October 10, 2020 A group of boys and a man in a white shirt are riding in a blue motorcycle truck. There are buildings in the background.

Facts About Ghana: The Land of the Warrior King

The Republic of Ghana is a bustling country found in West Africa. Ghana boasts great natural wealth and beauty, not to mention giant markets, colonial forts and a lively culture. Here are some fun facts about Ghana that will help you to understand the culture and traditions of this country.

July 07, 2019 Traditions of Ghana: Warrior King

Ghana Culture and Traditions

Until its independence, Ghana was known as the Gold Coast. It was renamed Ghana, meaning “Warrior King,” to reflect the ancient Ghana Empire that flourished in West Africa during the 10th century.

August 08, 2011

Ministry Highlight: Ghana

Compassion began its ministry in Ghana in 2005 with when the Child Sponsorship Program. Since then we have registered 25,000 children.

December 12, 2009

AIDS Crisis in Africa: What Compassion Ghana Is Doing About It

Compassion Ghana is intensifying its fight against the spread of HIV and AIDS with Compassion’s AIDS Initiative. Among the many activities aimed at achieving this objective is education. Florence Sena Amponsah is a Partnership Facilitator for 12 Compassion-assisted child development centers. She has been with Compassion Ghana for one year now. She is involved with […]

December 12, 2013 christmas in ghana meal

Christmas in Ghana

In Ghana, Christmas is a special occasion for both Christians and non-Christians, with celebrations revolving around large family gatherings and feasts

April 04, 2011 Easter in Ghana

Easter in Ghana

Easter is celebrated across the board in Ghana. It is celebrated by both Christians and non-Christians alike, but each group has its own interpretation and activities to mark the occasion. For Christians, the celebration starts well before Palm Sunday, but Palm Sunday is the largest, most widely known event before Easter. Palm Sunday marks […]

June 06, 2013 Back of a child wearing a blue uniform shirt with a center number and skippy image

Welcome to Ghana!

Welcome to Ghana and welcome to the Calvary Bible Child Development Center!

October 10, 2011 youth in a computer lab

One Step Forward: Computer Literacy in Ghana

Fidel had a vision for his community, a poor fishing village in Ghana. Kpone didn’t have a library or computer center and Fidel understood that in today’s world, not to have computer literacy is a great disadvantage.

September 09, 2012 interior of unfinished home in Ghana

A Squatter’s Home

What would it be like to live in a house that was at constant risk of being taken from you — not just for a few weeks, but week after week, year after year? Squatters in Ghana, including many sponsored children and their families, deal with this reality daily.

July 07, 2020 A boy with a net wrapped around his shoulders

15 Powerful Photos of the Journey From Child Slavery to Freedom

Millions of children around the world remain trapped in child labor. Ebenezer was 6 years old when he was sent to work on Lake Volta in Ghana, a notorious hotbed of child slavery. These 15 powerful photos capture the injustice he faced … and his journey to freedom. Welcome to the largest human-made lake […]

June 06, 2019 A girl who was trapped inside by a Ghana superstition wears a light blue sweatshirt and patterned dress smiles, standing next to a column in front of a black and white wall.

Trapped Inside for 8 Years, Sabina Is Now Free

Because of a superstition in her community in Ghana, this sweet girl was never allowed outside — for the first eight years of her life. Sabina wasn’t able to go to school, make friends or attend any public gatherings. Learn what the superstition was — and how sponsorship is ensuring children like Sabina are […]

August 08, 2010 children in Ghana praying

Your Sponsored Child Prays For You

As sponsors you are held in high esteem by the staff in our Ghana office, by the staff of our church partners, and among all the children in the child development centers. Compassion would not be Compassion without you. The children would not have the lives they have without your response to Jesus. We […]

November 11, 2018 compassion letters delivered Ghana

How Are Your Compassion Letters Delivered?

[…] your letters into those eager little hands. Imagine a farming village on the border of Thailand or a remote island in Indonesia or a rural town in Ghana. Places where electricity, paved roads, running water or modern conveniences — let alone post offices — can be scarce. This is where dedicated local Compassion staff […]

October 10, 2009 children sitting at a bench eating

Highly Vulnerable Children: How Do We Help Them?

[…] boy who had been angrily shoved out of a wooden structure that serves as a place where people go to buy food and eat. Such spots in Ghana are popularly called “chop bars.” The boy was thin, in worn-out clothes and with no sandals to protect his feet from the filth on the ground. His […]

April 04, 2011 Ghanian children singing

How Can a Nation Overcome Poverty with Wealth Creation?

