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A Real Life

It felt like a hundred degrees. With a thousand percent humidity. And somehow, I found myself running laps around a dusty courtyard in Mexico, a laughing child on my back.

My job in Mexico was not, in fact, head piggyback-ride-giver. But that was certainly my role that afternoon.

I was there with a team to gather media content for some upcoming projects. I was quickly drawn in by a gaggle of giggling girls, though, and after the piggyback rides we settled in the shade. For 30 minutes we conducted an impromptu language lesson.

I pointed at my eyes.

“Ojos!” they shouted!

I pointed to a glittery butterfly on a little girl’s T-shirt.


I pointed at my arm.

“Blanco!” they said, dissolving into giggles. Yes, I was certainly white. More like “rosa” though in the hot sun.

Then we went around the circle and each girl told me her name, and I clumsily repeated them back, much to their delight.






There’s a reason I tell you about my Tuesday afternoon encounter in a dusty courtyard in Mexico. It’s because I know that each of those little girls has her face on a child packet somewhere.

Some of those faces smile from under a refrigerator magnet. Others are propped up on a desk or tucked into a Bible.

And then there are the ones that still sit in a plastic sleeve somewhere, waiting.

And by participating in Release3, you can end that wait. You can take three little children and introduce them to a sponsor. A sponsor who will write them letters and pray for them.

Because these are real children. Looking for real hope. And you can play a real part.

Change the life of three waiting children by joining Release3 today!

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