young lady wearing orange shirt

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Children all around the world have dreams about their futures. We asked some of the children in our program what they want to be when they grow up.

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blue wall with Bernard Jesus is Lord written on it

How Should We Handle Fear?

The world tells us to simply show no fear; pretend it doesn’t exist or exhibit behavior that displays calm or confidence in your abilities. But how far will this mindset take us?

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Son of God sign.

Spread the Word About the Son of God Movie

Jimmy Mellado, our President and CEO, shares what we have in common with the Son of God movie project.

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My Walk With Jesus

In this chapel message, President and CEO Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado explores the four stages of spiritual development through his own walk with Jesus, from his simple faith as a boy through his broken times which have enabled him to reach a point of “just love.”

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Growing up

The Cost of Child Labor [INFOGRAPHIC]

Child laborers are not simply working an after-school job. They are children who have had their safety, education and childhoods taken from them.

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the locust effect

The Locust Effect: How Violence Plagues the Poor

The locusts of everyday violence have been allowed to swarm unabated in the developing world. And they are laying waste to the hope of the poor. – Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros

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The Love of Literacy

When a church in Bolivia discovered many of the mothers enrolled its Child Survival Program couldn’t read or write the official language of the country, it acted. This is what the church did.

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a graphic with a serious looking girl with text what is a child worth?

Human Trafficking Awareness Day: What is a Child’s Life Worth?

Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. By learning the facts about this terrible crime against humanity, you can be the change for exploited children around the world.

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healthy smiles

Healthy Smiles

Smiles transcend time and place. We would know, we get to see a lot of them.

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Sign saying good gift better gift.

Provide a Lifetime of Hope for a Child in Poverty

What if, instead of giving gifts that break, expire or get used up, you gave a gift that lasts forever?

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spiritual development shared bible

Spiritual Development of Children in Poverty

One of the objectives of our Child Sponsorship Program is to help children become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults. To do this, our holistic development strategy includes four domains: physical, socio-emotional, cognitive and spiritual.

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Give a gift in Jesus' name catalog image

Give a Gift in Jesus’ Name

This Christmas, what if, instead of giving gifts that break, expire or get used up, you gave a gift that will last forever?

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