Ghana is currently one of the largest producers of cocoa and gold and is now also involved in oil production. They are becoming a prosperous nation and the world is taking notice.

February 02, 2012 Young boy in a boat with a fishing net.

The Spirit Of Words

At first glance, words on pages could seem as though they were merely words, but an 11 year old boy named Sam from Ghana provided a powerful reminder that words prayed over and led by the Spirit have a power and a purpose all their own.

July 07, 2021

These Aren’t Your Mother’s Child’s Milestones

Whether they are from the United States, Brazil, the Philippines or Ghana, every child in the world has at least this one thing in common — they grow up! And as they do, according to their culture’s customs and traditions, they celebrate and memorialize certain rights of passage or milestones. These celebrations honor the […]

November 11, 2008

The Prayer

This is Emelia. She is a sponsored child in Ghana. And obviously, she’s praying. We don’t know what she was praying for in the moment the photo was taken, but if she’s anything like us, it might’ve been for the photographer to hurry up and take the picture. 🙂 Will you join us and […]

April 04, 2024 Shunammite woman: A woman wearing a green head scarf holds a smiling boy wearing a green shirt in her arms.

The Shunammite Woman: A Faith-Inspiring Devotional

This devotion about Elisha and the Shunammite woman by one of our staff at Compassion Ghana will inspire you to muster up faith when faced with tragedy!

November 11, 2012 getting to zero

HIV/AIDS: Getting to Zero

The World Health Organization reports that the African region is the most affected by HIV/AIDS, where 1.8 million people acquired the virus in 2009 alone. This means African nations must intensify their campaign against the disease, and Ghana is no exception.

April 04, 2013 Two children walking on a dirt path.

I Have Malaria (or Thought I Did)

I came home from Ghana with severe chills, headache and a fever. I’d been in Africa two weeks, and these symptoms alarmed me. Could I be infected with malaria?

April 04, 2013 family walking along dirt road in a village

Remembering Abigail

Abigail lives in Ghana, is the youngest of six siblings, and her father died when she was three years old. Abigail taught her sponsor to enjoy letters from preschool and early elementary children.

August 08, 2013 young woman holding handmade jewelry

How Can Jewelry Making Provide Hope and an Education?

While we want every child to attain the highest possible level of formal education, not all children are meant to be academicians. This is why our staff in Ghana expose children to extracurricular activities that often lead to income-generating ventures.

May 05, 2015 Financial Independence Money

Gaining Financial Independence through the Highly Vulnerable Children Fund

[…] She tried selling all kinds of things, from secondhand clothing and dishes to vegetables and fried doughnuts. Even though two of her children, Paulina and Michael, were enrolled at a Compassion Child Development Center in Ghana, there was still not much relief. So Paulina was selected to receive aid from our Highly Vulnerable Children’s Fund.

February 02, 2018 The Story of Noah and His Hearts

The Remarkable Boy With More Than One Heart

Noah, a young boy in Ghana, felt like his chest was ripping. His heart wasn’t working properly and he needed God to make a way for him.

December 12, 2011 Interview With a Compassion Child Development Center Coordinator

Interview With a Compassion Child Development Center Coordinator

Godfred Abbey is the center coordinator at Manheam New Life Child Development Center in Ghana. He plays an important role in the lives of sponsored children.

January 01, 2021 Four children are standing outside playing musical instruments and dancing. There are trees and tall grass behind them. The children are wearing traditional clothing.

Facts About Togo: A West African Treasure

Togo is a small West African country tucked in the midst of Ghana, Benin and Burkina Faso and bordered on the south by the Gulf of Guinea. Let’s learn some interesting facts about Togo – the home of over 66,000 Compassion-assisted children.

February 02, 2012 Ghanaian woman and children posing for camera

How Can Sponsorship Help Prevent Child Slavery?

[…] happening in his own country — to children just like him. As his sponsor, I did not know I was helping prevent this from happening to him. Ghana’s history has long been tainted by slavery. It’s still being tainted today as children throughout the poorest regions of Ghana are sold into slavery by parents […]

April 04, 2015 How to Save a Life Egg

How to Save a Life With an Egg

[…] school and was about to continue to secondary school. He was happy, cultured, well-spoken, smart and well-liked in the Fosu community in the district of Assin in Ghana. He was well on his way to pursuing his dream of becoming a minister of state in Ghana when he developed a tumor in his lower […]

January 01, 2020 The silhouette of two people throwing a fishing net into a lake.

