Besides giving a caption for this very cute photo, what country do you think the photo was taken in?

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Besides giving a caption for this very cute photo, what country do you think the photo was taken in?
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“Hey, cool! It’s the world’s biggest water barrel! I’M FAMOUS!!!!” 😉
Must be some african country
Caption: Any food?
“This plan seemed a lot better in my head…”
yeah…im safe one can see me…
“They’ll never find me in here!!! I’ve disappeared!!!”
Tell me again how you play “Pin The Tail On The Donkey?”
in the hope…
Just a little closer…
I love that Silly Song! It’s been a long time; I had sold my VHS collection at a garage sale years ago.
For anyone that’s missed it, Chris G. confirmed that someone had correctly guessed Ghana as the setting of this picture.
“Oh, where is my hairbrush? Oh where is my hairbrush? Oh, where,
oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh,where oh, where … is my hairbrush?” (Veggie Tales)
Oh, where was this taken?, Oh where was this taken? Oh, where, oh, where, oh where, oh where… was this taken? I don’t know.
Put your head in….
A barrel of laughs….
If I can’t see you, you can’t see me!
It’s from Togo.
“If you listen, you can hear the ocean.”
No idea where the photo was taken.
My Caption: “A New Toy! Watch me teleport to Mars!”
Such a cute picture .
I think some where in Africa .
Cute photo! I’m guessing somewhere in Africa. Maybe Uganda or Rwanda?
Caption: Nope, no more fish in this barrel!
Hide and Go Seek!
If I can’t see you, you can’t see me!
hmm…there USED to be water in here…
Aww, the helmet idea was already used . . . I have another one . . . “Aren’t there supposed to be monkeys in here?”
“Just trying on my new helmet.”
There — now I’m invisible from Mom.
Your captions are EXCELLENT! Keep ’em coming.
Mike Van guessed the correct country. It is Ghana.
My caption: “Scraping the bottom of the barrel. Please help in the fight of the global food crisis.”
Warning: Cookie jar openings are smaller than they appear; do not insert head.
Ghana perhaps?
I’ve got you now chicken!
I guess three, DR, Burkina Faso, or Colombia.
“Ug. These helmets get heavier every year.”
“Who said there was a chicken in every pot?”
It looks like it could be Kenya or Tanzania.
“No, Mom she is not in here either!”
Ah-ha! The perfect hiding spot!
Heh-LOOOOooo!! Anybody home?
Looks like either DR/Haiti, or somewhere in Africa (take your pick of country from the 6 where Compassion is).
I know I put my sponsor’s letter somewhere!
Can you hear me now?
I think this is from somewhere in South America. Maybe Peru?