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10 Super Father’s Day Gifts for the Hero in Your Dad

10 Super Father's Day Gifts for the Hero in Your Dad

Provider. Protector. Hero. There are a lot of titles you can give the dads in your life. This Father’s Day honor the man in your life who’s always been your hero by letting him be a hero to children in poverty too!

Here are 10 Father’s Day gifts (and some bonus gifts) for every kind of dad!

1. The Farmer Dad

Superpower: His herding skills – of both children and livestock

While you may not have appreciated his early morning enthusiasm for gathering eggs or milking the cows, now you know how much he truly provided. Give a GOAT in his honor this Father’s Day so he can help provide for a child in poverty, too.

Bonus gift: a pair of work gloves

Give the Gift of a GOAT ›

2. The Homework Dad

Superpower: Reciting multiplication tables at the speed of light

Every night, he plodded through fractions and spelling words with you because he understood just how important education was. Give TEXTBOOKS in his honor this Father’s Day so he can pass on that love of knowledge to a child in poverty.

Bonus gift: an engraved red pen

Give the Gift of TEXTBOOKS ›

3. The Coach Dad

Superpower: Patience, patience and more patience

He never missed a game, and whether he was an “official” coach or not, he was always there with advice and encouragement. Give SPORTS CAMPS in his honor this Father’s Day so he can help a child in poverty find mentoring and support.

Bonus gift: a case of Gatorade

Give the Gift of SPORTS CAMPS ›

4. The Doctor Dad

Superpower: Removing splinters in the blink of an eye

Maybe he didn’t have an actual Ph.D., but he was always there to bandage a knee or dry a tear. Give EMERGENCY FEEDING in his honor this Father’s Day so he can ensure that a child in poverty is fed and cared for.

Bonus gift: a first-aid kit for his car

Give the Gift of EMERGENCY FEEDING ›

5. The Pastor Dad

Superpower: Memorizing more Bible verses than anyone you know

He wasn’t necessarily on staff at a church, but he was the man who taught you the importance of God’s Word and living like Jesus. Give a BIBLE in his honor this Father’s Day so he can share God’s love with a child in poverty.

Bonus gift: a devotional book

Give the Gift of a BIBLE ›

6. The New Dad

Superpower: Surviving on little to no sleep

He’s the dad in your life with the circles under his eyes and the grin on his face as he holds that tiny baby. Give BABY’S MEDICAL CARE in his honor this Father’s Day so he can help parents in poverty give their child a safe start in life.

Bonus gift: a “World’s Best Dad” coffee mug

Give the Gift of a BABY’S MEDICAL CARE ›

7. The Outdoorsy Dad

Superpower: Existing on beef jerky longer than humanly possible

This was the dad you wanted on your camping trip! He loved exploring the great outdoors and taught you the importance of nature — and bug spray. Give a MOSQUITO NET in his honor this Father’s Day so he can protect a child in poverty from malaria.

Bonus gift: a travel hammock

Give the Gift of a MOSQUITO NET ›

8. The Handy Dad

Superpower: Building a playhouse with one hand tied behind his back

His love language was power tools. He was the dad who built your swing set when you were a kid — and taught you how to change the oil in your first car. Give a WATER WELL in his honor this Father’s Day so he can provide safe water for families who have no access to a water source.

Bonus gift: a new tool belt

Give the Gift of a WATER WELL ›

9. The Techie Dad

Superpower: Fixing the family computer blindfolded

Computer crashes while you’re writing a term paper? This is the dad you call! He knows more than you ever will about technology, and he’s happy to share that knowledge in exchange for a cup of coffee. Give a COMPUTER LAB in his honor this Father’s Day so he can provide children in poverty with a place to learn and further their education.

Bonus gift: an iTunes gift card

Give the Gift of a COMPUTER LAB ›

10. The Hero Dad

Superpower: Boundless love

Every kid needs a hero. Someone in their life who demonstrates love in everyday ways — from a driving lesson to a well-timed hug. Give a gift to WHERE MOST NEEDED in his honor this Father’s Day so he can provide timely, urgent support to a child in poverty.

Bonus gift: a copy of his favorite superhero movie — and a cape

Give a gift to WHERE MOST NEEDED ›

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