As a parent or caregiver, one of the greatest things you’ll ever do is introduce your children to Jesus. But teaching kids about Jesus can seem like an intimidating task. How do you explain something so deep and meaningful? And how do you do it in a way that a child can understand?
The beauty of the gospel is that it’s simple. Here, you’ll find talking points to help you explain Jesus to your children with ease. You’ll also find tips, tricks and helpful resources to guide you along the way.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. — Proverbs 22:6, NIV
What’s Here:
- How to Explain Jesus to a Child: Simple Talking Points
- 6 Tips for Teaching Kids About Jesus
- Helpful Resources for You & Your Kids
- How to Explain Jesus to a Child FAQs
How to Explain Jesus to a Child: Simple Talking Points
Ready to learn how to explain Jesus to a child? Becoming a Christian begins by understanding who Jesus is and what he’s done for us. Below are simple talking points with Bible references that you can use to start the conversation about Jesus with your child.
Tip: Copy, paste and print these talking points for easy reference. You might even want to make your child a copy they can keep!
Explaining Jesus & the Gospel
- Talking point: We’re all born into sin. Sin is the wrong things we do that separate us from God, such as lying or stealing. The first man and woman who ever lived on earth, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God (Genesis 3). Because of their sin, we now live in a fallen world. All of us are born into sin. In fact, the Bible says that all of us have sinned and fallen short (Romans 3:23).
- Talking point: Sin separates us from God. God loves us SO much. But sin separated humankind from him (Isaiah 59:2). And because of that separation, sin only leads to death (Romans 6:23).
- Talking point: Jesus came to earth and lived like us but did no wrong. Jesus was sent from heaven and born to an earthly mom named Mary. He lived on earth, just like we do now. He ate, walked, hung out with his friends and spent time with his family. But Jesus also healed the sick, raised the dead and taught others how to be like him. Jesus was also without sin and did no wrong (2 Corinthians 5:21).
- Talking point: Jesus died and rose from the dead. Because God loves us so much, he sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins (John 3:16). He lived a sinless life, was crucified on a cross and then rose from the dead three days later.
- Talking point: We can now be forgiven and have eternal life. Jesus defeated sin and death, giving us victory (1 Corinthians 15:56-57).Now, because of his sacrifice, we can be completely forgiven of our sins and spend eternity with him (1 John 2:25).
- Talking point: Jesus is with us every day. Jesus now sits at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19). But he’s also with us every day.How? Through the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit lives inside of us and helps us, guides us and teaches us each day (John 14:25-26). For example, the Holy Spirit tells us when something is wrong so we can avoid sin and love others well.
6 Tips for Teaching Kids About Jesus
These talking points form the foundation a child needs to begin their relationship with Jesus. But we know that there’s so much more to learn! You can continue pouring truth into your little ones with these tips.
1. Make Daily Moments Teaching Moments
Experiencing Jesus and learning about him shouldn’t be reserved for Sundays. In fact, we can use everyday moments to teach our children more about Jesus and what it means to follow him.
For example, maybe your child tells you that they’re nervous about their upcoming soccer game. Take a moment to explain that Jesus cares about them and that we’re free to give our worries over to him (1 Peter 5:7).
Remember: Even the simplest of moments can have a big impact. Get creative! Does your child do the dinner dishes as a daily chore? Use that time to remind them that Jesus washed our sins away on the cross, making us clean (Isaiah 1:18).
Infusing Jesus into everyday moments shows your kids that a relationship with him is real, not just something you talk about.
2. Be Transparent About Your Faith in the Tough Moments
One of the best ways your kids can learn about Jesus is by watching you. Your kids are learning what it means to follow Jesus each day through your example. And that means even the less-than-perfect moments are prime opportunities to teach Jesus.
Think about this: You’ve had a hard day. You’re exhausted, overstimulated and on the verge of tears. Your little one is clamoring for your attention, and you feel yourself losing composure. In this moment, you have two choices: face it or save face.
Believe it or not, your little one needs to see you face it. They need to see you be real, throw your hands up in the air and ask Jesus to step in. Because when life throws its frustrations their way, they’ll know they can do the same.
We don’t have it all together, and that’s okay. But Jesus does. We can teach our little ones this truth by simply being transparent, even (and especially) in the hard times.
3. Pray and Read the Bible Together
To build a relationship with someone, we must spend time with them, right? The same goes for our relationship with Jesus. By spending time with him in prayer and by reading the Bible, your little ones can grow closer to him.
