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Our Top Picks for Thoughtful Summer Entertainment

Media influences the way we see the world around us. It can shed light on our current cultural moment in a meaningful way. It has the power to spur us on to be people who seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our Creator God. With summer here, there’s more time to watch movies, read and enjoy music. We put together a list of great content that will help you and your family meaningfully incorporate compassion and justice into your summer entertainment list.


Family-Friendly and Inspirational

Romantic Drama

Intense and Thought-Provoking

* Visit to make sure this content is a right fit for your family.


Faith and Culture

Technology and Rest

Justice and the Gospel

Worship  and Devotion


Epic and Powerful

Contemplative and Worshipful

Fun and Road-Trip Worthy

Did We Miss Any?

Let us know what books, movies, music or podcasts are challenging and inspiring you this summer!

This article was originally published by Compassion Canada.

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