How to Help Orphans When You Can’t Adopt

A boy wearing a grey sweater holding a wooden stick stands in the sunset in a field, looking into the distance.

The Bible instructs us to take up the cause of the fatherless, but how do we do that? Here are four practical ways to help orphans.

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12 Heart-Melting Pictures of Kids With Their Animal Buddies

Daniel is wearing a gray shirt. He is holding a lamb, which was a gift from his sponsor.

These pictures of kids with animals are cute, of course. But they also show how animals help people in poverty.

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Maira in Colombia holds a sign that says Gracias, Spanish for thank you. She is thankful for her sponsor and her family's food farm.

5 Children in South America Share What They’re Thankful For

It’s always so touching to hear what children in poverty feel thankful for. They live with less than most people, but their gratitude overflows. It helps put things in perspective and reminds us to give praise in all circumstances!

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She Never Knew She Had a Twin Sister — Until Now

Twin sisters who were separated as toddlers and raised without knowledge of each other were reunited at their Compassion center after both were registered in the Child Sponsorship Program.

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Kelvin is wearing a white shirt and jeans. He is standing outside the Compassion center with his hands touching in front of him. The Compassion center building is yellow and green.

Our Amazing Neighbors: 15 Photos of Churches Around the World

When a child enters the Compassion Sponsorship Program, he or she is registered at a local Compassion center. But before any center can open, a partnership is needed between Compassion and a local church.

Here are 15 photos of churches that partner with Compassion around the world!

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A woman and the child she sponsors through Compassion smile.

That Unforgettable Time I Met My Sponsored Child in Guatemala

Finally, it was the moment I had traveled thousands of miles for. There she was, a cute little girl with curly hair, standing outside a crowded church. Someone said, “This is Genesis, your sponsored child!”

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Weeview is wearing a blue shirt with black, green, and red stripes. He is standing in front of a white wall.

11 Quotes From Children Who Are Part-Time Comedians

Children are pint-sized comedians. If you’re not convinced already, take a read through this list of funny quotes from kids in Compassion’s program! The product of their creative minds — or perhaps the translation process — these funny one-liners perfectly capture the quirkiness and fun of children. Has the child you sponsor shared any gems in their letters?

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Compassion Peru's national director posting with children in front a church. The children are smiling and waving while wearing brightly colored clothing.

Facts About Peru: The Land of the Incas

Peru is a fascinating country found in South America. We’d love to share with you some interesting facts about Peru – the home of over 80,000 Compassion-assisted children. Come travel with us to the land of the ancient Incas and experience its rich cultures and traditions!

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poses with her children in their bedroom.

25 Powerful Photos of Children’s Rooms That Will Move You

Step into the homes of 25 children who live in poverty. Whether it’s a corner of a domed traditional home, a simple hammock, or a private space created by a curtain partition, each of these children’s rooms offers precious insight into their daily lives.

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Students from the dance team in the gym, performing in the Christmas Show. They are wearing traditional outfits as they dance.

Facts About Ecuador: The Light of America

Ecuador is home to a tropical coastline, Andean highlands and volcanoes, a portion of the Amazonian jungle and the breathtaking Galapagos Islands. Here are some interesting facts about Ecuador that will give you a peek into the culture and traditions of the country.

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A girl wearing pink stands outside a small pink home with a tin roof. There is a fence made of pieces of wood and barbed wire around the home.

When All You Want is a Pink House

After her family was evicted from their home, 5-year-old Deneilis shared a two-bedroom home with 11 other people. Her family had to wait for their relatives to go to bed before they could pull out old mattresses and sleep on the living room floor.
Since the pandemic hit their island community in Colombia, jobs had become scarce. Her father looked for work every day but came home empty-handed all too often. Soon, hunger and stress took their toll on the family.

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A group of boys and girls are playing soccer on a dirt field at the project. A boy in a red shirt is kicking the ball.

Facts About Colombia: The Gateway to South America

Colombia – one of the most biodiverse countries in the world – is home to striking mountain vistas, tropical coastlines, powerful rivers and a portion of the great Amazon rainforest. Located in the northwest corner of South America, Colombia borders Panama, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

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