How My Own Family Enslaved Me

[…] but he is only in the equivalent of the sixth grade. The reason for his educational delay is one of the greatest issues that impoverished children in Ghana face — the lack of child protection, which tragically leads to child exploitation. When Brenya was younger, his mother left his father, taking Brenya’s seven siblings […]

September 09, 2008 south view of the White House

Wess Stafford Goes to Washington

[…] down the line I thanked Laura Bush for being such a champion of children. I told President Kufour that, although we’ve only been in the country of Ghana for a few years, we have chosen to place our West Africa Area Office there because of the country’s stability. I also told him that our […]

April 04, 2020 Three people sit cross-legged in front of a sunrise.

Easter in Quarantine: 10 Ideas to Celebrate Meaningfully at Home

[…] this individually or guide your family through it. Afterward, discuss what new truths jumped out at you. Learn Other Cultures’ Easter Traditions Did you know that in Ghana everyone in the country wears white for Easter Sunday? Spend some time learning about how other countries around the world usually celebrate Easter. We even have […]

June 06, 2011 Family posing for a photo in Ghana.

Nine Questions With Nyarko Twum Berima

Nyarko Twum Berima, known as Twum, has been working with our office in Ghana for five years and now serves as Partnership Facilitator Supervisor. Twum attended a small-village elementary school and proceeded to secondary school, where he obtained his ordinary and advanced levels certificate in education. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in sociology as well […]

August 08, 2012 teens in Ghana eating lunch

Three Things You Should Know About Compassion Adolescents

[…] arrived at the child development center. It was a Saturday, and overcast skies had turned bright blue. Children greeted us with drums and dancing. Teen girls in Ghana performing a traditional dance While I won’t soon forget that beautiful welcome, it was a series of conversations with a teenage girl that changed me that […]

November 11, 2015 Hydrocephalus Philip Top Blogs 2015

They Told Me To Leave Him By the River

In 2013, Compassion International Ghana entered a fifth region of Ghana—the Ashanti Region—and is giving hope to more children and their families. Mercy Baptist Church in Kumasi was one of the first 15 churches in the region that Compassion Ghana partnered with. After only being open for a few months, the new Child Development […]

July 07, 2018 She's Aspiring to be a Coder Who Inspires People

She’s Aspiring to Be a Coder Who Inspires People

[…] us in other things,” Yaa said. After recovering from her illness, Georgina dedicated herself to her school work. But this wasn’t an easy task. Her community in Ghana had a high rate of illiteracy. And her family couldn’t afford many of the resources she needed. But she always had her local church! They provided […]

December 12, 2018 Thank You for Loving and Protecting 2 Million Children

Thank You for Loving and Protecting 2 Million Children

[…] to Children As we mark this occasion, I want to highlight one of our church partners in West Africa. I had the privilege of recently traveling to Ghana, a country where we intend to grow our ministry significantly. And I came back with an even deeper appreciation for the remarkable churches on the front […]

July 07, 2013 man with a young boy

Almost Buried Alive

The people of the Basofi Ningo community in Ghana are migrant peasant farmers who are deeply rooted in superstitions and who strictly adhere to their traditional religious practices. One Saturday morning, Seth, Project Coordinator of Apostolic Rescue Child Development Center, was getting ready to go to the center when a messenger brought word that he […]

April 04, 2014 most prized possession burkina faso

Your Sponsored Child’s Most Prized Possession

[…] Kees Boer So, with that background, here’s a different look at what some children around the world consider their most prized possessions. Burkina Faso Nicaragua Kenya Philippines Ghana Ecuador We originally published this post on March 25, 2013. most prized possession burkina faso Most Prized Possession Nicaragua Most Prized Possession Kenya Most Prized Possession […]

June 06, 2014 world cup fever athletic

World Cup Fever

[…] what does World Cup Fever have to do with you? With your help, Compassion works to release children from poverty in six of the competing countries, including Ghana, Colombia, Mexico, Honduras, Ecuador, and this year’s host country, Brazil. But for Compassion children, soccer (or “football”) is more than just a game. If you were […]

September 09, 2016 10 Curious Questions to Ask the Child You Sponsor

7 Curious Questions for the Child You Sponsor

[…] her, get specific. Ask exactly what you can pray for. Please pray for me to become a clever and good adult in the future. – Naomi, 6 Ghana Please pray for me to have a smooth relationship with my family. – Tsigereda, 18, Ethiopia Please pray for me, because both my parents have now […]

October 10, 2020 two happy girls standing in front of a pink wall

This is What Happens When You Send a Letter to the Child You Sponsor

[…] would degrade the dignity of the child. It’s been caught in the past. Step 3: Obstacles in the journey Lorlor, front left, a child development worker in Ghana, takes a weekly boat ride to deliver and pick up letters sent between children and their sponsors. This process has been delayed while we observe safety […]

December 12, 2020 poses with her children in their bedroom.

