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Seven Ways to Give of Yourself — In Every Season

If you’ve visited church on more than one occasion, it’s likely that you’ve become acquainted with the parable of talents found in Matthew 25: 14–27.

Delving into the meaning behind the parable, many have concluded that Christ was trying to reveal His desire for believers to be faithful stewards of their time, money and talents. I’ve found in countless sermons addressing this passage of scripture that the focus has veered toward financial giving, and less on personal responsibility.

As we approach a new year, I’m asking you to think outside your checkbook. Instead of focusing solely on places to send our money, let’s take a look at ways we can give of our time, money and talents — in every season.

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. — Romans 12:1 NASB


Believe it or not, to those around you in need, time seems to be the most precious gift we have to offer. Here are a few examples of how you can give of your time year-round in 2013.

Find ways to serve in your community.


Yes, I know I suggested we not focus on monetary giving, but it is not something to be overlooked. Instead, I would challenge that we shift the way we offer up our funds.

I have one challenge for you to consider financially in 2013:


If you’re like hundreds of other Americans, you likely struggle to balance home and work life, making it hard to give of your time to others. Therefore, financial donations seem like the easiest gift, right?

But, wait. Have you considered spreading the talents that make you successful in your career to others? Regardless your profession — you, too, have something to offer.

Overall, my challenge for you over the next year is this: Find ways to give of yourself. Understand that anything and everything you have to offer is meaningful to those in need.

Know that YOU are the most valuable gift you have to give … and others can receive.

What are some of your favorite ways to give of yourself throughout the year? Share your ideas below!

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