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6 Ways to Experience a Summertime Sabbath Rest

We can’t give God our best when we’re tired.

“Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while.” —Mark 6:31, NIV

The biblical concept of Sabbath is more than a day off work. It’s an intentional commitment to rest and have reflection and communion with God — a healthy balance to a busy week. When we’re fully rested, we can dedicate ourselves even more to our family, our co-workers, and most of all, to God.

This summer, we encourage you to take time to rest. Start with these tips:

  1. Pray and reflect.
    Set aside time to spend with God — in prayer, in His Word, and simply listening.
  2. Identify how you recharge.
    Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Are you re-energized by spending time with friends and family, or by spending time alone? Recognize the unique way God created you and choose restful activities that truly make you feel energized.
  3. Engage in recreational activities that you enjoy.
    Make time for hobbies and activities you might not allow during the work week.
  4. Make wise food choices.
    The food we eat directly impact our stress levels. Take advantage of healthy summer options like fresh seasonal produce.
  5. Get enough sleep.
    Sleep plays a key role in our health. Make sure you’re recharging your body with the proper amount of sleep.
  6. Stay active.
    Keep your body healthy with physical activities you enjoy — alone or with your family.

How do you recharge during the summer months? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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