25 Powerful Photos of Children’s Rooms That Will Move You

[…] in his online classes while schools remain closed. He shares this room with his father and older brother. Five-year-old Forgive draws a picture on her bed in Ghana. Orphaned at just 1 week old, Compassion’s church partner helped her grief-stricken grandmother to support the baby girl. Today, Forgive is healthy and thriving. “The good […]

February 02, 2021 A girl and a boy are riding on a donkey. The girl is wearing a school uniform and a backpack. They are smiling

15 Out-of-the-Ordinary Journeys to School

[…] I want to be a lawyer and I know I need to study hard to make it happen. I hope all this is possible one day.” 8. Ghana: In a motorcycle truck with lots of friends 9. Indonesia: On the back of a truck A remote village in Java, Indonesia, was isolated from the […]

December 12, 2021 A smiling woman sits at a marketplace in Burkina Faso surrounded by fruits and vegetables on blankets.

What’s It Like To Go Shopping Around the World?

[…] — a Compassion center training initiative where youths and children can practice selling goods such as vegetables from their garden, snacks they’ve made, clothing and small toys. Ghana Hanna measures fabric with an apprentice at her clothing shop to create a custom piece. She received her fashion design training through a Compassion program and […]

September 09, 2009

Christian Blog Video Sitemap

[…] (8/13/13) “You (and Your Letters) Made Me a Good Child” (8/8/13) Stories of Compassion (8/4/13) Kaitlin’s Wish: How to Make a Wish Come True (7/22/13) Welcome to Ghana! (6/28/13) What Does the Future Hold? (6/23/13) A Single Father’s Journey (6/13/13) Expand Your World with Our New iPad Magazine (6/11/13) Kenya’s Maasai: Caught Between Two […]

June 06, 2008

The Case for Compassion Togo

[…] in the fall. An Overview of the Country Located in West Africa, Togo has a southern coastline that borders the Bight of Benin. Togo’s western neighbor is Ghana, eastern neighbor is Benin and northern neighbor is Burkina Faso. Slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia, Togo is home to 5.7 million people — […]

May 05, 2011 A broom head next to some scraps of pink paper and cheerios on the floor

A Precious Perspective

[…] and went to work corralling another pile of debris that had accumulated beneath our dining-room table. Later that same day, we received a letter from Precious in Ghana, our first sponsored child. I tore into the envelope and eagerly pulled out the letter. With the help of her center coordinator, Precious sent greetings in […]

March 03, 2012 teen taking photos of a group of children

Changing One Teenager’s Perspective

[…] age, Joshua had difficulty grasping the reality of what we would see and experience in our efforts to make an impact on the child slavery situation in Ghana, West Africa, where five of our Compassion children live. “I admit it. My first thought was simply getting two weeks off of school.” This trip was an […]

September 09, 2013 ending poverty boy wearing a swimming mask

The Key to Ending Poverty is Hope

The third week of Blog Month has arrived, and with it our third writing prompt. Pick one of the photos below as your inspiration. Try to connect with the story behind the photo. Imagine the life and activity that preceded that moment. You can come at it from any angle you want, but if you […]

August 08, 2014 Ebola Outbreak Compassion

Ebola Outbreak in Africa: Our Response

[…] spread into the countries where we work. If your Compassion-sponsored child has been impacted we will contact you directly. “Compassion is working with country health officials in Ghana, Togo and Burkina Faso to stay informed about the Ebola outbreak and its potential risks,” says Terry Laura, Compassion’s health technical advisor, “In all three countries, […]

October 10, 2014 ebola clinic

Fear, Ebola and Me

[…] most severely affected are Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia with a few reported cases in Nigeria. To date, there have been no reported cases in Burkina Faso, Ghana or Togo, where Compassion ministers to almost 125,000 children through more than 500 church-based child development centers.   And how does one contract Ebola? Contrary to […]

September 09, 2019 A boy sits on an old sofa in a garbage dump.

