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5 Free and Fun Family Activities to Do at Home

I’m always excited to release the new issue of Compassion Explorer Magazine for kids. But I’m even more excited this time, since I know that many parents are wondering what to do with the kids during a whole summer of social distancing. Our new issue is about family love and has lots of fun family activities to do at home, including crafts, games and recipes. It’s all developed to entertain kids while educating them about poverty and what it really means to love their neighbors.

So to keep your family growing, learning and playing together this spring and summer, here are five fun activities you can do at home.

1. Let Love Bloom: a Mother’s Day Craft

Just in time for Mother’s Day on May 10, first up is a craft that doubles as a DIY gift idea for a mom. I’m always inspired by the amazing toys and inventions that sponsored kids make from found materials. This project takes a cue from their creativity by turning a recycled egg carton into artsy flowers. Learn how to make the egg-carton flowers and see step-by-step photos here.

You’ll also find illustrations of the national flowers from every country where Compassion works, so your family can create a flower that looks like one from the country where the child you sponsor lives!

Do the Craft

2. Raise, Save, Give Board Game

In this cooperative family game, all players work together to choose the best moves. The spaces on the game board feature ideas for how to raise, save and give money to help your family or neighbors. You can print out the colorful game board for free. Or if you are a sponsor and subscribe to the print edition of Compassion Explorer Magazine, your new issue should arrive in the mail soon with the game board inside.

Play the Game

3. Make a Giant Paper Airplane for Father’s Day

Here’s a craft that kids and dads can make together and use for a Father’s Day activity this June. First, have every family member practice folding the paper airplane using a letter-size piece of paper. Then when you all get good enough at it, it’s time to make giant paper airplanes out of poster board. To decorate them, you can use markers, stickers — or these illustrated flags from countries where sponsored children live. Then go find some big open space outside to see whose plane flies the farthest.

Get the Plans

4. Githeri: a Recipe From Kenya

Githeri is a nourishing stew of beans and corn that’s a staple in Kenya. Your whole family can help make this easy one-pot meal to get a little taste of East African culture. While your stew is cooking, you could gather around the computer or your summer print issue of Compassion Explorer Magazine to read about a sponsored girl named Salama. Kids will love the photos of Salama’s big family preparing and eating a meal outside their home in Kenya.

Get the Recipe

5. Chores on the Door Craft

With kids spending more time at home this spring and summer, they might need some extra incentive to keep it clean. Maybe this craft will help. Pull together some cardboard, random art supplies and clothespins. Then let your kids get creative in decorating and personalizing their door hangers. Help them choose which chores to include on their to-do lists. Each time they finish a chore, they can move a clothespin to the “finished” side of the door hanger and feel a sense of accomplishment for helping the family.

Make the Craft

Want more fun family activities to do while at home?

Check out these 4 Summer Activities for Kids to Do at Home. And subscribe to Compassion Explorer Magazine to keep receiving fun family activities and ideas to raise compassionate kids!

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