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He Shall Direct Your Paths

Yesterday I shared with you how my life purpose came to me. It came only after I realized, on that camping trip of prayer and fasting, that God really didn’t need my accumulated education, skills or experiences. He only wanted me, specifically my love for Him.

Here is the rest of that story.

The very next day, one of my Wheaton professors told me about a job opportunity that seemed tailor-made for me and all of my seemingly unrelated life experiences. It was a position in service to the poor with a consortium of relief and development agencies in Haiti. And, you guessed it, Compassion was part of that group of agencies.

That was 35 years ago. Decades have passed, and I’ve never once regretted my decision to dedicate my life to the mission of Compassion. God has blessed this organization greatly over the years. He has blessed me, too.

But every once in a while I stop and realize that nothing has really changed. He still doesn’t need me to lead Compassion in order to bless the poor. He can do that all by Himself. He still wants only my love.

I’ve made it a habit to pause daily and ask myself,

“Do I really love Him today?”

I encourage all of us in this Compassion family do the same. Had I not discovered that truth — that what He wants from me is my love — I am convinced I never would have found my life’s purpose.

If you will love God with your whole heart and trust fully in Him, He will direct you. He wants to use your gifts and experiences to accomplish His perfect plan for your life. Where will loving God lead you?

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. — Proverbs 3:5–6 (NIV)

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that we can trust You with our lives. Thank You that when we commit to put Your kingdom first, all these other things, including our path in life, are added to us. May we live lives pleasing to You today.

Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.

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