Young child outside of run-down buildings.

God’s Glory Displayed in Our Suffering

When we or the people we care for are facing difficult circumstances, we can always trust in Jesus. He often displays His works in our lives through our sufferings.

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girls standing in circle holding hands

Relationship: An Art of Awesome Worship

Imagine! There is a big donor conference to raise millions of dollars to further God’s kingdom. Jesus has been invited to chair this conference. A donor announces a donation of 100 million dollars, but the Master is not impressed.

The people around wonder why He is not cheering up! The Master says to the donor, “Go with your money till you restore your relationship with your business partner; then I can receive this gift.”

It is not uncommon for us to claim we love God, whom we have not seen, yet we cannot get along with the people we can physically see, reach, and touch. To Jesus, this attitude is hypocritical.

We need to get the unity of the body of Christ right before we can do any meaningful art of worship and service to the Master.

Nature has destined the termite to exhibit the concept of self-destruction. Termites have the natural inclination to eat each other up in times of hunger. The devil would be happy to see us do this to ourselves.

Paul admonishes us about this in his writing: “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other” (Galatians 5:15).

The growth of this ministry, like any other organization, comes with complexities and strains that affect our relationships with one another. We need to demonstrate the attitude we see in Jesus’ prayer in Matthew 6:12 — “Forgive us our sins as we forgive others.”

group of girls holding hands and praying

God’s blessing for us will depend on our ability to bear with one another in love and see ourselves as one body performing different functions (Roman 12:4).

Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. —Matthew 5:23–24

Prayer: Lord, make us all one.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nyarko Twum-Barimah works as a Partnership Facilitator Supervisor for Compassion Ghana.

Read all the One in Spirit devotionals.

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It Is Not In Vain

Here on this earth, we are the hands, eyes, and feet that God uses as instruments to fulfill His purpose and His dream.

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light shine

Brighten the Corner Where You Are

Just as Daniel shined before his colleagues—despite threats and difficult situations — we need to let our light shine before the people God places in our paths.

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called to be encouragers

We Are Called to Be Encouragers

We live in a fallen world, and the Enemy provides endless opportunities for us to be discouraged and fearful. So it makes sense that the Word of God, our spiritual armor, is filled with examples of people encouraging others.

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view of Compassion office building

View from the Contact Center

The more often we can take ownership and responsibility for any action, the more unified we become.

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Good and Pleasant

Don’t think about your grumpy supervisor or your stubborn subordinate; think about yourself! What can you do to change your office atmosphere?

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Different Yet Similar

Despite the differences in religious affiliations, we all worship together, and we see each other as belonging to the same Father.

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Citizens of the Kingdom of God

Our commission is to make disciples of all nations, acting as Jesus’ hands and feet during our time on earth, seeing children, families, and communities released from spiritual and physical poverty in His name.

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It’s Better to Be Inside the Ark

Despite all the difficulties, conflicts, and unbearable situations, it is better to be inside the Church than outside the Church. It is better to be under God’s covering than outside of it.

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sharing the good news

They Know

We emphasize God’s Word in the curriculum at the student centers. The tutors who impart the Word to the children are a blessing to the program and the beneficiaries.

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keeping god's word in your heart

Is the Word in You?

Where have you kept the “Word”? Having the Bible in your bag, under your pillow, or on your desk is not enough. The only way to walk blameless before God is by reading and meditating on it, allowing the Word to prune you, shape you, and enable you to become a candidate for heaven.

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