Mirrors are excellent tools. I use one every day. Looking into a mirror is often one of my first actions of the day.
With mirrors I see details about myself I otherwise would not know exist.
For our physical well-being mirrors are important. Without them, who knows what we would look like?
But physical mirrors are not the only type of mirrors. There are spiritual mirrors we encounter as well. And they are all around us.
We may not always see them, but they exist and can show us a great deal about our spiritual condition.
Spiritual mirrors are not normal mirrors. They are not a tangible piece of formed glass hanging on a wall. Spiritual mirrors are people, experiences, challenges, tragedies, etc. that show us our spiritual maturity.
Spiritual mirrors often appear unexpectedly but reflect God to us forever. Without spiritual mirrors we cannot experience God fully.
When I was a newlywed, 23-year old seminary student, my wife and I were introduced to Compassion at a Michael W. Smith concert.

During a break we ventured to a table that was covered with spiritual mirrors. The pictures of the children needing sponsors invaded our hearts.
My wife and I picked up one picture after another, looking at the children and reading about their lives.
Although we had gone to in the concert to praise our God, He showed us more of who He is. And we were compelled to act.
“The righteous person knows the rights of the poor, but the wicked one does not understand these concerns.” — Proverbs 29:7 (HSCB)
The actions that blossom from our time spent looking in spiritual mirrors are so very important. They are important because through them we become a divine reflection of our God.
When we experience more of Him and we follow through with what we know honors Him we become like a mirror; we reflect His love, His mercy, and His truth to others.
Being a divine reflection brings glory and honor to our Savior.
Receiving letters from our sponsored child and seeing how he has grown is a tremendous blessing. Getting updates on his progress in school is encouraging. Understanding the environment he lives in is eye opening.
But sponsoring a child is not about us and it’s not about the children. It’s about God.
How has God used your child sponsorship experience to make you a divine reflection of Him?
What is keeping you from reflecting Christ more in your life?
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Guy Burke is a husband and a father of two and has been a Compassion sponsor for eight years. He serves as Associate Pastor at First Baptist Church in Greenville, MS, and likes to share his teachings at www.ardorministries.com.
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I posted a comment on this a few days ago — for some reason it didn’t go through…
But I came across a quote today that brought me back to this post.
“There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror reflecting it.”
It’s from a poem by Edith Wharton.