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In the Shadow of the Almighty

Shelter is one of the basic necessities of a human being. It is assumed that shelter provides security, protection, a sense of belonging, freedom, love and family.

However, no matter how our shelters are designed, what kind of materials they are made of, where they are located, how much they are secured, or who lives in them, there is no guarantee they will give us safety, as we live in a world of so many uncertainties. Psalm 91:1 (NIV) says,

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

There is peace regardless of circumstances. In the shelter of the Most High there is joy deep down in the heart, even in difficult times, hope in the midst of hopelessness, and quietness in the storms.

When things get out of control and pressures threaten to overwhelm us, we know that Jesus cares for us and is working in us. He will never leave us. We can hold fast to God’s promises.

Jesus assured His disciples,

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” –John 14:27, NIV

In the shelter of the Most High we hear the comforting voice of God: “Be still and know that I am God.”

Are you in the shelter of the Almighty today?

Prayer: Father, help us to stand on Your promises and live by faith. Help us to rest in Your shadow, and use us to help others rest in You.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mamitu Zellelew works as a program communications manager in Ethiopia. She has been with Compassion for 13 years.

Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.

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