Scrappers: 15 Photos of Life on a Landfill

[…] places of desperation — they can also inspire surprising ingenuity. Many people in extreme poverty go to garbage dumps looking for items they can reuse. Richard from Ghana took that to new levels. He’s an inventor. Richard can’t afford the batteries or circuit boards he needs to tinker with his creations, so he heads […]

February 02, 2021 A pastor of a church in Nicaragua wears a pink button-down shirt and smiles as he sits next to two smiling young boys

How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Emotionally?

[…] to thrive and succeed, thanks to sponsorship. This article originally appeared on the Compassion Canada blog. How Does Sponsorship Help Kids Emotionally? A Compassion center worker in Ghana engages with two young children. They are all wearing blue Compassion logo shirts Compassion worker smiling and talking to children in Ghana A pastor of a […]

July 07, 2021

9 Photos of the World’s Most Popular Sport

[…] which many people in the world call football, is played by people of all ages — from toddlers to teenagers and even staff members. Compassion’s program in Ghana has found that soccer is one of the best ways to keep teenagers interested in attending Compassion activities.  It’s one of the things that 21-year-old Philemon […]

August 08, 2021 Kelvin is wearing a white shirt and jeans. He is standing outside the Compassion center with his hands touching in front of him. The Compassion center building is yellow and green.

Our Amazing Neighbors: 15 Photos of Churches Around the World

[…] and stocked the pond to provide food for the community and to teach sponsored children how to fish. Uganda Pastor Monday stands in front of his church. Ghana Pastor Joseph stands in front of his church, which started partnering with Compassion in 2018 to offer the Child Sponsorship Program. Kenya Kelvin, 22, found stability […]

September 09, 2021

What I Want To Be: 10 Kids With Big Dreams

[…] to find work in the city away from home, because I’m learning a lot now. It is a lot of work, but I am growing.” Justice, 11, Ghana “I want to be a soldier when I grow up. I’ll learn and become a strong protector.” Grazielle, 13, Brazil Grazielle’s Compassion center staff recently surprised […]

December 12, 2019 A boy wearing a Santa cap lays on the ground with his face resting in his hands, smiling.

25 Reasons to Praise God This Christmas

[…] article for a highlight of the year! These feel-good stories will make you smile, praise God and shout, “Amen!” Jump to: Africa: Burkina Faso | Ethiopia | Ghana | Kenya | Rwanda | Tanzania | Togo | Uganda Asia: Bangladesh | Indonesia | Philippines | Thailand | Sri Lanka  Central America and the Caribbean:  […]

December 12, 2021 Four children are standing outside playing musical instruments and dancing. There are trees and tall grass behind them. The children are wearing traditional clothing.

Your Top 5 Compassion Stories of 2021

[…] Most powerful success story, told in three parts: From Hunger to Hope: A Brave Girl Named Norah Most-read article of 2021, although it was posted in 2019: Ghana Traditions: Culture, Customs and Society Thanks for Reading the Compassion USA Blog! If you’re subscribed to the blog emails, you will notice a difference in how […]

July 07, 2018 A boy sitting in a small boat

5 Things That Protect Vulnerable Children From Human Trafficking

[…] children work for little to no pay, far from their home, completely hopeless. But Ebenezer’s story doesn’t end like that … his grandmother, Comfort, who lives in Ghana, came looking for him. Meet Comfort, Ebenezer’s determined grandmother. 3. Education for the Public Without education, parents can fall into the trap that Ebenezer’s grandmother did. […]

August 08, 2020 Totally Worth It: Inspiring Stories of Courage and Bravery

Inspiring Stories of Bravery and Courage

[…] beauty of sacrificing to care for your loved ones. READ MORE › 5. Trapped Inside for 8 Years, Sabina Is Now Free Because of a superstition in Ghana, this precious 8-year-old girl was never allowed outside. In her village, the tenth child in a family was believed to be cursed and had to be […]

November 11, 2008

Your Caption Here

Besides giving a caption for this very cute photo, what country do you think the photo was taken in? Your caption here

December 12, 2008 four young Maasai boys dressed in red and blue overlooking a field

The Stigma of HIV and AIDS

[…] her real name) was first found to be HIV positive, the other children in the family would inch away when she came near.  Now that Deede in Ghana has found out she is HIV positive, she’s afraid that if anyone else finds out they’ll stop buying her doughnuts, her only way of making a […]

April 04, 2009

Visit Compassion’s Fun Kids Web Site

[…] the ages of 6 and 10, and it provides a virtual opportunity for them to travel around the world — to four different countries where we work:  Ghana, Bangladesh, El Salvador and Brazil. It helps your kiddos experience a Compassion child development center and the surrounding community, and will give them perspective on what a […]

November 11, 2010 group of smiling children sitting on steps

A Christmas Card Drive of Epic Proportions!

