Our Little Ones Aren’t So Little Anymore
Over the past 60 years more than 1 million children have experienced Compassion. Now, these “little ones” aren’t so little.

The Mighty Act of a Small Whisper
Sponsoring change is a declarative act that starts as a whisper and builds into a loud and celebratory shout. It is about investing in the things of heaven – in things like compassion, belief, and “the least of these.”

The Cost of Child Labor [INFOGRAPHIC]
Child laborers are not simply working an after-school job. They are children who have had their safety, education and childhoods taken from them.

Give the Gospel a Chance Through Small Actions
There’s more to our sponsorship than we might imagine – more heart, more inspiration, more grace and more meaning than we give ourselves credit for. There is deep, abiding, eternal meaning to our small decision to sponsor a child.

Human Trafficking Awareness Day: What is a Child’s Life Worth?
Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. By learning the facts about this terrible crime against humanity, you can be the change for exploited children around the world.

Five Fast Facts About Africa
You may have heard Africa referred to as the “Dark Continent.” Did you know that name has nothing to do with skin tone, but was coined by 19th century European explorers because of the mystery this vast land held?

So You Want to Advocate for Children?
In her first couple of years as a volunteer child advocate, Vicki strongly encouraged a couple of enthusiastic sponsors to join the Advocate Network.

What Is God’s Greatest Treasure?
What keeps Juli involved with serving children in poverty? Not an organization, paperwork or activities. It’s children.

What’s the Reality for Mothers Around the World?
There are 2 billion moms in the world. How can we help mothers around the world who live in extreme poverty?

Malaria Bites! Bite Back.
What does malaria feel like? If malaria goes untreated, what can it lead to?

A Creative Writing Assignment for World Malaria Day 2013
Half of the world’s population, 3.3 billion people, is vulnerable to malaria. And it’s all because of mosquitoes.

I Have Malaria (or Thought I Did)
I came home from Ghana with severe chills, headache and a fever. I’d been in Africa two weeks, and these symptoms alarmed me. Could I be infected with malaria?