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Photos, Comments and A Promise for More

The Internet connection wasn’t the best in Ethiopia. In fact, it was non-existent. It’s not like it was a blog trip to Uganda or anything.

The Internet connection wasn’t a priority for the sponsors that went to Ethiopia to meet their sponsored children. However, once everyone got back home … yesterday, Chris Harp, one of the Compassion employees leading the trip, did get us some photos, along with a couple of sponsor comments and a promise for “more to come,” once he wakes up from his transcontinental coma.

(He also brought back a lot of commas, by the look of that last sentence, and you may now be in a coma yourself – a comma coma.)


Brace yourself for the beauty below.

Laura 3/5/08
Greetings from Ethiopia!
Over the past few days, the group has experienced so much: new sights, smells, tastes, and sounds. The stories I could tell from the last few days could make your heads spin! The greatest privilege of this trip so far has undoubtedly been the time spent with the children in the centers and here at the Ghion hotel. They have such beautiful smiles of contentment and peace; though the have nothing, they consider themselves blessed.

Today, I met up with a little girl from here in Addis whose sponsor was unable to make the trip. I was one of the fortunate ones who could step in for the day and play with her. Her precious little smile, independent and quick nature, and her hilarious facial expressions will stay near to my heart for a very long time.

Relatively unfamiliar with Compassion before this trip, I have been so encouraged and inspired by the selfless work and love of each of the staff persons; Compassion is and will continue to make a difference in the lives of many. What an honor to play such a small part in this ministry that gives hope, worth, and love to so many.

Friday, March 7th 2008 – John Michael
I awoke this morning in Awassa, Ethiopia, thinking of my Ethiopian daughter, Tezeta, and I am feeling so very blessed by God. We have shared so many wonderful letters these past few years, sharing so much of each of our lives and our hopes and dreams for each other.

On Wednesday we were able to finally look into each other’s eyes and see each other’s souls, as God placed his hands on both of us. She has so much love in her heart, and because of Compassion, so much hope for her future. Her faith in God is so strong and she helps me in my faith. Tezeta is truly a blessing in my life.

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