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From Recipients to Contributors

One day I had a chance to participate in a home visit. Accompanied by the child development center staff, we visited one child’s home. It was located behind two big houses belonging to wealthy families in that community.

Between their houses is an alley that led to the house we were visiting. The child’s name was Dita. Her house was very small with a dirt floor. It was dark because of limited electricity and very humid. I cannot imagine someone living in that kind of situation.

She lived with her mother, her sick grandmother, and her baby brothers. Her father left the family with no reason.

At the time, Dita was 5 years old. Her mother worked as a day laborer doing laundry or house cleaning. That afternoon in her house, her grandmother and her mother thanked us and expressed hope that Dita would become a sponsored child. They wanted to see her grow, go to school, and live a better life than what they knew.

After the visit, on my journey to the hotel, I reflected on that day — the situation, the condition of Dita’s house, and also what might her future be. I struggled with a question:

What if Dita became a leader like Esther? Imagine if her life was changed. Imagine if she found God and the purpose of her life and lived that out!

I began to realize that every child is precious in His sight. Psalm 139:14 is true even for Dita. Every one of us is created in His image for His purposes. She is not forgotten.

As for me, God reminded me about my calling that day. For this reason, I live. He teaches me to humble myself and remember that it is not about me. It is all about Him. I learned that ministering to children is about being ministered to ourselves. We go from recipients to contributors.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. — Psalm 139:14, NIV

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to be part of Your work. It is not because of our strength but only because of Your grace. Teach us to always to be humble and see Your face in everything we do. Amen.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Willem Paulus Tuwankotta works as a Church Partnership Program Manager for Compassion Indonesia.

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