[…] with Compassion International. I have a checkered past when it comes to keeping up regular correspondence with the two boys we sponsor. To date, a five-year-old in Ghana has been out-writing me! That all changed after I traveled with Compassion International to Guatemala this past September. And I got asked the same question over […]

January 01, 2011 header with the Compassion logo and a child's face

Thank You for Defending the Cause of the Weak

[…] better future by providing a stable means of economic support and food generation. vaccinate more than 2,500 children in Burkina Faso against meningitis. provide 200 children in Ghana with school fees, uniforms and books. And that’s just some of what you made possible. You can find out more at gifts.compassion.com/impact. May God bless you […]

May 05, 2011

Vastly Different Lives Connected in Christ

[…] as I do every day. This email is from Stephen in Kenya; that one is from Galia in Bolivia. Another flies into my inbox from Amos in Ghana. Teaching staff members at the office in the Philippines. Oh wait, I need to look at this note from Sharon in Sri Lanka. Let me check […]

October 10, 2011 two children standing in front of a doorway

There’s No More Idol Worship and the Difference Is Jesus

Elizabeth lives with her two granddaughters, Amakor and Mana, in a house very close to the Lord’s Pentecostal Church in Kwashieman, Ghana. The compound of houses where they live is known in the community as the idol worshippers’ house or, for short, idol house. The most conspicuous thing one sees upon entering this compound […]

November 11, 2011 good harvest

Investing in a Good Harvest

[…] he is able to keep his profit and better provide for his family. Martin shares, “I am now enjoying my work. Since the ministry gave us that hundred Ghana cedis, which was a far bigger amount than I was getting from the money lenders, I have control over how much I want to sell my […]

March 03, 2012

Water of Life: Filtering Water From the Akora River

One Wednesday morning, the quiet, small community of Ghana’s Ekwamkrom came alive with joy and hope. Parents hurried to Ebenezer Methodist Church where each household received two large plastic buckets and a water filtration system. There was finally hope for release from the waterborne diseases their children had been exposed to all these years. Ekwamkrom is […]

April 04, 2012 two smiling Guatemalan men


[…] a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” — Acts 5:3–4, NIV Prayer: God, we ask for unity of purpose among all our stakeholders.   ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nicholas Ntiamoahis a Program Implementation Manager in Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals. two men smiling one in spirit banner

April 04, 2012 group of people gathering around a truck to receive food


[…] Matthew 25:21, NIV Prayer: Lord, grant us the grace to be found faithful to the people you have and will put over us. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Linda Agbehiadzie is a housekeeper in our office in Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.   men unloading food from truck Philippians chapter 2 verse 2 banner

June 06, 2012 Jemima Amanor standing in front of Compassion sign

Six Reasons We Can Trust God

[…] Your children courage and strength to face everyday obstacles as we carry out the responsibilities You have given us. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Jemima Amanor is the Country Director of Compassion Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.   *Culled from The Leadership Bible (NIV), page 1122. Jemima Amanor Philippians chapter 2 verse 2 banner

August 08, 2012 group of children with hands raised inside a church

Words of Faith

[…] Kings 4:25b–26, NIV Prayer: Lord, help us to confess positively when we encounter challenges. Show us your faithfulness and unfailing love as we serve you daily. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Florence Sena Amponsah works as a Partnership Facilitator for Compassion Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.    children worshiping One in Spirit devotional banner

September 09, 2012

Who Told You?

[…] NIV Prayer: God, change our doubt and wrong perceptions and enable us to believe that with you, all things really are possible. In Jesus’ name, amen. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Seth Awuku Boahene works as a Gardner for Compassion Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.    girls grinning Philippians chapter 2 verse 2 banner

October 10, 2012 blog month

Who Is Blogging From the Boonies?

