How to Share the Gospel: Guide to Sharing the Good News

A teenage boy sits outside while holding and reading a Bible.

The gospel changes everything. And in this complete guide, you’ll learn how to share the gospel with those around you. Find Bible verses, quotes, tips and more.

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Compassion Definition for Kids: Teaching Kids to Care & Act

Three young girls hug each other in front of a lush green landscape.

Read a Compassion definition for kids and get the pointers you need to teach your little ones how to care and act on behalf of others.

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17 Best Christian Podcasts to Bring You Closer to Jesus

Looking for Christian podcasts? Look no further. Here, we share some of the best Christian podcasts that are sure to inspire you and bring you closer to Jesus.

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The Pathways to Confidence: John’s Journey to Purpose

A man in a blue button-up shirt faces the camera smiling with one hand in his front pocket.

Discover John’s journey from poverty to purpose and his mission to give back. Watch this inspiring story of resilience, hope and confidence.

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14 Bible Verses About Courage

A girl wearing a bright orange shirt stands in a field with her arms stretched to the sky.

Let these Bible verses about courage inspire you to be strong, fearless and brave today. Plus, see an inspirational example of courage in action.

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How to Tell Others About Jesus: Simple Steps and Tips

Wondering how to tell others about Jesus with confidence? Telling others about the Savior can be simple! Learn simple steps and tips to help here.

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8 Easy Ways to Spread the Gospel

Sharing the good news of Jesus is powerful yet simple! See ways to spread the gospel and learn how Compassion is sharing the hope of Christ with others.

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12 Uplifting Scriptures for Mental Health

Want to know what the Bible says about mental health? Read Scriptures for mental health and be comforted by your heavenly Father.

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How Does Compassion Choose Churches to Partner With?

Compassion partners with local churches in impoverished communities to serve children in need. How do we choose the churches we partner with? Learn more here.

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How Compassion Builds Healthy Partnerships With Churches

Building Healthy Partnerships Acceptance

How does Compassion build healthy partnerships with the local church? Discover eight ways we ensure we’re working together to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

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Child Poverty and Mental Health: How Compassion Helps

A young girl leans against a wall with her eyes closed.

Is there a link between child poverty and mental health? Yes. See the effects of poverty on mental health in children and how Compassion helps.

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