September 09, 2014 second friday letter writing club featured

Not Too Soon for Christmas

What does a Christmas celebration look like for our sponsored children? Do they have special Christmas traditions with their families? Do they decorate their homes with Christmas decorations? Do they attend special Christmas services at their churches? Because it can take months to get a letter to your sponsored child, it’s not too soon […]

October 10, 2019 A boy lays on the ground, holding a sparkler and surrounded by Christmas lights.

Celebrating Christmas in El Salvador

It is sunrise on Friday, just a week before Christmas. The morning smells fresh and the sun shines strongly. A light breeze fills the air with that cool Christmas feeling. For a foreigner, it would almost feel like spring, but for Salvadorans, it feels like Christmas.

December 12, 2013 christmas in tanzania santa

Memories of Christmas in Tanzania

Christmas is the season to visit relatives far and close. As for Christians, many tie marriage knots around Christmas. Other church events, such as public declarations of Christian faith, also called confirmations or first communions, take place around Christmas.

October 10, 2021

One Sure Way to Create Meaningful Christmas Memories

I’m going to be honest with you: I love Christmas, but I’m not good at it. My wrapping skills are mediocre, my baking leaves something to be desired, and regardless of my best intentions, I’m usually scrambling through the Target aisles on Christmas Eve. However, what I lack in homemade magic, I make up […]

December 12, 2009 You Foster Generosity When You Give a Christmas Gift

Christmas in Indonesia

One might think that celebrating Christmas in Indonesia – the world’s most populous Muslim nation – can be a problem. Even though 90 percent of Indonesia’s 220 million people are followers of Islam, it does not mean that Christmas is not celebrated. The biggest signs of Christmas (i.e. the traditions of the Western festive […]

December 12, 2016 Do They Know It's Christmas?

They Do Know It’s Christmas

It was a perfect December day to listen to Christmas music. I was out running errands, driving in a light, winter snow. A lesser known Christmas song filled the car – “Do They Know it’s Christmas?” I’d heard the song on the radio before. But this time I paid attention to the lyrics. And […]

October 10, 2020 A girl sits on her bed holding an open Bible. There are twinkling lights in the background

Top 10 Reasons These Kids in Poverty Love Christmas

Learn why Christmas is the most anticipated holiday of the year for 10 children around the world. Their beautiful answers will put a smile on your face!

September 09, 2019 A boy wearing a red Santa cap holds out a small nativity set.

4 Reasons This Could Be the Best Christmas Ever

Did you know that churches around the world are already starting to prepare for Christmas? Our church partners take this opportunity to bring joy and share Jesus’ love with the children in their care very seriously. You will be inspired by these four ways that this could be the best Christmas ever for children […]

October 10, 2014 first christmas valerie

Valerie’s First Christmas

I was about 3 years old in my earliest Christmas memory. I had chickenpox, and because I was quarantined, my stepfather dressed as Santa to cheer me up. I don’t remember the gifts I got that year, but I remember feeling so special that Santa had made a house call to visit me. That […]

September 09, 2017 You Foster Generosity When You Give a Christmas Gift

You Foster Generosity When You Give a Christmas Gift

What if your Christmas gift did more than just bring joy to one child? What if your one act of giving helped foster generosity in an entire city? This is the case for a small island community in Indonesia. Through your gifts, Christmas giving became contagious!

September 09, 2020 A young boy smiles while wearing a new backpack he got at a Compassion Christmas celebration. Children are standing behind him

Behind the Scenes of a Compassion Christmas Celebration

Giddy anticipation ripples through the crowd of children arriving for the Compassion Christmas celebration. I watch from the window of a barn-turned-church in Uganda, which sits uphill from a child development center where the kids are gathering. I’m recalling Christmas mornings as a child in Colorado, my siblings and I sitting on the staircase […]

December 12, 2020 Fortune, wearing a blue and white shirt and black pants, is sitting to the right of her mother, who is holding Divine, Fortune’s sister, on her lap. Fortune's mother is wearing an orange shirt and blue skirt.

These Kids in Togo Need Your Prayers This Christmas!

This Compassion center in southern Togo knows how to throw a memorable celebration at Christmastime. This year, however, a shadow of uncertainty is cast over the children and their families. COVID-19 restrictions have been enforced across Togo, prohibiting the center’s traditional Christmas gathering. Kids at the center are still grappling with what this Christmas […]

December 12, 2020 A girl in Brazil wears a Santa hat. She is smiling down at a candle. The room is dimly lit, and Christmas lights sparkle behind her.

10 of the Most Unique Christmas Traditions Around the World

Christmas traditions vary from family to family as well as culture to culture. Travel the world with us as we explore unique, quirky and wonderful Christmas traditions across the globe!

December 12, 2020 Joselin, Mayte, Jenny (mother), and Javier are inside their home. Two of the children are holding Christmas gifts and they are wearing Christmas hats.

The Thoughtful Christmas Surprise That Relieved a Worried Mom

[…] what little remained of her corn crops after they were pummeled by hail. But the damaged crops weren’t even her biggest concern — it was the approaching Christmas without her husband. As Jenny wondered what the holiday would be like without him — and whether her family would have enough to eat — staff […]

December 12, 2019 A boy holds a sparkler, surrounded by lights celebrating Christmas in El Salvador

It’s Christmas in El Salvador

Christmas in El Salvador is a magical time. Right after the last September rains and the windy days of October and November, a cool breeze and fresh spring-like days fill the atmosphere, announcing that the dry season (usually called “summer”) is here, and suddenly everything is green, red and full of lights. It […]

December 12, 2008

Christmas in Colombia

The main room is decorated with Christmas posters. Children are laughing and talking. One can feel the atmosphere of Christmas, the musicians do not stop singing, while children finish eating dessert.

December 12, 2014 christmas around the world twin angels

Christmas Around The World

Traditions of dancing, singing carols, pageants, parades and nativity scenes fill our holiday season with joy. Uniting us with family, friends and church communities as we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Enjoy these beautiful photos from our friends celebrating Christmas around the world!

October 10, 2015 5 Fun DIY Christmas Cards

5 Fun DIY Christmas Cards

Glitter and paper and string, oh my! Check out some fun do-it-yourself ideas for Christmas cards you can send to the child or teen you sponsor.

November 11, 2019 3 Helpful Ideas for Your Christmas Letter This Year

3 Helpful Christmas Letter Ideas for This Year

It’s Christmastime for the Compassion Letter Club! Don’t face your writer’s block alone. We’ve got you covered with these helpful ideas for what to write to the child or teen you sponsor this year in your Compassion Christmas letter.

December 12, 2013

Christmas in Burkina Faso

“When nights are cold and dawns much colder,” says 14-year-old Ozias, “When there is freezing wind, when our skin cracks and always looks dirty, when our mothers insist that we use lip balm, and when we do not have to wake up early for school, then we know it’s Christmas season!”

October 10, 2019 A cute smiling girl wearing a santa hat

Christmas Traditions in Colombia

Officially, Christmas begins on Dec. 7 when Colombian people celebrate Candle Day, an important festivity in which kids and adults join at night to light candles in the streets and windows. Offices and homes are decorated with lanterns and candles that welcome the holiday season. They are also accompanied by fireworks.

December 12, 2011 children with heads bowed and hands raised

Celebrating Christmas for the First Time

In the community Bonheur Ville (Town of Happiness), wonderful praise music could be heard. The Saksida Assemblies of God Church was jubilant because they were celebrating Christmas for the very first time.

September 09, 2021

Who Goes Christmas Shopping for Kids in Compassion’s Program (and why NOW)?

If you’re a Compassion supporter, you may have already received a letter or email reminding you to send a Christmas gift to Compassion kids this year. Why so early?

September 09, 2012 Small wreath that says joy.

It’s Not Too Early for Christmas

I know it may seem a little early, but now is actually the perfect time to get your Christmas gifts and letters in the mail to your sponsored child.

November 11, 2016 How Do You Make Christmas More?

How Do You Make Christmas More?

Wait! I know what you’re thinking after reading that title. “She’s going to tell me Christmas is too commercial. And that I need to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.” You obviously don’t know me. I love Christmas. I love twinkly lights and decorating sugar cookies and candlelight services and presents. […]

November 11, 2010 group of adults and children holding gifts

What Is Christmas Like for an Unsponsored Child?

