Why Your Sponsored Child is a Hero

Hero Kids

The child you sponsor is a remarkable hero with a story changed by hope.

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Does My Sponsored Child Know My Name?

man and woman with inset photo of young boy

Do the children we sponsor know how much they mean to us? Do they know our name?

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row of children's photos

The Day I Signed up to be a Compassion Sponsor

I had heard that cry only twice in my life, but the sound is burned into my memory. This cry … this lament … pierced my soul. Instinctively, I understood an emotion so great, I knew no words existed to express it.

It was 2009. Atlanta. I was attending a very hip conference held in a ginormous arena with a bijillion other people. It was one of those gatherings you attend to get inspired and hear lots of interesting lectures from a variety of people.

Some speakers hawk their books; some, with all the cunning of a very successful salesman, give you advice on managing finances; many speakers offer instructions on how to live a better life. It is an energetic time with all the creative, special effects of a music concert. Sometimes they even use a smoke machine and have jugglers.

This segment was wedged between a couple of things that I cannot remember now, which is crazy because this particular moment is chiseled into my brain.

The stage lights came up and there was well-dressed young man with a mic in his hand standing at the edge of the stage with the emcee. He was introduced to the crowd as Jimmy from Kenya. Jimmy was a now grown-up, sponsored child of Compassion International and was going to share his story.

I was very familiar with Compassion. Many of the churches and groups I had been associated with displayed Compassion brochures. I had met several people over the years who had sponsored children.

child packets

One of my favorite musicians and poets, Rich Mullins, was an advocate for Compassion during his life. Many times, at conferences like this one, I had walked past booths with rows of info cards bearing photographs of children in other countries waiting to be sponsored.

I would glance at them, smile at the person behind the table of photo faces and continue walking by.

When Jimmy began to speak, I was intrigued. He had a beautiful accent, a gentle and very intelligent delivery, and I liked his sweater vest.

Jimmy told of growing up in extreme poverty in Kenya. He was a street child, a garbage picker at age four. He watched his infant sister die of starvation in his mother’s arms. He wasn’t being dramatic, he wasn’t overly emotional, he was just speaking his truth. (more…)

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A New Way to Give More to Your Sponsored Child

Beginning today through June 30, 2014, if you are a member of the Compassion Bloggers Network and you participate in at least three blogging assignments you will be eligible for our rewards program.

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Women and children outside of church

From Korea to Bolivia: Passing on the Love

What makes working with us even more special for Esther is that Compassion changed her life when she was a child in Korea.

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woman and boy holding hands while walking and talking

On Being a Sponsor. And Passing Through the Fire.

One day all of our works on this earth will go through the fire. And those works, they will burn and bring loss. Or endure and bring reward.

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Suzi Martin in El Salvador

A Beautiful Visit and Hope for the Future

Despite the hurt and past experiences, Veronica has hope that her daughters’ futures will be different. Our ministry is fueling that hope through the local church and child development center where they are registered.

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two girls holding map

What Would you Like to Know About Your Sponsored Child’s Country?

What would you like to know about the country where your sponsored child lives?

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group of children holding up letters

Top 10 Reasons to Write Your Sponsored Child

It might seem like just words on a page. But something in your letter will change your child’s thinking, draw him closer to God, encourage her to dream.

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girl holding up letter

How Do One Sponsor’s Letters Offer Support?

In the Philippines, godparents are not blood relatives, yet they are looked upon as second parents. Through letter writing, one sponsor has earned that position in the life of her sponsored child.

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Rachel Mueller

Getting to Know the Compassion Experience Team: Rachel Mueller

Get to know a little bit more about the Compassion Experience and the Compassion Experience Team!

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Young girl smiling holding a letter with a drawing

Touching Hearts

The apostle Paul was filled with great love for the Thessalonian church. What if every sponsor was filled with that kind of love for the children they sponsor?

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