[…] look into the organization. I felt that same unmistakable nudge to my heart when I first laid eyes on the shy face of a little girl from Ghana. As I looked through the children on the Compassion website, wondering how we could possibly choose, the message came loud and clear when my focus landed […]

October 10, 2012 man on the street with a soccer ball

The Heroes of Rollaball

[…] of these types of heroes after reading an online article that a co-worker brought to my attention. The article is about a group of polio survivors in Ghana who have created their own skateboard-inspired version of soccer to suit their disability. These young men — despite their poverty, disfigurement and societal abandonment — have […]

October 10, 2012

United We Build

[…] will be impossible for them. —Genesis 11:5–6,NIV Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, we ask for forgiving hearts. Please bind us together with inseparable cords of love. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kingsley Ampofo works as the Business Services Supervisor in Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals. young child wearing read jacket One in Spirit devotional banner

October 10, 2012 listen to advice

Let the Wise Listen

[…] left. —2 Kings 5:4, 5b, NIV Prayer: God, help us to avoid distractions and truly listen to what your servants are saying to us. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Patience Antonio works as the Human Resources Specialist for Compassion Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals. listen to advice listen-to-advice Philippians chapter 2 verse 2 banner

October 10, 2012 keeping god's word in your heart

Is the Word in You?

[…] sin against you. —Psalm 119:11, NIV Prayer: Lord, plant in us the desire to seek you continually through your Word. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ivy Marian Mensah works as the Country Director’s Administrative Assistant in Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals. keeping god’s word in your heart keeping-gods-word-in-your-heart Philippians chapter 2 verse 2 banner

November 11, 2012 girls standing in circle holding hands

Relationship: An Art of Awesome Worship

[…] altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. —Matthew 5:23–24 Prayer: Lord, make us all one. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nyarko Twum-Barimah works as a Partnership Facilitator Supervisor for Compassion Ghana. Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.   group of girls holding hands and praying one in spirit banner

November 11, 2012 power in a name

The Power in a Name

[…] wonder: Do sponsors know the importance of their sponsored child’s name? This past summer I spent several weeks in a remote village in the northern region of Ghana, West Africa. As I walked streets flooded with African children chasing white faces, I couldn’t help noticing their sincere gaze and hesitant stutter as they attempted to say […]

February 02, 2013 Derek Gordon giving young boy a fist bump

Ministry Insider: Derek Gordon, Called to Serve

[…] problem or one significant issue that they think is keeping our sponsored children from reaching the outcomes we’d like to see in their lives. For example, in Ghana, malaria keeps kids out of school. But the kids who get a bed net are seven times more likely to stay healthy and stay in school […]

September 09, 2013 children sitting at tables in classroom

No More Fear

[…] focus on the rest of the family’s needs, especially after I lost my job.” To cure Eyram of her heart ailment, we decided to send her to Ghana for surgery. The child development center staff submitted a Complementary Intervention proposal that was quickly supported by the ministry. The total amount needed was about $13,900 […]

April 04, 2014 He is Risen

He Is Risen!

[…] chiefly Roman Catholic and Protestant, is deeply rooted in local traditions, making the celebration of Easter a colorful and massive one. Read about Easter in Guatemala. To Ghanaian Christians, Easter is a day of remembering what Christ did on the cross for all mankind; not just remembering but knowing that it was the foundation […]

December 12, 2014 christmas around the world twin angels

Christmas Around The World

[…] family and friends as we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Enjoy these beautiful photos from our friends celebrating Christmas around the world! Ecuador Indonesia Honduras Ethiopia Ghana India* Philippines Rwanda Colombia *NOTE FROM EDITOR: This content honors Compassion’s historical work in India. While we no longer have an India sponsorship program, we are […]

January 01, 2015 Talking About Africa Top Blogs 2015

A Short Guide to Talking About Africa

[…] them both. One of my life-long goals is to return to Kenya with my husband. I would also love to visit Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, Botswana, Tanzania and Ghana someday. Let’s turn our mindset from considering Africa as a continent deserving our pity to unique places rich with things to discover. 5. Read! Though I […]

February 02, 2015 compassion sunday cross

Uniting the Global Church Through Compassion Sunday

[…] than that, it’s a day when churches in America come together in solidarity with churches in the developing world. Compassion partners exclusively with churches in countries like Ghana, Haiti and the Philippines who are reaching out with the hope of the gospel to their communities — and caring for the needs of children in […]

August 08, 2015 Prayers of a Sponsor Featured

The Instagram Prayers of Sponsors

[…] are probably so much more simple and genuine:) beautiful photo, really:) @adabug78 – This photo is so precious! I am praying for my sweet boy, Emmanuel in Ghana, that he will grow up to be a strong, righteous leader in his family/ community and that he will always no nothing is impossible with God! […]

November 11, 2015 new toilets safer community

New Toilets, Safer Community

[…] altogether. Sometimes, you even use the bushes instead of waiting. This was life at the Mankessim Child Development Center at Deliverance Assembly of God Church in Mankessim, Ghana for seven years. The church’s staff, 400 congregation members and their children, and 250 Compassion-assisted children all used one toilet made of a hole and box. […]

