You can also view this video as Rest of the Children on YouTube.
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Hi Angie!
I think that your passion to help people in The Philippines is inspiring. All of the decisions regarding the children who are in Compassion’s program are made in the country office. If you would like to request certain children be admitted to the program, you would need to contact the country office in The Philippines. To request their contact information, please call (800)336-7676 or email ([email protected]).
You also said that you were interested in volunteering for Compassion. Compassion’s volunteer base is called the Advocate’s Network. To find out more information about The Advocate’s Network and to apply to become an advocate, please use the following link:
Hi Wess, I wrote a comment earlier and when I click “your ground rules” to find out, my message gone, not sure if it went through if not, Here’s another one. It happened that I stumbled into your web and listen to your video, “what happen to the rest of the children”. Your compassion is very obvious to many. I’m glad that there are people like you who followed and obeyed Jesus commands to help and love the poor especially children. I was born in the Philippines and experienced poverty through this, I have a desire in my heart to help families who can’t afford to send their children to school, but Iam limitted, no job etc. Perhaps, this is God’s will that I stumbled into your website so I can seek help for their behalf. There are many areas in Phils. that families and children needs help both physical and spiritual, they’re truly in need. Churches members coulden’t afford to send their kids to school. I’ve been there & I knew these people… Hope and pray that someday, somehow your ministry is able to contact them and share the blessings that God has entrusted to you.I believe that God is using your ministry to save people from poverty both physical and spiritual. I pray that He’ll continue to guide you and your staff in the field in honesty and integrity to glorify His name and someday He’ll say, well done good and faithful servant. I am happy to volunteer in your ministry, just let me know what I can do. I believe Jesus return is very near and He’s looking for more workers… I believe working in God’s company is very satisfactory inspite of difficulties. May be this is the reason why I don’t have a job at the moment bec. He wants me to work for Him. If you don’t trust me it’s ok. To let you know, thank you for helping my people. God bless to all of you.
I’m in tears again because of the heart of this ministry…and the willingness of its leaders to be obedient and faithful to God.
Thank you.
I love learning new intriguing things about Compassion that continues to encourage my faith!!!
It’s so special to hear this story again, Wess. When we bury something — such as I have done in the mountains as well — it really turns that place into an altar, doesn’t it? Even if you think of the burial of a person, it becomes an altar, for we are placing them in His hands, out of our reach and control. The only One, obviously, that can raise them again is God HImself, in His way and time. Similarly, the only One that can raise up to fulfillment this prairie vision is God, and He is doing it, one child at a time. I’m so privileged to be a part of this ministry.
Thank you so much for making these movies and sharing the stories of Compassion. I am blessed to see what God has done through you and how you have been faithfull to his calling.
I also appreciated seeing the picutre of my grandfather, Ed Kimball. I know that he is smiling down from heaven right looking at all of the lives that have been and are being changed.
For the children. Thank you.
What a wonderful story you’ve shared, Wess. Thanks for letting us be a part of the vision…
I heard God’s voice speak to me like this…once.
And I’ll never forget it.
Isn’t it amazing how He will work through us, in us, around us when we listen to Him?!