For many people, Christmas is a time of celebration and thanksgiving — a time filled with family and steeped in tradition. It is a time of praise and gratitude as we reflect on the birth of Jesus, our Savior. For a child in poverty, Christmas can be very different. It may reinforce the hopelessness […]

December 12, 2018 How to Not Waste $50 on Unwanted Gifts for Christmas

How to Not Waste $50 on Unwanted Gifts This Christmas

People in the U.S. spend about $16 billion on unwanted Christmas gifts each year. Gifts that are discarded, donated or re-gifted. Instead of spending our generosity on things people don’t want, how can we be more intentional with our gift giving?

December 12, 2009 Christmas in Haiti

Christmas in Haiti

In Haiti, Christmas is widely celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike as a holiday with non-religious aspects.

January 01, 2011 woman holding young boy on lap

Child Survival Program Celebrates the True Meaning of Christmas

[…] in the La Victoria Alta neighborhood, a place with limited access to public transportation and public services. It is one hour away from Quito’s downtown area, a place where the cold weather is so intense that people feel chilled to the bone. María is one of the hundreds of mothers who cry at Christmas time.

December 12, 2011 woman with group of children holding gifts

Christmas Gift Giving Fun in Nicaragua

Wind carries the sounds of songs and shouts of joy from the Hermon Baptist Church that can be heard from a block away. There is a celebration, a Christmas celebration for children of the Fe y Esperanza Student Center located in Managua, Nicaragua.

December 12, 2018 Merry Christmas! And Thank You From Kids Around The World!

Merry Christmas! And Thank You From Kids Around the World!

You’ve given millions of kids in poverty the best Christmas! So, Merry Christmas to you! And a million thank-yous from kids around the world!

December 12, 2013 christmas in ghana meal

Christmas in Ghana

In Ghana, Christmas is a special occasion for both Christians and non-Christians, with celebrations revolving around large family gatherings and feasts

October 10, 2015 Christmas Party Running

3 Things I Learned at My First Compassion Christmas Party

Celebrating Christmas at a child development center in El Salvador means giraffes, bumblebees and donkeys! And in the midst of the carols and wrapping paper, God taught me so much about His heart for the poor — and my responsibility to His children.

December 12, 2014 christmas miracle kenya slums

A Christmas Miracle

This story was orginally published on December 23, 2010 In December 1993, a thief broke into our house and stole our Christmas gifts. My sister and I were sponsored and we received many gifts from our sponsors. Her sponsor was from Australia, and there were kangaroo images printed on all her letters. Some of […]

November 11, 2014

The Year I Gave Homework for Christmas

[…] seat and stuffed into my pillowcase. So when I was about 10 years old, I decided I would buy every person in my family a book for Christmas. I pored over the Scholastic Books order form and found books for my parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. I wrapped them and carefully placed them […]

December 12, 2021 Pesi is wearing red and white tradtional clothing and is standing outside with trees in the background and is holding a Christmas gift.

A Very Maasai Christmas

Seven-year-old Pesi is part of the Child Sponsorship Program at a church in Kenya. She is also a member of the Maasai people. Every year since she can remember, her family has celebrated Christmas.

December 12, 2014 close up of grinning boy

Our Video Christmas Card To You!

Who doesn’t love getting Christmas cards? The sweet family photos, the stories from your out-of-town friends, the glittery paper creations. Filling the front of your refrigerator with a colorful collage of those you love. Even though you can’t stick this one on your fridge, we want to tell you – our family and friends […]

December 12, 2010 young girl hitting piñata in front of crowd of children

Christmas in Nicaragua

The festive decorations and music create an atmosphere of celebration. Bible verse competitions are held among the different ages. They also have a piñata, party jumper, delicious lunch and a short devotion by the pastor. Distributing the much-anticipated Christmas presents is the final highlight.

December 12, 2012

Christmas Ornament Life Lessons

Many people in Mexico are highly dedicated to crafts, but in the hills of Veracruz, there is a group of adolescents who have dedicated the last couple of months to the delicate craftwork of making glass Christmas decorations.

December 12, 2011 people together celebrating

Celebrating Christmas in Sri Lanka

Stage lights were flickering and decorations were sitting proudly on the stage. Inigodawela Child Survival Program staff members were rushing to and fro trying to get things completed in time to start their Christmas program.

November 11, 2010 group of smiling children sitting on steps

A Christmas Card Drive of Epic Proportions!

[…] Thanksgiving. That’s where YOU come in! Well you, DaySpring, and Compassion International. From now through November 29th (the Monday after Thanksgiving) Studio DaySpring will be hosting a Christmas Card Drive for the children of Ecuador. You design the card, Compassion will translate it, DaySpring will print it, and a team from both organizations will […]

December 12, 2008

Christmas Memories

It was Christmas morning, and I lay impatiently in my bed awaiting the sound of my parents stirring downstairs. We’ve never been the kind of family that wakes up and rushes to the living room to tear into the gifts before we have properly washed the “eye boogers” out of our eyes (disgusting I know, […]

October 10, 2013 advent candles

Christmas in October

It’s just the beginning of October, but mail to our sponsored children takes time to arrive, which makes now the time to be thinking about the Christmas letter you send to your child.

December 12, 2011 group of young girls in low lighting holding candles during a worship service

A Safe Place for Christmas

This Christmas I want to thank you for all you do to make possible our “fifty-five-hundred-plus” safe places for children. A refuge from the street…from abuse…or from just being ignored.

December 12, 2008

Christmas Angels

Merry Christmas! On this day we hope you feel the presence of our Savior as we celebrate His grand love and His perfect will to move us closer to Himself. “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with […]

December 12, 2011 children showing their Christmas gifts

A Big Christmas Thank You!

Your generosity is not only a blessing this Christmas but all year long. Today, as you celebrate the birth of our Savior we hope you feel the depth of His love and gratitude — and ours — for the ways you have cared for these little ones around the world.

December 12, 2012

The Perfect Christmas Gift

Have some difficult people on your Christmas shopping list? You could get them a gift that has a shelf life…or you could give them a gift that lasts forever!

December 12, 2008

If I Could Spend Christmas

If I could spend Christmas with my sponsored child . . .

December 12, 2010

We Wish You a Very Merry Christmas

With undying gratitude to our Heavenly Father for seeing us through the year, and to you, sponsors, donors, and friends of Compassion, for your prayers, love and support in 2010 – Merry Christmas from Compassion International!

December 12, 2011

How About Some Free Christmas Music?

Folk Angel is offering free Christmas music downloads to Compassion staff and supporters. Downloads are available through December 22, 2011.

December 12, 2015 Best Christmas Lyric Featured

The Best Christmas Lyric I’ve Ever Heard

Have you been listening to Christmas music since the calendar turned to November? Or maybe you have a rule that you can only listen after Thanksgiving. Regardless of when you started listening, chances are you have a favorite Christmas song. Mine has been, and probably always will be, “O Holy Night.” It’s because of […]

December 12, 2011 Two children holding a baby.

How Do You Include Jesus in Your Christmas Giving?

Christmas is such a festive season, so full of rich traditions that have long been a part of our culture. But as much as I love turning on the Christmas carols and look forward to time with family and friends, it’s all too easy for me to let the traditions and festivities overwhelm […]

November 11, 2010 woman embracing young boy

This Christmas, Tell Your Story and Give the Gift of Hope

[…] and bless others. Why not think through your own Compassion story and consider giving one to a family member, friend, neighbor or coworker this season? Family gatherings, Christmas parties and work celebrations are all great places to talk about what sponsorship has meant to you and why you have chosen to care for the […]

December 12, 2013 drawing of nativity scene

Merry Christmas!

On this day we hope you feel the presence of our Savior as we celebrate His grand love and His perfect will to move us closer to Himself. “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.” – Matthew […]

December 12, 2011 God Loves a Cheerful Giver: Giving With Purpose

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

One of the things my wife and I decided early on in our marriage was that we wanted Christmas to be about more than getting — we didn’t want wish lists to be the focus.

October 10, 2018 Joy to the World: the Anthem YOU can Share

Joy to the World: The Anthem YOU Can Share

Christmas is near — giving us peace, cheer and bringing much joy to the world. But its greatest gift is something special that we just have to share!

