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“Giving Thanks Lightened the Burden in My Heart”

A Lesson in God’s Best

When I reached out to our staff across the globe to share messages of gratitude for Compassion’s Prayer Calendar, I didn’t expect to be as touched by their stories as I was.

The letter below is from Susan, who works in our Compassion Kenya office. She shares the impact of shifting from a heart of frustration to a heart of gratitude — and what that does for her spirit.

Read Susan’s words …

As a child of God, when I open my Bible, I come across verses that command giving thanks to God. Psalm 100:4a (ESV) — “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise” and 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV) — “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

When things are good or bad, it is good to give thanks to God. God does not change but circumstances do. Things may not go as expected, but I discovered in God’s Word to give thanks.

One day I had an important meeting to attend but I overslept and was upset. I asked God to help me not to miss it. On the road, the traffic was heavier than usual. I learnt that a tree had fallen on several vehicles ahead of me. I stopped complaining for oversleeping and thanked God for sparing those in the damaged vehicles and for preventing the tree from falling on me. Giving thanks lightened the burden in my heart.

Many times, I pray for specific things but because God knows best, he says yes, wait or no. On each occasion, his answer has given me something much better than I could ever have imagined.

Let us join hands to pray for the children and youth in our program to know that no matter what, God is in control of their lives. May they trust and always give him thanks even when they do not understand or feel like it.

Compassion International, Kenya

I hope Susan’s simple, yet profound, story helps you to trust in God and feel gratitude for the ways he loves and cares for you. Let’s virtually join hands and pray using our virtual Gratitude Wall today!

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