Charity Streaming: A New Way To Help Children in Poverty
Gamers, streamers and content creators across the world are participating in charity streaming, where they are using their time and talent to raise money for causes they are passionate about in partnership with their favorite nonprofit organizations — including Compassion.

One Sure Way to Create Meaningful Christmas Memories
I’m going to be honest with you: I love Christmas, but I’m not good at it. My wrapping skills are mediocre, my baking leaves something to be desired, and regardless of my best intentions, I’m usually scrambling through the Target aisles on Christmas Eve. However, what I lack in homemade magic, I make up for in memories.

How to Donate Bitcoin to Help Kids and Lower Your Tax Bill
You’ve probably been seeing more and more news about cryptocurrency lately, with people buying cars using bitcoin and some wealthy philanthropists donating as much as $1 billion in crypto to global COVID-19 relief.
Today we’ve got some more news: Compassion now accepts cryptocurrency donations. Here’s everything you need to know about why and how to donate bitcoin to fight poverty and reduce your tax bill.

Odette in Burkina Faso: “Would You Please Pray?”
This month, I want you to meet Odette, a supervisor in our Compassion Burkina Faso office. Odette shared about her own childhood, growing up in rural Burkina Faso in a large family that struggled in desperate poverty … I was touched by her story, and as a sponsor, I was incredibly moved by the way she compares the staff in Compassion Burkina Faso with the love of her amazing mother.

Why These Sports Stars are Supporting Compassion Children
In spring 2020, when 1,200 concerts and other live events were canceled, a huge challenge arose for Compassion — with no warning. Compassion’s field offices had already begun registering new children into programs, like they do every year. But when the pandemic arrived and planned gatherings around the world were canceled, Compassion no longer had the platform to share the message of sponsorship with the massive groups of people who would attend these events. As a result, 70,000 newly registered and vulnerable children no longer had an opportunity to connect with a sponsor.

Before and After Safe Water: 20 Powerful Photos
In northern Uganda, young Betty once faced a frustrating choice: walk nearly 4 miles to fetch water that cows and pigs also drank from, or drink from the nearby well, which was wriggling with worms.
For Betty, a safe water point changed everything. See for yourself! Meet Betty and other children whose lives changed after they gained access to safe drinking water.

6 Weekly Prayers for Children in Poverty This Lent
For the next 40 days (plus Sundays), Christians around the world will recognize the season of Lent. Please enjoy this mini Lent prayer guide that includes a portion of Scripture, thought and prayer for each week over the next six weeks. Also, because we know that you’re busy and juggling multiple priorities, we’ve included a set of prayer reminder cards!

How a Generous Sponsor Uses His Company Match to Maximize His Giving
David Choi has been sponsoring a child through Compassion since he was a teenager growing up in Australia. When he moved to the U.S. for work in 2014, he began sponsoring a boy from Uganda who was the same age as his eldest son. Now, with two active boys and a career in product marketing for a Fortune 100 technology company, David stays busy, but there are two annual reminders on his calendar that are very important to him.

How These Sponsors Raised $120,000 for Children in Poverty
Thinking about hosting a fundraiser for charity but not sure where to start? Matt Vermeer is a sponsor in Michigan who co-founded a golf fundraiser 10 years ago that has raised $120,000 for Compassion and helped find sponsors for 17 children! We asked him to share his secrets to hosting a successful fundraiser that people can’t wait to attend.

Let’s Make 2021 an Epic Year of Gratitude and Praise
The only way through hard times is … well, through it. You can’t go over, under or around difficult seasons. You simply plow through, one step at a time. Last year was hard. And that didn’t go away because the calendar flipped to 2021. But there is good still in the world.

See How Lives Can Change When You Donate Livestock
In 9-year-old Derick’s village in eastern Uganda, fathers have passed on poverty to their children for generations. Joseph, Derick’s father, was not going to be any different. It took a gift in the form of livestock to break the cycle.

Celebrate Giving Tuesday With COVID-19 Recovery
What better way to celebrate Giving Tuesday than with a gift to help families in poverty recover and rebuild? Compassion’s Gift Catalog is full of unique ways to make a big impact in the lives of children and their families. New this year are gifts specifically designed to help families impacted by COVID-19. Here are just a few of the gifts you can give this Giving Tuesday to help families overcome the devastating economic hardships caused by the pandemic.