of their life and their struggle with poverty with you. When you learn more about your sponsored child’s story, your opportunity to deepen your empathy for your sponsored child expands.

How that benefits the child:

There are so many ways deepened empathy can benefit your sponsored child.

How that benefits you:

Empathizing with someone else’s experience and perspective is a great regular practice.

2. It helps develop curiosity …

By engaging with your sponsored child through letters, it’s only natural that questions will come up. You’ll want to know more about how your sponsored child lives and his or her specific situation, and he or she will want to know more about your life.

How that benefits the child:

How that benefits you:

3. It grows a greater understanding …

Through exchanging letters, you’ll learn more about how Compassion works, what your sponsored child’s time at Compassion is like, how the lessons and support are helping, and what else could be done (i.e., where else you can lend your support) to make things better.

Your child will also have a better understanding of why they should listen to his or her pastor, teachers and tutors and fully engage with all the Compassion program offers them.

How that benefits the child:

How that benefits you:

4. It inspires people everywhere …

It might be hard to imagine, but in many places where Compassion serves, people aren’t really used to getting letters at all, let alone from people living in foreign countries. So when a child receives a letter from their sponsor, it’s not uncommon for the whole village or community to know about it and want to know what it says.

How that benefits the child:

How that benefits you:

Writing letters to your sponsored child can be a hard thing to prioritize. But hopefully you see at least four reasons for why it might be something you’d want to do. (Yes, I’m talking to myself again here, too).

The simple fact is that through developing a real relationship with your sponsored child through exchanging letters, you should experience the joy of actively changing someone else’s life for the better in a more full and more fulfilling way.

So, make writing to your sponsored child a priority for this week. Here’s the link to write now if you’d like to write immediately. Otherwise, even just a short letter to say, “Hello! How are you?” is a great way to begin reaping the benefits of letter writing – for you and your sponsored child – this week!

Leave a comment below: What other benefits can you think of when it comes to letter writing?

International photography by Tigist Gizachew, Galia Oropeza and Juana Ordonez Martinez.

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