homes in a city in a developing nation

A Pear and a Prayer

Tears poured down Cesar’s face. He was ready to give up. You could feel it in every fiber of his being.

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three children lying on the grass

Just in Time

We are a team focused on one goal: to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Let us therefore unite in spirit and purpose to accomplish this goal.

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A Ministry that Makes God Smile

Among the 200 children at the new child development center, 33 had obvious signs of severe malnutrition. Some even had difficulty standing for their sponsorship photo.

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It’s All About Jesus

Nothing makes sense, everything is pointless, if it is not all about Jesus.

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infant asleep in basket

The Simple Art of Love

Jesus came in simple form: a baby, born into a poor family, in a stable, without all the bells and whistles. He ministered in the same way, befriending the unlovely and telling stories people could understand.

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sleeping infant

Relishing Rest

Let’s take God’s example of rest seriously by setting aside time to relax physically and renew ourselves emotionally and spiritually.

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Making People a Priority

Jesus gave priority to people. By helping them in different ways, He served them and made them His priority.

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fish in net

Placed in His Hands

We join this story as the apostles return after Jesus had sent them out. They were eager to tell their rabbi about “all they had done and taught,” but “many people” made conversation impossible.

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baby in white clothing

Holding Joy

Her rich dark skin was perfect. Her smile made me forget all my worries. If I concentrate hard enough, I still hear her infectious laugh invade my senses.

A Rwandan baby girl

Rwandan baby girl enrolled in our Child Survival Program

This little Rwandan child, only 3 years old, changed me profoundly. Her name was Arianne.

There is one in every country, every place you visit. One like Arianne. One child who seems to capture you in a way you didn’t think possible.

How could one little angel grab you when you barely just met?

You do not speak the same language, but the Father gives you a piece of His deep love, and in return, teaches you about Himself.

A few years ago, I had the incredible opportunity to stay in Rwanda at a home for children who were abandoned or orphaned. Every moment there felt alive with activity and serving.

One day, the Father gave me a rare moment of silence. The older children were at school, the babies were taking naps, and Arianne had just awakened from her rest. She crawled right into my lap and just held my hand, curled into a ball, and sucked her tiny thumb.

She didn’t try to talk to me or point at things. She was simply still in my arms.

It was exactly what I wanted. I did not need her to color me a picture or try to entertain me. I just wanted her to be with me!

That day, the Lord used Arianne to teach me a lesson: He wants us to come to Him, crawl in His lap, and just be still. There is no sweeter joy.

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. —Psalm 62:1–2, NIV

Prayer Lord, when life feels overwhelming, please provide ways for us to retreat and crawl into your lap. Thank you for wanting to spend time with us and for being the God who loves lavishly.

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Read all the One in Spirit devotionals. 

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Children Are Always a Blessing (Even When You’re Not Expecting Them)

As the country director, Sujitha Siri Kumara dialogues with pregnant and new mothers from our Child Survival Program. With his experience of sleepless nights with twin babies, he is able to identify with their struggles.

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A man praying.

A Very Large Plank

Corrupt regimes oppress their citizens, slave traders, pimps and global corporations. Outrageous. Maddening. Deeply sad. But what corruption lives on in our own hearts?

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exterior of church in Nicaragua

Total Dependence on God

Genuine relationship with God is more important than any of our leadership skills or theological training.

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