December 12, 2008

Presents for the King

The church was packed with 200 children and their parents, celebrating the pre- Christmas program with the Compassion child cevelopment center. When the host announced the opening of the program, the room burst with clapping. Laboni was there with her sister Sraboni. Everything around Laboni was entirely new for her. She belongs to a […]

December 12, 2012

When Gifts Fail, Giving Still Wins

Christmas shopping can be filled with pitfalls — shopping injuries, re-gifting and the brick-hard fruitcake, just to name a few. As you navigate the holidays this year, laugh at the giving fails and rejoice in gifts of hope.

December 12, 2011 young twin girls with birthday cake

A New Take on a Lifetime of Birthdays

It seems fairly common for those of us with December birthdays to grumble a bit about our birthdays being overshadowed by the holidays. We grumble about birthday presents being wrapped in Christmas paper or being designated for “birthday AND Christmas.”

December 12, 2008

Nativity Set Giveway

Yesterday, we introduced you to Chantal, a 9-year-old girl from Rwanda. Chantal is a beneficiary of our Highly Vulnerable Children (HVC) initiative, and during the Christmas season the vulnerability of these children parallels the extreme vulnerability that our God entered into on Christmas Day. It’s a vulnerability portrayed in homes throughout the world by […]

February 02, 2011

Skills for Life: Hand Sanitizers, Christmas Decorations and Spaghetti

[…] In the meantime, other sponsored children also had their own vocational training classes. The younger youth, 12 to 17 years old, were busy learning how to make Christmas decorations for sale. “The idea is to teach these children how to make a feasibility study, finish a project and earn possible income,” said Gina, center […]

December 12, 2019 A boy wearing a Santa cap lays on the ground with his face resting in his hands, smiling.

25 Reasons to Praise God This Christmas

Are you ready for some good-news stories before we celebrate the ultimate Good News of Jesus’ birth? You won’t want to miss these beautiful snapshots of the amazing work God is doing through sponsors and the local church around the world.

May 05, 2024 A girl in a purple shirt is sitting in a chair, smiling and waving. She is holding a white paper flag on a stick.

El Salvador Traditions Reveal a Unique, Vibrant Culture

El Salvador’s traditions easily set it apart from any other country. Who else has a national holiday in honor of “pupusas”? And what other country celebrates Christmas with huge fireworks displays and specializes in green coffee beans? Let’s explore the culture of El Salvador, the Central American country where 66,113 Compassion-assisted children live, by […]

November 11, 2018 5 Creative Ideas For Entertaining Kids Over the Holidays

Fun and Free Ideas for Entertaining Kids Over the Holidays

Entertaining kids over the holidays can be a struggle. So much time, so little to do! But this list of creative and totally FREE activities will make your Thanksgiving and Christmas fun and memorable!

November 11, 2010 collage of photo cards

The Words We Carry

[…] Warm clothes and toothbrush. Check. Plane tickets to Ecuador. Check. Cards for unsponsored children. Check. Thanks to you. I know my trip to Ecuador to deliver your Christmas cards is still about two weeks away, but I like to make sure I am prepared, over and over and over again. We (I and the […]

December 12, 2012 Christmas tree

What Makes Gratitude Overflow?

[…] bag through Guatemala to present to this precious family. I was thinking of Bilha and her family while I worked on helping put together this year’s Compassion Christmas Gift Catalog. On each page there were gifts that I knew would bring the same kind of joy to other families this ministry serves. I can […]

April 04, 2014 Christmas Gifts

Giving a Gift to the Child You Sponsor: The Whys, Whats and Hows

[…] for sending a monetary gift. Each year, you can send $10 to $50 as a birthday gift, $10 to $50 as a general gift, and $25 to $1,000 as a family gift. You also have the option of donating any amount, we typically suggest $20, to the Christmas Gift Program on your sponsored child’s behalf.

January 01, 2022 Lizbeth is wearing a blue skirt, white shirt, and a red sash. She is sitting in a field with a calf behind her and she is holding up one of her sponsor's letters.

By the Calendar: 12 Ideas for Writing to the Child You Sponsor in 2022

[…] do. (Got to get after those goals, am I right?) Or maybe it’s because every year for the past 16 years I’ve received a wall calendar for Christmas from a dear friend. Whatever the case, a good wall calendar or even a digital calendar that you keep up-to-date online can help you prepare for […]

December 12, 2012 people waiting in line for food

20 Days About Giving

Let’s talk about how the next 20 days are going to be different than normal for each of us. Let’s talk about the joys, rewards, effort and difficulty involved with giving. And let’s raise $20,000 for children in need this Christmas.

March 03, 2019 chldren playing at the beach

40 Questions to Ask in Your Letters for Every Season of the Year

[…] or turn colors where you live? What is your favorite thing to do in chilly weather? What are you most thankful to God for? Writing Letters at  Christmas Every kid loves talking about Christmas! Consider asking some of these questions to learn how the child you sponsor celebrates Jesus’ birth. Some kids who live […]

December 12, 2011 a group of children with two soccer balls

How Can A Soccer Ball Inspire Dreams?

Who gets those soccer balls you give through the Gifts of Compassion Christmas gift catalog? How does a soccer ball make an impact on a child in poverty?

December 12, 2014 One Word to Lead fb

One Word To Lead 2015

Time used to dance slowly for me. I remember my creeping countdown to Christmas break. Spring break. Summer…The beginning of our lives was marked with seasons broken up for us, with rest. Then there was college and marriage and all the responsibility that piles itself high. It feels like a new kind of time […]

November 11, 2014 giving tuesday featured

Why Giving Tuesday Matters

[…] should be noted, though, that my mom didn’t necessarily enjoy these dawn excursions with a whiny teen. She did it because she loved us, and she wanted Christmas to be special. Our family wasn’t wealthy, and she saved all year to buy those gifts — to demonstrate in a tangible way that she knew […]

February 02, 2017 5 Reasons to Write Your Child - No Matter What

5 Reasons to Write Your Child – No Matter What

[…] Joan who would always send me cards. Every holiday I would peek into the mailbox and see her familiar handwriting on that heavy white envelope. She sent a Christmas card. Birthday. Easter. Fourth of July. No holiday went by without a letter from Aunt Joan. And each one made me feel special. Loved. Remembered. Encouraged.

December 12, 2013 Give a gift in Jesus' name catalog image

Give a Gift in Jesus’ Name

This Christmas, what if, instead of giving gifts that break, expire or get used up, you gave a gift that will last forever?

January 01, 2014 Why Do My Sponsored Child's Letters Seem So Impersonal?

Why Do My Sponsored Child’s Letters Seem So Impersonal?

[…] quality of the letters they receive from their sponsored children. A few days ago, I spoke with Judy because she was upset that her sponsored child, Carlos, doesn’t answer the questions she asks in her letters. She was also frustrated because she had just received a letter wishing her a “Merry Christmas” … in June!

April 04, 2008

With God All Things Are Possible

[…] so cold. Once it melted though, he became a fan. I was told the outfit he’s wearing, along with his shoes and socks, were purchased through the Christmas Gift Program. Amisi is so full of life and joy. It’s hopeful to know he’s receiving health care, food and educational opportunities. And most important — […]

January 01, 2011 header with the Compassion logo and a child's face

Thank You for Defending the Cause of the Weak

As a sponsor your whole relationship with us is one of focusing on others. But during the Christmas season your commitment to the children and families we serve is always magnified.

September 09, 2014 easy ways to give christmas gift

4 Easy Ways to Give

[…] food sources by planting seeds or raising livestock. Check out all the ways you can give a gift in Jesus’ name at our online Gift Catalog. 4. Send a Christmas gift to a child who lives in poverty. Spread the Christmas spirit by helping provide Christmas gifts to the children in our child development program. You can provide […]

November 11, 2020 A Brazilian child wearing a red shirt smiles and stands in front of a wall

10 Creative Ways to Include Your Sponsored Child This Thanksgiving

[…] are doing the same for that child this holiday season. 9. Create personalized ornaments When Thanksgiving is over, one of my family’s traditions is to decorate for Christmas. When we start bringing out our Christmas ornaments, my family has a time of bonding over the memories associated with each one. I especially love coming […]

January 01, 2020 A woman sits at a table, writing a letter.

