Some people ask why we focus on individual child development rather than focusing on community development.
Here’s the answer – straight from the mouth of Tony Neeves, our vice president of international development.
Some people ask why we focus on individual child development rather than focusing on community development.
Here’s the answer – straight from the mouth of Tony Neeves, our vice president of international development.
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Hi, Jenn,
It speaks of the integrity of that organization that they would let you know, so that’s wonderful. I wonder if you can contact them and request to be in touch with the child, even though the child has left their system. I know that when the first child, I sponsored departed, I was able to fill in a form, releasing Compassion of all responsibility and my addess was sent to the child’s family with the request that I still would like to stay in touch. I wonder if they have something like that…
About 4 1/2 years ago I began sponsoring my first Compassion child along with a child from a community-based sponsorship organization. This month I received word that the project in my non-Compassion child’s community had been completed and so I would no longer be sponsoring her. I hope my support made a difference to her, but I have no way of knowing for sure. I can tell I am affecting my Compassion kids’ lives however, because of the regular letters, pictures, and updates I receive. I have sky-high hopes for my Compassion children’s futures, and I am 100% in favor of child-based ministries like yours. Keep up the wonderful work!
Hi, Tracie,
That’s a great idea Mary. You can also go on line to the Compassion website and then just click on “Share Compassion” and there is all kinds of information available there.
Hi, You can call Compassion at 1-800-336-7535 and request an application to fill out. Hope that helps you out.
I’d love to become an advocate. I would love to know how to get involved in that way.
…just a curious question in the mix of all things that are developing with this blog site
…when will the Leadership Development Program (LDP) part of Compassion begin to be noticed and highlighted
…this IS an exceptional part of CI and what can happen, ultimately, to kids who grow up through any one of the CI projects
…would be very glad to help the LDP gain some added and need awareness
…I’ve spend the past 15 months consulting in this part of CI and seeing the mentoring component of the exceptional LDP program get enhanced with the very capable leadership of Jacob Kitonsa, CI/LDP International Director
…I think that’s his correct title…with all the growth changes that keep happening at CI 🙂
I really like this video. Tracie, you might consider becoming an advocate. It’s been a huge blessing in my life as a matter of fact, I found a sponsor for a child today. And every time, you find a sponsor, it’s almost as exciting as sponsoring a child yourself. You also get a lot of training about Compassion and how it works. This video was actually part of the training when I took it.
Nice video/explanation, and I see all the other videos from Compassion as well on youtube! I’m going to try to incorporate them into my blog on occasion.
The video is working now. Sorry about that everyone.
I was also unable to view the video. I did go to youtube though and watched another video that focused on the Child Survival Program. I learned about this program about a month ago by just browsing on Compassions website. The more I learn about it the more excited I become that Compassion puts so much focus on Child Development. I don’t know how and I don’t know why but I really feel that I am suppose to be involved in this program one day. I can’t wait to see how the Lord works that out. Thanks for all you are doing to make sure these children reach their God-planned potential.
When I go to play this video, the message appears as, “Were sorry, this video is no longer available”.
I was able to view Dr. Stafford’s you tube video just fine.
Can anyone give me any suggestions or comments.
Thank you.
no video (I’m certain it was good if my man Tony was in it).
I got a “video is no longer available” message.