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6 Ways to Write Your Child As If You’ve Met Them

A man stoops on the ground with a young boy on his back.

“Do you want to know the good news or the bad news first?”

We’ve all been asked this question before. I’m a sucker for delayed gratification, so when someone asks me, I always go with bad news first. Today I have some good news and bad news to share with you. And I’ll stick with my gut and start with the bad. But don’t worry, it isn’t really too bad. ?

The “Bad” News: Most people aren’t able to ever meet their sponsored child. I myself have never had the chance to visit Alison, the girl I sponsor. Health concerns, financial restrictions and many other factors keep most of us sponsors from being able to visit — and that’s totally fair! But trust me, if we could send every person on a trip to meet their sponsored child, we would.

The Good News: Even though you may never have the chance to visit your sponsored child, you can learn from others! After hearing so many sponsors tell me that their relationship changed after meeting their sponsored child, I began to wonder how. And it turns out, what changes most is letter writing.

So, even if we’re never able to meet our sponsored child, we can learn how to improve our letter writing from other sponsors! Keep reading for real sponsors’ stories, plus some letter-writing tips based on their experiences.

Becca visited Emanuel in Nicaragua in January 2016.

How have your letters to your sponsored child changed since your visit?

“He became even more of a real person, with a real personality. It also gave me context. I learned more about his schooling and how his mother was in the midst of an accounting internship. It was great to see a glimpse into his world and then follow up on it.”

Letter Writing Tip:

Becca was able to meet Emanuel’s mother. Even if you can’t meet your sponsored child’s parents or caregivers in real life, make sure to ask about them in your letters. Ask about their job, their faith and their family. We find that the parents of sponsored children often consider you part of their extended family, so this connection can be so meaningful! And make sure to follow up based on what you learn in later letters!

Joanne and Chuck visited Carlos in Colombia in 2019.

How have your letters to your sponsored child changed since your visit?

“After [my visit], I realized how important it was to really speak love, faith and encouragement. I realized then that my sponsored children hold on to my letters. They treasure them. How humbling! My letters to all my sponsor children have become more personal and I realize I need to use these treasured letters to encourage them in their faith and share God’s love for them.”

Letter Writing Tip:

Let Joanne’s experience be a reminder to you — your letters are precious to your sponsored child! In every single letter, remind your child how loved he or she is by you and Jesus. Often children save these letters for years to come back to later for encouragement.

Matt visited Edwin in Kenya in December 2013.

How have your letters with your sponsored child changed since your visit?

“They got longer for sure. We started getting two- and three-page letters from Edwin who was nearing the end of his time in the program.”

Letter Writing Tip:

Long, thoughtful letters are especially fun to receive — Matt knows from experience. Imagine how special it would be to your sponsored child if he or she received an extra long letter from you. Send a longer letter next time you write!

Judy visited Gary in Guatemala in 2018.

How have your letters to your sponsored child changed since your visit?

“Gary and I had already developed a close connection through our letters before my visit, but a deeper heart-to-heart connection resulted after meeting each other in person.”

Letter Writing Tip:

You can foster a heart-to-heart connection like Judy and Gary did! If you sponsor an older child, next time you write, push yourself to ask deeper questions. “What are you most passionate about?” “Has anything hard been happening at school lately?” “What questions do you have about God?”

Taylor has visited Adam in Uganda three times since 2015.

How have your letters to your sponsored child changed since your visit?

“My letters have become more powerful since my visit. I learned so much about Adam and his family during my trip that I’m now equipped with the knowledge of how to ask more direct and meaningful questions. Adam was only four when I began sponsoring him so information about this life was hard to come by. Now I know how to ask, who needs prayer, what their current needs are or how they’ve been able to overcome certain battles I knew they were struggling with.”

Letter Writing Tip:

Follow up on struggles you know about, just like Taylor does. If your sponsored child has told you about specific hardships he or she is facing, make sure to ask about them in your next letter. Or maybe you can ask them if they have a specific prayer request. Also, save their letters in one place to refer back to!

Don visited Thalia in Ecuador in 2019.

How have your letters to your sponsored child changed since your visit?

“Writing is always easier for me after a visit because I can now visualize the children in their homes, and I can relate to their families since I have now met them. It seems to make the letters more personal.”

Letter Writing Tip:

Even if you haven’t seen your sponsored child’s home like Don has, there are still things you can do to help visualize it! Try asking your sponsored child to send you a drawing or a description of what their home is like. Children also say they love hearing about their sponsor’s home or community. Next time tell them something unique about where you live.

I hope you find the experiences of these sponsors encouraging, and that they give you some new ideas about how you can write your child! Now that you’ve got some inspiration, write a letter today!


What about you? Have you met your sponsored child? If so, how have your letters changed after meeting him or her? We’d love to hear about your experience — comment below!

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