A Letter-Writing Plan for the New Year

[…] note arrived in Guatemala, it still had to be hand-delivered to her Compassion center. Then there was the confusing timelines – when did I tell her Merry Christmas? Why was she mentioning Easter in the summer? Like me, you may have noticed that the child you sponsor is sharing about holidays months after they […]

October 10, 2009

The Give With Love Club

[…] weekly Bible studies, Maneenoot felt that this was not enough to satisfy her desire to serve the Lord. “On November last year we planned to host a Christmas party and we wanted to invited our non-Christian friends. We wanted them to have fun and meet new people. “Most importantly, we wanted our non-believer friends […]

December 12, 2016 Want Need Wear Read: Compassion Style

Want, Need, Wear, Read: Compassion Style

[…] the Shelf” ideas (have I mentioned I don’t have kids?), and instructions for how to make your own wrapping paper (I typically shove 90 percent of my Christmas presents into gift bags on Christmas Eve). But one thing I’ve seen over and over has intrigued me. It’s called the 4 Gift Challenge, and it’s […]

September 09, 2020 Happy, smiling, laughing children, boys and girls, males, females run outside in the grass surrounded by tropical, palm trees wearing blue, yellow shirts, white shorts, blue and white dress.

Facts About Indonesia: Unity in Diversity

[…] of swidden agriculture – rotational farming where fields are cleared, cultivated and then left for several years to allow the soil to recover. Bonus: Learn About Indonesian Christmas and “Pengucapan” (Indonesian Thanksgiving)! Music and Dance of Indonesia The music and dance styles of Indonesia are also understandably diverse due to the number of insulated cultures. […]

December 12, 2011

What Action Will You Take for the Poor?

[…] love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.” — 1 John 3:17,18 NASB When I was involved with the creation and implementation of the Christmas 2011 Gifts of Compassion gift catalog, I heard about two young sponsors who put their faith into action by rallying others and meeting tangible needs through the […]

December 12, 2012 the wise men

Modern-Day Wise Men

The nativity story has many incredible twists and turns, so wonderfully sewn together that people mistake the truth of Christmas as fiction: Bethlehem, the manger, the star, the angels, the shepherds, Herod, and so on. One such twist was the coming of the wise men. Who were these people? Their identity in the nativity […]

October 10, 2018 How Often Should You Write the Child You Sponsor?

How Often Should You Write to the Child You Sponsor?

[…] times a year. Sometimes you have exciting news that just can’t wait! Maybe you just got married, got a new kitten, or you want to send a Christmas gift or birthday gift with a letter. “Sponsors can send as many letters as they want. But, those letters have to go through a process of […]

September 09, 2009 young girl holding gifts

Does Giving Gifts to Our Sponsored Children Make a Difference?

[…] later proved to be wrong, but…) and immediately sent a gift of $25. A few months later, I received a thank-you letter for both her birthday and Christmas gifts. These are the gifts she listed: a dress, sugar, rice, soap, body oil, and her school uniform (required in many countries for enrollment). Have you […]

June 06, 2012 group of smiling women posing for camera

The Power of Words and Actions

In 2010, through our partnership with Dayspring, we delivered hundreds of Christmas cards to unsponsored children in Ecuador. Your participation made the campaign a success and brought joy to countless children that Christmas. But the story didn’t end once the cards were delivered. Recently, DaySpring touched the hearts of women around the world through […]

October 10, 2020 A group of boys and girls are playing soccer on a dirt field at the project. A boy in a red shirt is kicking the ball.

Facts About Colombia: The Gateway to South America

[…] marry because of social normals or because it is too expensive to live alone. Colombians also enjoy soccer, tennis, cycling, mountain climbing, boxing and bullfighting. Learn about Christmas in Colombia and traditional Christmas traditions and celebrations in Colombia! Music and Dance of Colombia If you visited the country of Colombia, you could hear a […]

January 01, 2012 Children standing outside by a cross.

Paper Angels All Year Long

[…] one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” Over the Christmas season I read Paper Angels by Jimmy Wayne and Travis Thrasher. It’s an inspiring novel about two families whose lives touch through the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program. […]

September 09, 2009

Christian Blog Video Sitemap

[…] My Walk With Jesus (2/23/14) The Prodigal Son (2/9/14) Compassion Alumni Chapel (1/26/14) The Love of Literacy (1/21/14) TCPT Prayer Chapel (1/12/14) Healthy Smiles (12/27/13) Chonda Pierce Christmas Chapel (12/23/13) Live Compassion (12/10/13) Only God Could Bring These Results (12/6/13) Give a Gift in Jesus’ Name (12/5/13) World AIDS Day 2013: Getting to Zero […]

December 12, 2010

From Tragedy, Make Something Beautiful

If there is one thing that seems fairly certain in this life, it’s the simple fact that tragedy will inevitably find you. Not exactly the post- Christmas message you were expecting, is it? It’s true though, isn’t it? How many of us have managed to escape tragedy in some form or another? All of […]

December 12, 2011 Pink flowers

The Last Days of an HIV-Positive Child

[…] with her. I delivered flowers and get-well cards from her friends and staff at the child development center and from concerned parents. Eva’s recovery was remarkable. With  Christmas festivities approaching, Eva greatly missed her family in Kawolo. She had been in-hospital for three months, and the medical personnel decided that it was now safe to […]

November 11, 2017 This Is What Happens When You Give Livestock to Families in Poverty

This Is What Happens When You Give Livestock to Families in Poverty

[…] corn from the harvest at home,” Phamela says, “but now I’m eating chicken too, and I like that.” Give a Chicken startup to a family! › A Christmas Cow In Rwanda, a cow is a sign of wealth. It is a source of money, food and, for many, respect. And for 50 families in […]

December 12, 2010 happy children holding letters

Delivering Hope

[…] is unsponsored and a child who is sponsored is when letters are handed out. It’s a little bit like the unsponsored children are wearing scarlet letters. This Christmas things are different. We came to Ecuador to hand deliver the Christmas cards you created for the unsponsored children. To date your Christmas Cards have been […]

November 11, 2011 hello kitty backpack

Can I Send This Gift to My Sponsored Child?

[…] the mail. Unfortunately, we receive about 300 items like these each month. Our correspondence team spends about eight hours each week sorting out these undeliverable items. During the Christmas season, rather than donating the items to Northern Churches Care, the correspondence team gathers all of the items that couldn’t be sent and that weren’t returned to […]

October 10, 2017 5 Easy Ways to Encourage Kids to Fight Poverty

5 Easy Ways to Encourage Kids to Fight Poverty

[…] Matt and Christa Boss do to help their children understand the importance of serving those in poverty. The Boss Family Each year, the Boss family throws a Christmas party focused on promoting the value of releasing children from poverty. They invite churches, youth groups, friends and family to swing by and consider purchasing a […]

January 01, 2021 Abo (left, standing) is pushing Kanyaporn (right) on an Akha traditional celebration swing. They are wearing their traditional clothing and there are trees in the background.

How Local Churches Help Celebrate Local Traditions

[…] not only shared them with our neighboring communities that were facing food insecurity, but we also sent out fruits and vegetables to people locked up in jail.” Christmas in Burkina Faso In a tiny community in Burkina Faso, the Compassion center’s Christmas celebration is one of the most anticipated events of the year. It […]

December 12, 2013 Sign saying good gift better gift.

Provide a Lifetime of Hope for a Child in Poverty

Give the perfect Christmas Gift to a child in poverty this holiday season! the perfect christmas gift

March 03, 2012 children wearing colorful print clothing

What is the Most Interesting Thing Your Sponsor Has Told You?

[…] so I want to do better when I write to her. ~Medard, Age 11 Medard, Age 11 (center) My sponsor told me that it snows before every Christmas, every house is white and the flowers change color. The Christmas is called “White Christmas.” ~Kaleb, Age 9 She said I’m intelligent, my drawings in the […]

December 12, 2021 A smiling woman sits at a marketplace in Burkina Faso surrounded by fruits and vegetables on blankets.

What’s It Like To Go Shopping Around the World?

