Tales From a Compassion Sunday Newbie, Part III
On the morning of my Compassion Sunday event, I arrived early to set up my table and meet with the technical- support volunteer who would be playing my DVD and running my PowerPoint show. My 15-minute spot would be just after announcements.

Tales From a Compassion Sunday Newbie, Part II
After signing up to receive information about Compassion Sunday from compassionsunday.com, I shared the DVD I received with my pastor. He offered to show the teaser videos to our church in advance of our main event.

Tales From a Compassion Sunday Newbie
My church’s first Compassion Sunday was fast approaching. It had been a long time in the making. My hope was that it would be a life-changing experience for someone, not just a soon-forgotten, non-event in the life of my church family.

World Water Day 2011 — How Can Clean Water Make a Difference?
A person can live four weeks without food, but only three days, depending on the circumstances without water. Lack of water can cause short-term memory loss, fatigue, and trouble learning. Your body will not function without water.

Are You at the End of the Line?
But if I’m going to follow the Jesus I claim to serve, I don’t have a choice. I’m going to have to stop judging and stop ignoring. I’m going to have to stop trying to be at the front of the line.

Talking to Strangers
“Aah,” we say, “isn’t that great of God to take care of the poor and oppressed. I’m off the hook, because it’s God who is the defender of the defenseless, provider for the fatherless and widow. I don’t have to worry about it, because that nice God is on the job.”

Crackers or Mud?
Recently, I read about how the poor in Haiti have to mix mud in their food to make it go further. Mud. They mix it with flour to make a few more biscuits or simply fry it up with cooking oil or lard and salt to give it a bit of taste. Imagine a mother having to scoop up mud just to have something to feed her hungry children.

Keeping Up With the Joneses
If you finished high school, you might as well be “Dr. Jones” to those who have no chance of getting an education. If you eat three full meals a day, Jones. Jones. Jones.

The Importance of Respecting Children
Each of us needs to take seriously the call to be an advocate for children. Kids watch us, and we have a responsibility to model fully the life we encourage them to walk.
Grace Stops Violence and Heals the Wounds of History
As the gospel exemplifies the power of redemptive grace, people are given the power to break not only the cycle of poverty, but also the cycle of violence.

Compassion Sunday Goes Beyond One Day
My new associate pastor caught me in the parking lot as I was leaving church one Sunday, with a beautiful vision of a radical message and a strong push for our upcoming Compassion Sunday. He even felt a holy “oughtness” from the Lord to offer a child packet from the pulpit and wait for a sponsor to take it from the stage.
It was bold. It was gutsy. It was what I had been praying for.

Poverty is Hard to Swallow
You can help quench the world’s thirst. You have the freedom to act.