December 12, 2015 Top 10 Instagram Photos of 2015

Top 10 Instagram Photos of 2015

[…] Takeover! #CompassionAUtakeover — The Child Survival Program: where you get to nap with your best friends. This floor full of sleepy babies in our program in # Ghana will definitely put a #smile on your face! Happy Thursday! A photo posted by Compassion International (@compassion) on Nov 19, 2015 at 6:27pm PST 1. July […]

December 12, 2016 Top 10 Instagram Posts of 2016

Top 10 Instagram Posts of 2016

[…] Alert!   Cute #baby alert! We are officially refreshed and ready for the #weekend. Have a great one! ???? #bigeyes #eyes #cute #instagood #instamood #photooftheday #boy # ghana #africa #stripes #friday #fridayfeeling A photo posted by Compassion International (@compassion) on Nov 4, 2016 at 4:26pm PDT 7. April 21: Babies on Babies on Babies […]

October 10, 2018 How to Fight Defeatism About Poverty in the World

How to Fight Defeatism About Poverty in the World

[…] in deep poverty, much of Thailand defies any notion of a “poor country” (which, indeed, it’s not; it’s an upper-middle income country). The year previous, I visited Ghana in Western Africa and was surprised at all the wealth I witnessed in the capital of Accra, with shopping malls far nicer than those in my […]

December 12, 2018 Your Best Letter-Writing Questions and Answers of the Year

Your Best Letter-writing Questions and Answers of the Year

This year, we asked your most burning letter-writing questions to those in the know! Here are your best questions and answers of the year.

August 08, 2019 A girl in a white T-shirt and patterned skirt runs down a dirt path, smiling, with a house in the background.

How Life in Rural Togo Is About to Change

[…] roofs squat in clusters, people leaning against the walls for a break from the scorching sun. Togo, a slip of a country in West Africa, nestles between Ghana and Benin. The people of Togo are reserved, but polite and kind. Most in Kpeve are farmers or animal herders. For their constant work under the […]

April 04, 2020 Rwandan Mandazi on a table with coffee

6 Easy International Recipes to Try While at Home

[…] provision, health and safety of the child you sponsor! Find More International Recipes! Try a recipe from your sponsored child’s country! Africa: Burkina Faso | Ethiopia | Ghana | Kenya | Rwanda | Tanzania | Togo | Uganda Asia: Bangladesh | Indonesia | Philippines | Thailand | Sri Lanka Central America and the Caribbean: […]

October 10, 2020 young boy with a huge smile sitting

4 Prayers of Praise During a Pandemic

[…] certain countries were Compassion works, it’s been difficult to deliver essential aid to families due to quarantines and government policies. So church partners in the Dominican Republic, Ghana and Kenya have adapted by electronically transferring money to struggling families. Between April and June, 157,646 unconditional money transfers were made to families living in poverty, […]

June 06, 2021 A girl in Thailand stands under an umbrella in the rain

Suffering in Silence: The Menstruation Taboo

[…] never hear of menstruation before their first period, making it a confusing and scary experience. That is the reality for an incredible 68 percent of girls in Ghana who knew nothing about menstruation when they started their periods. Taboos around menstruation can also mean that girls are often told they can’t do certain things […]

November 11, 2021 Woman wearing a white shirt and a floral print head covering. She is sitting outside and is talking on the phone.

Tough Questions: “Why Do Families in Poverty Have Phones or TVs?”

This is part four in a five-part series answering tough questions people ask about poverty. (Read the previous post.) We put five difficult questions to parents of children in Compassion’s program. In vulnerably sharing their experiences, they hope to break the stigma and reveal the truth about living in poverty. Tough Question 4: “Why do […]

November 11, 2016 Totally Worth It: Reflecting on What's Good

Totally Worth It: Reflecting on What’s Good

[…] the futures of children through the local church enables a community to change at a foundational level. An African Childhood From the moment Emelia wakes up in Ghana — at 6:15 a.m. on a Saturday! — she is on the go. I’m No Longer an Orphan The lives of two girls who live more […]

March 03, 2017 The Day of Recognizing World Days of Recognition

The Day of Recognizing World Days of Recognition

[…] boy see clearly for the first time. One doctor in Uganda helped successfully deliver a baby after the mother had a staggering seven miscarriages. A neurosurgeon in Ghana helped one boy live a normal life after a diagnosis of hydrocephalus. Storms Totally Worth Awe-ing Over Because World Meteorological Day is March 23, Bill Paxton […]