Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. By learning the facts about this terrible crime against humanity, you can be the change for exploited children around the world.
January 11, 2014
Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. By learning the facts about this terrible crime against humanity, you can be the change for exploited children around the world.
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Rethreaded Inc is a great organization that employs survivors of human trafficking. They offer mental health counseling as well as job training. They have a beautiful online store and all of the proceeds go towards helping these women- check them out:
Its definitely a problem I hope the future generations can restore children mostly women to a higher status and reduce market for human trafficking
Thank you . It is paramount that institution like you in social media focus in helping innocent children of such a horrible crime. HumN trafficking is a horrendous action against humanity. It takes the dignity the heart Nd the illusion of mankind to grow free Nd enjoy Nd brace life with grace. May god bless all of you who helps in different ways . I am 62 years old I want help to this world pls let me know how I ca be an advocate. Thank you
can you please tell me where I can get the poster you have on pinterest? “What is a child’s life worth?” I would like to use it in a presentation at our woman’s group.
Thank you.
Hi Erin! I’m so sorry, but it’s actually an info graphic that we don’t have a physical layout of to give out. The only thing I could suggest you try is to take screenshots of it, but it wouldn’t come out in poster size. You should be able to capture it in two screenshots if you want to share it with your group that way. I wish I had a better idea for you!
Dear Sir and Madam,
I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am pleased to inform you that the Catholic Diocese of Makurdi Foundation in Benue State of Nigeria has carried out a research on state of internal trafficking in persons and contemporary slavery that takes place between North Central and South Western Nigeria. We are willing to share the report with you. However, we couldn’t get your e-mail address.
As noted above, we are a foundation of the Catholic Diocese of Makurdi, Benue state and undertook this research to generate empirical information on the situation. We have contacted our partners Misereor (Germany) who are in touch with International Office on Migration for responsive action. Nothing has so far commenced. We will be glad if we can get your e-mail address, share the report with you as we believe you will be instrumental in changing the situation that is affecting the lives and rights of vulnerable populations particularly young men, young women and children. Our foundation is also open to take you or any of your partners to the field to verify the situation as well as provide necessary support to any interventions you may consider.
We hope this will be useful to your foundation.
Thank you.
Rev Fr. Louis Ajinge CMF
Rev Fr. Louis Ajinge CMF, thank you so much for your hearts to help those affected by human trafficking. Our hearts break for the many young men, women, and children who are vulnerable in these areas. Unlike a relief and development agency, Compassion International is a non-profit, child development agency that works with existing church-based organizations. The funds that we receive are donated from sponsors for individual children in Compassion-assisted projects to provide for their educational, health and nutritional needs. Because our work is in partnership with the local church, we can only locate in developing countries where the Evangelical churches have building facilities and enjoy the freedom to minister in their communities.
Regrettably, Compassion is not currently working in Nigeria, nor do we have plans to expand there in the near future. Unfortunately, we do not have access to additional funds to help with outside ministries nor can we recommend any specific organizations that might. We want to thank you for the love and concern that you have for those who are in need in Nigeria. We pray that God will bless your efforts to minister to them.
I really love your good work toward it I hope ivan work with your team.
Bakare, thank you! Please email us at [email protected] for more information on partnership.
Hi. My name is Okogo Nene. I really love your good work and the love for our young children. I would love to work with you as a team. I studied History and International Studies and I have great love and passion for children’s success. Hope to hear from you. Thanks.
Nene, please email [email protected] for more information about working with us. Thank you and God bless!
Here is a statement from one of my Compassion children’s pastor letters: “Here, hungry children are fed, given medical and dental care, rehabilitated from malnutrition, rescued from life and death situations, assisted in their school needs to pursue formal studies, freed from abuses and receive therapeutic counseling. Just recently, we have advocated five of our children with child trafficking case and have been given favor and justice from the government trial court after three years of legal hearings.” Thank you for working with these projects to work towards justice and healing for these children.
A childs life is worth all the love in the world 🙂
I never knew the numbers were so staggering. How sad that the lives of the children have been taken away in such a base manner. Thank you for sharing this sobering and extremely sad information.
wow, I never knew it was that bad in some places, mean I knew it was bad, but I didn’t know where
that’s why God paid an INFINITE PRICE for HIS children’s LIVES 😉
A child’s life is PRICELESS 😉
I applaud Compassion for bringing child trafficking to everyone’s attention. The numbers are extremely shocking!
thank you for informing us about such a desperate issue in this world.
Great infographic! Great reassurance for new/existing donors/child sponsors in knowing your commitment to combating Modern Day Slavery.
Would love to read more. Keep up the amazing work in the Kingdom.
Wow…..Thank you Compassion for stepping up to save those precious kids! 🙂
very nice article. i have share this in blog. and bookmarked this blog for future information. thank youl.