Teach your kids how to pray by praying together at specific times during your day. For example, maybe you can take a few minutes to pray during school drop-off or make prayer a more prominent part of your bedtime routine.
You can also teach your kids the importance of reading the Bible by doing so together daily. Not sure where to read? The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) tell Jesus’ story and are an excellent spot to start.
Tip: Take advantage of audio Bibles! Listening to the Bible is a great way to learn when you’re on the move (which is so often the case with kids). The YouVersion Bible App has an audio option built right in. Bible Gateway also has an audio Bible you can use to read any chapter you choose.
4. Listen to Worship Music Together
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. — Psalm 100:1-2, NIV
We know that praise is powerful. It allows us to remember all that Jesus has done for us and enables us to give what little we have back to him in worship. And by declaring the truth about Jesus in song, our little ones learn even more about who he is.
Throughout your day, listen to worship music together. You can choose your favorite songs or even worship songs made specifically for kids. Artists such as Yancy, Gateway Kids Worship and Rend Co. Kids make kid-friendly worship that your little ones will want to jam to for hours.
5. Serve Others Together
As we follow Jesus, our goal is to become more like him. We can teach our children to do just that by showing them the importance of Christian values such as empathy, peace, compassion and generosity.
One way to instill these values is to give your children opportunities to practice them like Jesus did. For example, teach your kids the importance of being compassionate and generous by helping those in need.
Volunteer for a local soup kitchen together, take a neighbor in need a meal or pray for those living in poverty during your prayer time each day. You could also give to a charity or even choose to sponsor a child in need.
6. Do Some Fun, Jesus-Centered Activities
Sometimes, kids learn better by doing. Jesus-centered activities are a great way to explain who Jesus is and what he’s done for us. Better yet, they can be super simple.
For example, why not try a scavenger hunt? Gather some things from around your home that help illustrate who Jesus is, such as a flashlight (he’s the Light of the world), an eraser (he erases our sins), etc. Hide them and let your kids run wild trying to find them.
Or take your little ones outside after the rain and let them jump around in muddy puddles. Bring them in and wash their feet. As you do, explain how Jesus can take our muddy toes and make them clean again too.
Remember: Keep it simple and use your imagination! Activities don’t have to be carefully planned and elaborate to be effective.
Helpful Resources for You & Your Kids
Discipling your children can be tough at times. But there are plenty of resources out there that can help. Here are some of our parent-approved favorites.
Compassion Explorer Magazine
Compassion Explorer magazine is a treasure trove of fun activities, games, devotionals and more that is sure to keep your kids’ attention. These resources can help you teach them about Jesus and topics he cares about, such as helping children in poverty.
For example, teach your kiddos how to love God with all their mind with this devotional, then talk about what you’ve learned while whipping up some yummy paletas.
BibleProject offers free resources, like videos and podcasts, that help children of all ages experience the Bible. Some of our favorite resources are their beautifully illustrated videos with messages that can help you and your little ones better understand Jesus and the truths found in God’s Word.
Not sure where to start? These videos dive deep into who Jesus is and what he’s done for us:
The Bible App for Kids
What kid doesn’t love their screen time? The Bible App for Kids is an animated adventure through the Bible. Using the free app, your kids can journey from Genesis to Revelation through interactive Bible stories.
Each story has a fun activity to complete, and your kiddos will receive stars as they move through each one.
The Jesus Storybook Bible
The Jesus Storybook Bible makes a perfect first Bible or a complement to the one you and your littles already read together. This Bible highlights the Savior, Jesus, and puts him at the center of every story, whether it’s found in the Old Testament or the New Testament.
Smaller kids will love the illustrations and understand the simplicity of the writing. However, older kids (and even adults) will see how every story connects, giving them a deeper understanding of God’s Word.
How to Explain Jesus to a Child FAQs
When Should You Talk to Your Kids About Jesus?
You can start teaching kids about Jesus at any age and any time! To make the biggest impact, be sure to think about what’s age appropriate. For example, toddlers may enjoy picture books about Jesus, while older kids may love hands-on activities.
How Do You Lead a Child to Christ?
Do you have a child who’s ready to follow Jesus? Leading them forward is simple! Pray with your child and guide them through 1) admitting they’re a sinner in need of Jesus, 2) confessing that they believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection and 3) committing their life to following him.
Can Jesus Forgive All Sins?
Yes. It can be hard to understand how someone can forgive even the worst things we’ve ever done. But Jesus does. In fact, 1 John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins, he is faithful to forgive them. All we have to do is admit our sins to God and repent of them (turn away from them).