[…] has worn grooves in the dirt as shoppers peruse the latest styles and snacks. The Dominican Republic Yoliver goes window-shopping with his mom in excited anticipation for Christmas. This year, his local church provided his mother with a gift card through Compassion’s Christmas Gift Fund. She was thrilled to have the opportunity to pick […]

February 02, 2009

A Picture of Poverty

[…] One of these families hadn’t even eaten the day before.   For the interviews, the children typically put on their best clothes, the outfits they got for Christmas from their sponsors. They were so proud to look their best for us and for their photo shoot. This was a very big day for them. […]

January 01, 2011

Not Guilty: Using Your Blessings for Good

[…] I still struggle with this guilt. It ebbs and flows. Sometimes it is too difficult to bear and other times it doesn’t cross my mind. During Compassion’s Christmas banquet, it was particularly heavy. I was reminiscing and remembered a conversation I had with one of my Zambian friends as we passed a Subway restaurant. […]

December 12, 2009

Always Picked Last (Extreme Poverty Style)

[…] grassy lawn that is safely guarded from speeding cars and other dangers. Imagine a world where your toys are bought from Wal-Mart, and you get a new Christmas, Easter and birthday outfit every year. That’s not very hard to imagine … is it? Most of us grew up in that setting — or one […]

June 06, 2021 Leach is seen here wearing a bright yellow shirt, standing in front of a corrugated metal fence. She is holding a puppy, and is smiling at the camera.

What Is Daily Life Like for Kenya’s Girls?

[…] a goal at the local soccer field in western Kenya. Soccer is the most popular sport in the country. Leach twirls in her favorite dress — a Christmas gift from her sponsor. Dinnertime Salama and her family eat dinner outside together while sitting on a woven mat. With lots of siblings and cousins, their […]

December 12, 2012 two elderly women with their heads together

Seven Ways to Give of Yourself — In Every Season

[…] place the money in the container. (Just be sure to dispose of the pocket lint.) Over the course of the year, look for families that typically go without during the Christmas season, and do the shopping for them. Play Santa to a family of children who have yet to open Christmas gifts, or bless a single parent […]

November 11, 2012 power in a name

The Power in a Name

In the vast majority of American Christian homes, it’s not too difficult to notice our refrigerators — covered in array of family pictures, Christmas cards, and often a photo of a sponsored child in another country. Without hesitation, most of our friends will gush about their sponsored child and proceed to pull out their […]

July 07, 2012 four children holding up letters

Sponsor Letters: Gifts From the Heart

[…] it is time to answer letters. Me, I am forgotten. “I don’t think that my sponsor really loves me. When I write, I receive no answer. During Christmas and Easter, I always hope that they will send me a letter, but I have been disappointed.” Benedicte would also like to receive a letter from […]

October 10, 2011 three young girls reading a letter

Sponsored Children Love Your Letters!

[…] and photos from my sponsors more than gifts. These letters are full of greetings, encouraging words and Bible verses. They also send a beautiful family photo with Christmas greetings. These letters are precious to me.” For boys, to receive a letter from their sponsors is equally important. Robin and Eliphas love to get notes […]

July 07, 2016 5 Ways to Build a Relationship With the Child You Sponsor and Why It Matters

5 Ways to Build a Relationship With the Child You Sponsor

[…] closer to my kid’s birthday? Can I write to my child in Spanish, or do I have to write in English? Can I send my child a Christmas present, or do I have to just send her money? I thought many of the questions were trivial. They made me frustrated. I didn’t think people […]

May 05, 2012 woman sitting with three children

The House a Family Gift Built

[…] a regular churchgoer. Problems in her life made attendance difficult. “There was a time when I had decided that I would not go to church to celebrate Christmas because I had no clothes. While I was pondering this in my heart, a sponsor sent money with the instruction that the child development center should […]

April 04, 2012 group of children looking at bugs

Of Bugs and Mountains

[…] children point and scream at hundreds of bugs swarming to the lights. Little hands try catching them and kids jump to reach them. It might as well be Christmas, the way the kids are running around with such joy. I look back at that night in Kigali as a reprieve from the ugliness of poverty. […]

February 02, 2017 The Passionate Heart of a Volunteer

The Passionate Heart of a Volunteer

[…] know about struggles that come their way. For example, bad storms took the roof from Alice’s house and killed the goat we had bought her family one Christmas, through the Compassion Christmas catalog. It has given us a way to share the world beyond our sight with our own children. It is helping them […]

December 12, 2008

Yellow Leaf Spirits

[…] church member, Mr. Sornkreree, befriended the tribe. He wanted to share the good news of Christ with them. About 15 years ago, he organized for his church’s Christmas party to be held in the deep jungle. So he talked to the Malabri’s leader to gather the people in one place for the party. Every […]

March 03, 2012 bowl of Ugandan stew

Could You Eat Like Your Sponsored Child for a Week?

For Christmas my husband and I decided to give our children a gift that would keep on giving, so we decided to sponsor a Compassion child in honor of our kids. It was such an awesome gift that the whole family would enjoy. Our kids were so excited to have another brother, but didn’t […]

September 09, 2013 large group of adults smiling and laughing

Don’t Be Afraid of the Differences

[…] 15 countries and most recently returned from a year in Nairobi, Kenya, where she worked in communications for the human rights organization, International Justice Mission. She is currently based in Dallas, Texas, where she is focusing her attention on reportage and editorial storytelling. family standing in a Christmas tree lot large group of people smiling

November 11, 2020 Katie writes to her sponsored child while sitting on her couch.

How Becoming a Sponsor Gave Me a Heart for Children

[…] my experience writing to children in poverty: Children are delighted by the little things. Little Samuelito in El Salvador wrote me a letter about how he celebrates Christmas, and he mentioned his favorite Christmas dish — pan con pollo (bread with chicken) — in almost every single line. It was clear that he was […]

April 04, 2016 Letter Delivery Process

3 Great Letter-Writing Ideas for the New Letter Delivery Process

[…] paper crafts items and printables for us to mail to the children we sponsor. We have had to work with adjusting our calendars a bit. Writing about Christmas at the end of summer, writing about Easter at Christmas, sending birthday cards three months in advance. As much as I have enjoyed finding and making […]

November 11, 2020 Students from the dance team in the gym, performing in the Christmas Show. They are wearing traditional outfits as they dance.

Facts About Ecuador: The Light of America

[…] with rice, potatoes, avocado and cheese, are commonly served in the mountainous region. Delicious seafood cuisine is very common along the coast. Arroz Navideño is a classic Christmas and New Year dish served throughout Latin American. Made with rice, onion, bell peppers, raisins, nuts and ham, arroz Navideño is a colorful dessert! There is […]

November 11, 2015 Hydrocephalus Philip Top Blogs 2015

They Told Me To Leave Him By the River

[…] register for the program. As superstitious as they are, the parents were suspicious. “But now, after what they have heard and seen the center do and the Christmas gifts that the children received at Christmas, people are now trooping into the project office every day, asking to be given a chance,” Phillip said. This […]

December 12, 2009

A Typical Day at a Child Development Center in Brazil

[…] young mother, enters the colorful room. “Wake up!” she says. The children’s bedroom used to be the family’s kitchen before the improvement they made after receiving a Christmas gift from her son’s sponsor: a new floor and new paint on the bedroom’s walls. The children decorated the room. Renan stands up and starts making his […]

January 01, 2012

Ministry Highlight: East India

[…] home visit with the Child Survival Program Implementer. Sometimes special programs such as a couple’s get-together or a family day are organized. Fathers are also encouraged to attend Christmas programs and graduation. Transitioning Out of the Child Survival Program Because of quota limitations, not every child in the Child Survival Program will be transitioned into […]

December 12, 2008

Compassion on National Public Radio

[…] Club in Southern California has taken on a life of its own. National Public Radio (NPR) will be airing a story about the car club on their Christmas morning program each hour at 10 minutes ‘til the hour. I hope you can catch the segment when it airs because I’d appreciate hearing what you […]

February 02, 2009

Long Time No… Read?

[…] been over a month, I have a lot tell you, so buckle up. *que Top Gun  theme song* Last time we spoke, it was the week before Christmas and I had just made the move from the Web Team to Donor Services. While I am still under Curtis, I am also working closely with two […]

December 12, 2019 An illustration of five different people. Text: Find the perfect gift for everyone on your list.

How Will You Surprise Your Family This Year?

[…] stood out! We love how she uses the catalog to bless her entire family — especially those on a difficult journey! As it is with most families, Christmas is a busy time in my family. During the holidays my husband and I travel across multiple states, balancing celebrations and working around everyone’s busy schedules. […]

December 12, 2012 two Honduran boys with arms around each other

Living in Honduras: A Day in the Life of Alejandro

The atmosphere of Christmastime fills the air of the Moradora de Sion Child Development Center in Honduras, as our staff and tutors get together to prepare a delicious traditional meal for the children. Skilled cooks from the church get ready to make pork tamales to celebrate the best time of the year. Like every […]

April 04, 2015 Good News Rohitha

The Good News of Easter in Sri Lanka

[…] A center in Arunodayapura, Colombo, also had its Easter services, as it does each year. This year, half of its congregation was made up of project families. Christmas is celebrated by everyone in Sri Lanka, irrespective of religion, but Easter is not. Yet, that is now changing as our church partners have been able […]

December 12, 2011 Many children with their hands raised.

