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Total Dependence on God

Each time I receive news about a child who is suffering some kind of abuse, an overwhelming feeling invades my heart. All my abilities as a manager or professional are not enough to ensure the well being of these little ones of the Lord.

Something similar happens when I hear about a child development center with serious difficulties, putting the continuity of the partnership at risk. How can I ensure quality work and excellence in each of the dozens of Implementing Church Partners in Nicaragua? Evidently, it is not possible.

But there is an infallible resource: total dependence on God and having a close and genuine relationship with Him.

In the parable of the true vine described in John 15:1–17, I found this wonderful truth. I realized that this parable was given to the disciples by Jesus as He prepared them to be leaders of the early church.

This Church was later commissioned to preach the gospel throughout the entire world. Jesus already knew about this mission, and He was preparing them to assume it with confidence.

What Jesus taught them is also valid for us, especially for those leaders with huge responsibilities within Compassion:

Nearly none of the disciples chosen by Jesus had professional skills or important theological training. Still, He trusted them as the great leaders of His Church. Through this parable, He tells us that having a close, genuine relationship with Him is more important than any of our leadership skills or theological training.

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” —John 15:4

Prayer: Lord, help us remember that it is not about our skills or abilities; rather, it is about remaining in you. If we do this, you will ensure the excellence of our ministry. Amen!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: William Gutierrez serves as the Country Director for Compassion Nicaragua.

Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.

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