Sponsors have a lot of questions about writing to the teenagers they sponsor. Do my words make a difference? Does the young person I sponsor enjoy writing back to me? Do they actually write the letters I receive from them? And youths in Compassion’s program have the same questions about their sponsors: Do they enjoy writing to me? Are they real?
To answer some of those common questions about exchanging letters, we asked sponsored teenagers to tell you themselves. Here’s what six young people in Ethiopia and Colombia said they like most about their sponsors’ letters — and what they’d love more of.
Liya, 14
“I would like it if my sponsors tell me more about their family and their country. That is why I ask them questions in my letters. It would make me extremely happy if they could tell me that they love me. I also want to know about their well-being.”
Adonay, 17
“I know my sponsors want the best for me and that they pray for me. That is why I confidently ask them to pray for me in my letters. I tell them about my family and ask them different questions. I would be incredibly happy if they could answer my questions.”
Carlos, 13
“I like to know about my sponsor and her three children. I also like to receive pictures of the family. I keep the letters in a basket, to keep them safe.”
Mekdelawit, 15
“I find joy in asking my sponsors about their family. I want to learn more about them and their country. I also want to know about their health and their daily life. I’m always excited to hear back from my sponsor.”
Carlos, 14
“My sponsor’s name is Lynn. I really like to receive his pictures and letters. In his letters, he tells me what happens in Texas, the place where he lives. What he likes to do is go to the beach. … In the letters I write to Lynn, I like to tell him about my family and how I am doing at school. I thank him for his prayers, because he prays for my family and for me, for my health and for me to do well in school.”
Sara, 13
“When I receive a letter, it makes me feel that I am important to my sponsor. I like to write letters to Pamela and tell her about my life and family. The most important thing about being sponsored is to have a person who writes to me from the other side of the world to teach me about her culture and tell me nice things like she loves me. I feel happy when I receive a letter from my sponsor.”
Brighten your sponsored teenager’s day — write a letter now!
International reporting and photos by Lina Marcela Alarcón Molina and Tigist Gizachew.