young boy on a surfboard

How Is Creativity in Education Changing Young Lives?

For us, education is as diverse as our children. From Taekwondo to bead making to surfing, our children do more than sit at a desk.

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The Compassion Child Sponsorship Program: What Does Research Show?

Over a period of two years, a team of researchers led by Dr. Bruce Wydick studied adults who were registered with the Compassion Child Sponsorship program from 1980-1992. What did the team discover?

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a girl sitting next to a dresser by a yellow backpack

“You (and Your Letters) Made Me a Good Child”

If you were forced to quickly leave your home of 17 years, what items would you grab first? For Maribel, she rescued the items most valuable to her — her sponsor’s letters.

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smiling girls

The Emerging Metrics of Doing Good

Despite conventional wisdom, the accurate headline is that investments to fight abject global poverty are showing incredible returns. While that’s good news in itself, the subhead indicates that we have a new ally in doing good: independent, empirically tested outcomes for charitable work.

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Rwandan countryside

The Long African Walk

We desire to serve the neediest possible. Sometimes that means traveling to where buses and cars cannot easily go.

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Three Compassion Staff of Scandinavia standing in front of a Compassion branded wall

Launch of Compassion Scandinavia

In 2013, a global Compassion partner office was opened in Scandinavia. Compassion Scandinavia CEO Leif Ingvald Skaug shares his prayers and hopes for the future of Compassion in Scandinavia.

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Jacki Nyaga

Ministry Insider: Jackie Nyaga, A Voice for Children in Poverty

Our field staff are some of the most remarkable people around! Jackie Nyaga is no exception.

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young boy sitting on ground reading

5 More Ways God Wants You To Rest

God is honored by our hard work but as our Creator, He knows we need rest from tasks that make us tired, challenges that demand our energy and concerns that cause stress.

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small child sleeping in hammock

6 Ways to Experience a Summertime Sabbath Rest

The biblical concept of Sabbath is more than a day off work. It’s an intentional commitment to rest and have reflection and communion with God — a healthy balance to a busy week.

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a hand lighting a white candle

Kaitlin’s Wish: How to Make a Wish Come True

Because Kaitlin was a child fighting a terminal disease, she was granted one special wish. But Kaitlin was no ordinary young woman and her one wish will allow the wishes of children around the world to come true for generations.

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photos of children waiting for sponsors

Hope Deferred

Do children waiting for a sponsor question their value based on whether they have a sponsor or not? Do they compare themselves to their sponsored friends and find themselves wanting?

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child sponsorship works infographic

Does Compassion International Child Sponsorship Work?

Today, thanks to the research of Dr. Bruce Wydick, professor of economics and international studies at the University of San Francisco, there is research data showing how and why child sponsorship works through our program. And the results are very exciting!

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