Does This One Come in Blonde?

[…] years, I’ve evolved as a sponsor, that my giving has gone from self-focused to others-focused. But I still have to watch my motivations. This year when giving Christmas gifts through a charitable catalog, I had to seriously ask myself what’s the purpose of sending the emails that say “Amber has given a gift in […]

February 02, 2019 sponsor letters around a picture of a boy wearing an orange shirt and white shorts

Learn from President Bush How to Make an Impact on a Child’s Life

[…] once. “Timothy, have you ever heard of the White House? That’s where the President of the USA lives. I got to go to the White House at Christmas time,” President Bush wrote another time. Maybe you can’t share with your sponsored child how many celebrities your pet has met, but kids love hearing about […]

July 07, 2021

These Aren’t Your Mother’s Child’s Milestones

[…] sleeping baby girl is wrapped in a red and yellow blanket. Sleeping in Ghana Girl standing outside her home, wearing her light pink dress she got for Christmas last year. She is holding onto the collar of the dress. Showing off a new dress in the Philippines Girl wearing a blue dress and is […]

March 03, 2015 Facebook Questions

You Asked, We Answered: Facebook Q&A

[…] literally changes every minute as kids get sponsored. We have over 700,000 sponsors in the US. California has the most, followed by Texas. Can we learn how Christmas/birthday gifts of money was spent, what gifts were purchased for the children we support? – Linda You should receive a thank-you letter from your child, 6 […]

October 10, 2019 What Does the Bible Say About Giving?

What Does the Bible Say About Giving?

[…] stack of brightly colored presents sits against a wall Presents What Does the Bible Say About Giving? A woman in a white shirt and red skirt wraps Christmas presents. Wrapping Presents What Does the Bible Say About Giving? A boy in a purple school uniform opens a brightly wrapped present. Opening Presents in Burkina […]

May 05, 2021 Boy wearing a blue shirt with white collar and the background is a blue wall of the kitchen’s front.

Kids Around the World: My Favorite Foods

[…] and coconut chutney. Leach and Moses in Kenya: Chapati In Kenya, Leach and Moses help make “chapati,” which is a flatbread typically served for special occasions like Christmas. Leach shares, “My favorite meal is chapati, and the best part about it is that we all help in its preparation.” Marcos in Colombia: Spaghetti Sometimes […]

January 01, 2020 A man and woman hug three children in school uniforms

Maximizing the Match: Two Families Share How

[…] the $2,500 maximum annual contribution that their company then matched.” Encouraged by the multiplying power of employee matching gifts, the family started funding even bigger Compassion projects. Christmas gifts became donations to Compassion. And even more family members have gotten involved in making personal contributions! “Matching gifts deliver excellent return on investment,” says Bob. […]

November 11, 2018 Unpopular Gifts Nobody Buys and Why You Should

5 Important Gifts Nobody Buys – and Why YOU Should!

[…] met. Even when they’re not very popular. Look, we know that some of the gifts in the catalog aren’t things you would necessarily put on your own Christmas list. So we want to help you rethink that list. Here are the five gifts that are the “least popular” from our Gift Catalog – and […]

May 05, 2018 letter writing ideas

What Can I Share in Letters to the Child I Sponsor?

[…] most needed it? That’s YOU to that special child you’re investing in! Don’t take the honor lightly. Holidays and Traditions Tell him or her how you celebrate Christmas or why Easter is such a big deal to your family. Share Fourth of July memories and write about the history of the holiday. Just as you […]

October 10, 2012 girl holding up letter

How Do One Sponsor’s Letters Offer Support?

In the Philippines, godmothers play an important role in the lives of children. Together with godfathers, they are expected to bring gifts and goodies on Christmas Day, birthdays and other special family gatherings. The godchild will not hesitate to ask for gifts in case the godparent forgets. But more than the bearers of gifts, godparents […]

August 08, 2012 two children holding photos of sponsored children

The Ongoing Journey of a New Sponsor

[…] own children as well. Because correspondence can take so long between us and the children, we’re already planning what we want to do to help them celebrate Christmas and how we can begin to give them a glimpse into our family life. While these children may not be physically here with us, they have […]

December 12, 2010 graphic describing mixing mud in with food

Crackers or Mud?

[…] to make it through each month. We always had to find ways to cut corners. Clothes were hand-me-downs or from Goodwill or friends. We made our own Christmas and Valentines cards. (I remember being embarrassed of that as a child, but today, I do it by choice. I love the idea of putting time […]

September 09, 2014 how to write graphic

How to Write Your Sponsored Child from Your Phone

[…] can take to welcome your sponsored child into your life. Think about all the other times you are snapping photos of your family throughout the year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, school choir performances, dance recitals, family vacations, track meets. Now, you can send off those precious moments quickly and easily as they happen. What a great […]

April 04, 2021

How to Get to Know Your Sponsored Child’s Family

[…] I was in college. I went to a university across the country from where I grew up, so my two worlds never overlapped. But, one year over Christmas break, my college roommate came to visit me at home. After years of hearing me talk about how much I loved my family, she finally got […]

July 07, 2012 Sami Cone and family

Let the Child Sponsorship Journey Begin…

[…] church. We all served in a soup kitchen downtown. We prayed for those we saw on the street. But they weren’t the kids in Haiti. So when Christmas came around, we gathered toys and personal supplies for children our church partners with in Kentucky. We sent gifts oversees. We gave the shoes off our […]

December 12, 2010 group of young man next to an overturned vehicle

Haiti in Realtime: What Defines ‘Non-Violent’?

[…] It helps us to feel less isolated. Gives us some purpose during the long days. So here we are. At the Coconut Villa in Port-au-Prince. With deflated Christmas decorations and swarms of flies. Raindrops form circles on the surface of the pool a few feet away. We’ve spent the morning chatting, telling funny travel […]

February 02, 2014 tom, ann, emma and dimas

A Trip of Small Miracles

[…] Caceres. It seemed providential. By this time, we had our own daughter named Emily who was only one year younger than “our” Emma. We corresponded, we sent Christmas cards, birthday money, more letters, always trying to be encouraging. Emma would send us pictures and tell us of how much she enjoyed school and life […]

April 04, 2021 Two twin boys in Bolivia are wearing chef outfits and tossing flour into the air.

Enjoy This Hot Cross Buns Recipe and Inspirational Easter Devotional

[…] buns were said to have “become holy,” and in 1592 Queen Elizabeth 1 decreed they must be baked at no other time than on Good Friday or Christmas or for funerals! The first recorded reference to them, however, was in the early 1700s with the words to this hot cross buns song: “Good Friday […]

March 03, 2021 A woman wearing a pink shirt and a young boy in a black shirt smile as they hold up a cake reading "Feliz Cumpleanos, Omar," or "Happy Birthday, Omar" in Spanish.

How Do You Make Your Sponsored Child Part of Your Daily Life?

[…] and present) displayed on my desk and in my Bible. I incorporate traditional holiday foods from their countries into my family’s holiday celebrations, such as tamales for Christmas, and send them photos of it. I also send them photos of big life events so they can feel included.” — Megan “I put their names […]

June 06, 2012 tres leches recipe

Cook with Compassion: Tres Leches Cake

[…] soda, I folded it into the batter. Then the batter went into an 8″x11″ baking dish. (Alright, almost all of it. It was delicious batter and tasted just like Christmas spritz cookie dough.) I baked it for 30 minutes at 350 degrees, and it came out nice and golden. Then I took a nice long walk […]

December 12, 2011 mountain in Guatemala

Ministry Highlight: Guatemala

[…] and retreats, special devotionals, worship nights with bonfires, evangelism activities in the community Celebrations for birthdays, Children’s Day, end of the school year, Family Day, rallies, graduations, Christmas Soccer games, small marathons Discussions on the rights and responsibilities of children, ceremonial activities teaching children about our national symbols and how to respect and care […]

September 09, 2020 A child makes the shape of a heart with their hands

6 Authentic Ways to Be Generous but Not Judgmental

[…] you need to apply from it to your life! This post was originally published June 20, 2017, and appeared first on the Compassion Canada Blog Give a Christmas gift to a child in need Kitchens around the world: 10 fascinating photos a child making a heart shape with their hands child-with-hands-in-heart-shape a child raises […]

November 11, 2010

What’s Stopping You From Writing a Letter to Your Sponsored Child?

