I notice that the very simple things I believed and held onto in my early Christian life have not changed. They have kept me growing in the faith.
As a young Christian, I was trained to be faithful in little things. As a working wife and mother, I have found ways to be faithful to my ministry work while adding on other responsibilities.
Where do I get the motivation from? How am I doing this? The answer: loyalty.
Loyalty means not changing, faithful. Loyalty is the principal qualification for every minister (1 Corinthians 4:2).
God has called this ministry to champion the cause of poor children in the world.

We have been blessed with wonderful men and women who work tirelessly to protect the integrity of the ministry.
Satan knows it will be difficult to strike the ministry from outside, so his strategy is to do it from within. Read John 13:21. With only one disloyal person from within, a whole ministry will be in trouble.
Disloyalty is a process. Here are a few things I have learned to associate with becoming disloyal:
- An independent spirit
When a person begins to believe that the rules of the organization no longer apply to him, he can become disloyal. - Easily offended
The offended can easily betray us. - Passivity
When a person doesn’t involve himself in much, he is in the passive stage of the disloyal process (Jeremiah 48:10). - Critical spirit
This is the stage of noticing and magnifying fault (Numbers 12:1). - A political spirit
This is what Absalom had in 2 Samuel 15:3-4.
Your loyalty must be to the higher authority. We must be examples for others to follow in what we do and what we say (1 Corinthians 11:1).
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!'” — Matthew 25:21, NIV
Prayer: Lord, grant us the grace to be found faithful to the people you have and will put over us.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Linda Agbehiadzie is a housekeeper in our office in Ghana.
Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.
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God bless you for blessing us!!