[…] it and do what I can. But, instead, I don’t do anything. I mean, we send money and we love the chance to send extra for birthday, Christmas, etc., but for once in my life, I’m afraid to make this relationship personal. It forces me to confront how crazy blessed I am on so […]

January 01, 2010 children in Thailand praying

Bringing Christ to Buddhist Villagers

[…] their alms for the day. In every Buddhist ceremony, the community gathers together to celebrate  for the entire day, much in the same way holidays such as Christmas are celebrated in western cultures. Everyone in the community participates in helping and preparing for the ceremony weeks in advance. The community’s collective effort ensures the ceremony […]

December 12, 2008

A New Season, A New Position

[…] which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before . . .” me (Hebrews 12:1b, ESV). Run with me this Christmas. As we welcome the New Year, welcome the change that the Lord has in store. Read blog posts that mention Curtis Fletcher Twinkies-Banana Creme box of […]

January 01, 2009

Haiti News: Changing Children Within a Community

[…] The director shows concern in the way he feeds them. Building the children’s social skills and self-esteem is a key part of the child development center. During Christmas season, children are given the opportunity to develop their talents on stage in the presence of their parents or guardians. The children exchange gifts. And each […]

September 09, 2011 Five colored letter templates

An Improved Way to Write Your Sponsored Child

[…] templates to choose from. You can choose from a variety of colorful prints including whimsical animals, flowers, bold sports themes and even special templates for birthday and Christmas letters. There are choices available for boys and for girls, and for the youngest child to the teenager or young adult in the final years of […]

December 12, 2020 A young boy wearing a red T-shirt holds a black and white goat. He is standing in front of a structure made of mud and wood.

See How Lives Can Change When You Donate Livestock

[…] care of my family. Now I know my children will be sustained.” You can help a family break the poverty cycle when you give a goat this Christmas! Learn More About Giving a Goat! › Donate a goat goats cows pigs chickens donate farm animals give a goat for income generation A young boy […]

November 11, 2013 toggenburg goat with owner

The Ripple Effect of the Toggenburg Goat

[…] take his she-goat to breed with a male Toggenburg. Now, with the goat offspring, he has doubled his income. He continues to fatten the goat and around Christmas, will sell it for a large profit. “I was interested in goats and I learned what’s profitable. I was sitting on so much potential and now […]

September 09, 2011 group of African men

What Does the Aroma of Christ Smell Like?

[…] Perhaps no other sense connects us to memories and emotions as much as scent does. We associate many holidays, places and people with distinct scents. I think Christmas smells like pine trees and cinnamon; camping smells like a combination of campfires, bug spray and toasted marshmallows; and babies smell like baby powder (unless they’re […]

December 12, 2016 Top 10 Instagram Posts of 2016

Top 10 Instagram Posts of 2016

[…] both consume and sell to earn money for other necessities. This means families become more self-sufficient, which leads to healthier children. What a blessing! ???? This # Christmas, give the #gift of a goat or something else for a child in need. Link to our gift catalog is in the bio. #giveback #givelove #animal […]

December 12, 2020 Children in Guatemala playing O Holy Night on xylophones.

This Video of Children Playing “O Holy Night” is Exactly What You Need Today

[…] program. Enjoy this beautiful video, which the students performed in 2019 especially for sponsors to see! On behalf of these talented music students and the more than 2 million young people in Compassion’s program all around the world, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Facts About Guatemala Sponsor a Child Children in Guatemala playing O Holy Night on xylophones.

November 11, 2013 kristen kidd wallet

What’s in Your Wallet?

[…] I could continue the Compassion endeavor. Doubt would creep in, but echoing louder were Kimuna’s letters of perspective and reassurance. When I gave him gift money for Christmas or his birthday, he would offer letters that often read like receipts: one package candies, two packages of seeds for crops, one goat. It was amazing […]

September 09, 2011

Ministry Highlight: Peru

[…] activities such as Bible meditation, program information meetings, and local church activities. Parents are also invited to join in special celebrations such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, Holy Week and church anniversary celebrations.Some Implementing Church Partners plan recreational activities where parents and children can participate together. These are events such as sports tournaments […]

August 08, 2011

Ministry Highlight: El Salvador

[…] Our ministry in El Salvador develops partners through training on topics such as the program field manuals, curriculum and child advocacy. In addition, we have staff retreats, Christmas celebrations, an annual meeting for pastors, business fairs for Implementing Church Partners, project-cluster meetings, and the annual Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit for church leaders and […]

January 01, 2009

Leadership Development Academy

[…] to get in, waiting for that phone call that will let them know if they will be part of the Leadership Development Program or not. “We spend Christmas and New Year’s time pretty stressed waiting for the answer,” says one of the prospects. But, he adds, “This is worth it”. *This content honors our […]

December 12, 2020 poses with her children in their bedroom.

25 Powerful Photos of Children’s Rooms That Will Move You

[…] the home she shares with her grandparents in the Amazonas region in northern Peru. She describes the day she received the toy — at her first Compassion Christmas celebration — as “the happiest day of my life.” The little girl was abandoned by her parents but is being raised in a home full of […]

February 02, 2012 rellenitos

Cook With Compassion: Rellenitos

[…] submitted by Claudia de Ramirez, a ministry Tours and Visits Specialist in Guatemala. I chose this recipe because: I love dessert. I got a deep fryer for Christmas (mmm … donuts … ). I had a couple of ripe plantains sitting on the counter that my husband had bought on a whim. And besides, […]

August 08, 2008 Young child smiling.

My Sisters Are Sponsored. What About Me?

[…] not sponsored, as one might expect to see, this sponsorship on the contrary reinforces the African values of solidarity and sharing between Assanata, Zourata and Mariam. At Christmas, one does not know who of the three girls is sponsored and who is not. Thanks to their spirit of sharing that, with time was sharpened […]

April 04, 2008

Why Me, God?

[…] get a ‘passion’?” I couldn’t have found a passion in me with a flashlight or a search warrant. So I prayed, and I waited. Two weeks before Christmas, I walked out of church on a cold, gray day in a mood to match. I walked down three or four steps into the fellowship area […]

May 05, 2016 Counterintuitive Surprise of Generosity

The Counterintuitive Surprise of Generosity

My friend Mark’s daughter, Julia, is nine. For years she’d been saving money she’d receive from birthday gifts, Christmas and her weekly allowance in a small pink piggy bank. After years of saving, she had $200. When Julia saw a handmade flyer at a local coffee shop posted by a farmer looking for loving […]

February 02, 2012 colombia culture

Ministry Highlight: Colombia

[…] Congress. The National Congress meets annually and each local congress meets monthly. In the congress, they participate in camps, training and celebrations of special events such as Christmas. Specialty Curriculum Topics or Resources Our curriculum has specific lessons on sexuality and relationships from a biblical perspective. Mentors If a student does not have an […]

March 03, 2010

Music as an Instrument to Release Children From Poverty

[…] play any kind of instrument before. After several performances, the children then gave their next performance at the monthly meeting for the parents. They also performed in the Christmas celebration held by the cluster for children from other development centers. The music group has now mastered seven songs. “The harmony that is now heard from […]

July 07, 2013 Man standing next to shelves with bottles.

Compassion Alumni Becomes an Entrepreneur Success Story

[…] high school. But David was firm that he would succeed in life. In our program, David learned carpentry, farming, and herding goats. Whenever he received money for Christmas gifts from his sponsor, David bought pigs and other animals. He developed a passion for farming and studied at the Mbuye Farm School, a less expensive […]

April 04, 2011 woman holding young child

Do Dreams Come True?

[…] changes to her life and that of her child. She could now afford to help her other children with the savings she experienced. “Since then, when it is Christmas time, we have received gifts like new clothes, rice and cooking oil.” Fides remembers that it is not only material provision she has received through the Child Survival Program. […]

March 03, 2010 little girl dressed in pink sitting on a step

Why Children Leave Compassion International’s Child Sponsorship Program

[…] isn’t located and the sponsor has sent a gift, the gift is returned to the Global Ministry Center in Colorado Springs. This money is then added to the Christmas Gift Program to be shared among the children at Christmastime. In Michelle’s case, the staff at her development center were preparing her departure forms to send […]

July 07, 2013 palm tree with buildings behind it

But Then, We Had Compassion

[…] when she begins to talk about her time with Compassion. “My sponsors, Janet and James, did so much for me. They prayed for me. When it was Christmas and my birthday, they sent me gifts. They helped me get through secondary school.” Irene graduated from the Compassion child development program in 2009 and continues […]

May 05, 2008

Non-Traditional Family Traditions

[…] sure there are many other ways to teach children about poverty through day-to-day life. I’ve heard of kids initiating fund raisers and families who rethink gift-giving at Christmas. Some of these families have even gone on one of Compassion’s sponsor tours to see it all with their own eyes. Would you take a few […]

February 02, 2010

Serving the Garo Tribe in Bangladesh

[…] ladies get ownership of the properties from the family, a tradition completely opposite of the Bengali people. The Garo festivals are very colorful and full of music and dancing. Christmas and Easter are the two major religious festivals. Their biggest cultural festival is called Wangala. Wangala is the festival when the Garo thank God for the […]

June 06, 2013 A women in a blue flowered blouse sitting next to a little girl wearing a blue shirt both touching their mouths with their hands

The Cost of Being a Sponsor

[…] And she lived with her very ill grandmother. So I wrote. I prayed. I wrote. I prayed. I wrote. I prayed. I sent birthday gifts. Family gifts. Christmas gifts. Then I wrote and prayed some more. Over the course of five years her letters started to tell a different tale. She accepted Christ. Her […]

February 02, 2008

One Man’s Crawl Space, Another Man’s Castle

[…] like to think we live modestly, if not simply … yet we do have boxes and crates of “things” that we have to store … things like Christmas decorations, keepsakes, seasonal clothing that doesn’t fit into our closets, kids clothes that we pass from one child to the next, extra items that we don’t […]

July 07, 2008

Halftime Report

[…] the story of my journey here would help to highlight why I went against every instinct I had. I was flying back to school after a much-needed Christmas break. I boarded my flight in Denver after a quick layover and was headed back to Virginia for the last semester of my college career. The […]

March 03, 2022 Boy sitting on a rock at the beach and is holding a cross.

About Easter

[…] and cultures calculate the timing differently. This type of holiday is known as a “moveable feast” because it is not celebrated the same day each year, unlike Christmas or Valentine’s Day. Many countries also celebrate the days surrounding Easter as holidays, such as Good Friday and Easter Monday. Traditionally, the week leading up to […]

May 05, 2009

Mother’s Day: Every Day of the Year

[…] really what mothers want? I ask this question mostly because I read recently that Mother’s Day is the second largest gift-giving holiday in America. That’s right, only Christmas is bigger from a retail perspective. I read that in the U.S. we will spend more than $14 billion this year to tell our mothers how […]

April 04, 2011 A group of girls in colorful, traditional dress in Guatemala.

Easter in Guatemala

[…] at Easter, here cooked the traditional way, wrapped in leaves and cooked over the fire. Children usually do not receive gifts at Easter as they do at Christmas. But special food is prepared this time of year such as curtido (a vegetable mix in which all vegetables are diced and cooked in vinegar to […]

October 10, 2008

How Drug Running Affects a Community

[…] and money to the kids. The child who is hungry at home, they send him to buy a fried chicken for them and one for himself. At Christmas eve, they give the child good clothes for free and on the Kings’ Day they give him his bicycle. That’s how the child begins to cherish […]

January 01, 2012 A family reads a letter together

10 Motivating Reasons to Write Your Child

[…] and God loves them, the children’s self-worth is lifted forever and they live with confidence. Children gladly share with their friends the information, the stickers, the verses, Christmas/Easter wishes and all the other gifts they receive from sponsors. Children are also deeply moved by the love expressed for them in these letters. One letter […]

April 04, 2009

Become a Child Advocate

[…] to sponsor a child (she had no idea I was coming to her church that day). Some friends sponsored a child for their elderly parents as a Christmas gift. When handed Child Packets randomly in a concert, some have said the name of the child they were given was the same as that of […]

October 10, 2008

Mistaff Meets His Sponsor

[…] the two families gives Mistaff the nurturing of the father he never had. “They pray for us, buy his books, clothes and things for the house. And Christmas comes with a gift”, says Perusi of the Russell’s influence in her and Mistaff’s life. “I thank God for them, to bless them, for such a […]

January 01, 2012 people in church worshiping with arms raised

Where Is Gratitude in the Midst of Death?

[…] via text message. “He didn’t make it. He died.” My friend, Laura, had lost her father. A sudden heart attack took his life just two weeks before Christmas. It shook all of us. He was young and healthy. How could something like this happen? Fourteen hundred miles away, little Gloria, a sponsored child in […]

April 04, 2009 two women in coats standing on city sidewalk

A Sponsorship Story for Ordinary People

[…] arenas, so it was goodbye until Dec. 3, 2007, when Michelle was able to come and spend some time with us at our house. We decorated our Christmas tree, and Larissa showed Michelle around the city of New Haven. One of Michelle’s dreams was to see a Broadway show. Compassion made that happen! On […]

March 03, 2008

10 Questions With Mike Hinckfoot (Part II)

[…] was packed into a small room with 20 LDP guys (no ladies), laughing at goofy jokes, making fun of one another, engrossed in stupid guy humor, singing Christmas carols loud and off-key, praying for miracles — to release the captives and rebuild nations — and not superficial wants. And I knew without a doubt […]

September 09, 2008 south view of the White House

Wess Stafford Goes to Washington

[…] his little dog and told the child ‘she knows lots of famous people.’ In another letter, after you became President, he mentioned that he would be spending Christmas with his son, ‘who lives in a big white house.’” As I went down the line I thanked Laura Bush for being such a champion of […]

January 01, 2013 jon bauer

12 Cheeseburgers

[…] them two cheeseburgers each. They looked up at me with wide eyes filled with awe and were quickly overtaken by excitement — like it was their first Christmas. My heart broke for these boys and all I could say was, “Jesus loves you and I love you and this is just a small way […]

October 10, 2020 Group of children, posing for a photo. There are buildings and more people along a tall wall, fence in the background.

Facts About the Philippines: Pearl of the Orient Seas

[…] other Asian and American influences. Despite their turbulent political history, Filipinos are friendly, fun-loving people who enjoy gatherings and festivals. They also love to celebrate an extended Christmas season, beginning as early as September and continuing through January! Family and religion are valued by Filipinos, as well as an appreciation for art, fashion and […]

January 01, 2013 man with his arm around young boy sitting on a dock

Our #ItsAboutGiving Contest Winners

[…] images on Instagram and Facebook and asked you to blog about giving. We also ran some contests and raised some money for children in need through our Christmas gift catalog. Thank you for your participation, your generosity and your support of our ministry. Now, without further ado, we’d like to share with you the […]

May 05, 2015 second friday letter writing club featured

Top 5 Pinterest Ideas for Letter Writing

[…] to be more creative. Who wouldn’t want to receive a little booklet filled with surprises? Sharlene pinned this creative way to send a themed gift. Valentine’s Day, Christmas, birthdays, Bible stories, encouraging notes — you could fill the pockets with anything! I love creating simple things to mail! This colorful pop-up card, pinned by […]

May 05, 2015 a cell phone with the compassion app on the screen

How to Write a Letter from the New Compassion App

[…] another! It’s as easy as sending a text to a family member or friend. There are many different stationery designs available to choose from, including birthday and Christmas designs, so you can send a special message to your child. You can also add up to 3 photos straight from your phone’s photo gallery directly […]

May 05, 2024 Young women in red and white dresses are dancing on the track inside the stadium. There are people on the grass holding signs and people sitting in the stands in the background.

Fun Facts About El Salvador: The Little Thumb of America

[…] a large role in El Salvador, where 43.3% of people identify as Roman Catholic and 33.9% are evangelical Christian, while 18.6% are nonreligious. Learn about Easter and Christmas celebrations in El Salvador! Traditional Clothing of El Salvador How do Salvadorans dress? Clothing in El Salvador is contemporary, similar to that worn in the United […]